Yeah I couldn't finish it. None of the choices matter at all. I didn't peek on them having sex, but later the MC admits to peeking on them having sex when I never did. So complete inconsistency there. They ask about if them having sex bothers you, and you get to choice to lie and say it's fine, or tell the truth(?) and say it bothers you. Only, the option to say it's fine is greyed out and it only lets you say it bothers you.
Then you are offered a choice for a threesome, and you can turn it down, and then it asks if you want to have sex with Abigail and your only option is Yes, Yes, and Yes. No option to say No. And then you have the threesome anyways. I shut it off after that.
And that text box for choices that blocks the entire screen is just weird. So sorry, this is a no-go for me. The inconsistency in the choices, choices not even mattering, the game just railroads you on a path regardless of what you choose.
Wish you the best of luck with your game, but it's just not my cup of tea.