What !!!!
I've started to play the game, and what do i read : "... and Napoleon would surely have destroyed the world"
(1st of all : all my apologies for my bad english...)
Ok, Napoleon was an emperor, who have made a lot of wars, conquere a lot of countrys... I agree, it's a bad guy !!

Despite this negatives points, he have made a lot of great things for the people, for exemple :
- create "prud'homme" (wich is a court who defend the employes vs the boss)
- create the "legion d'honneur" (a medal given to law classes of soldiers to honor there bravery - before that, only rich people were rewarded) - and this medal provides a rent for the family (that's mean, if a soldier was killed at war, his wife and children were helped with money)
- make access to education for all (actual schools in france cames from this)
- and a lot of others changes in social, law, education, etc...
So, i'm sorry, i don't want to defend napoleon... but napoleon is not hitler...
(i was smiling when i've read this sentence in the game.. I'm not upset at all... I just write this comment to give some informations about napoleon, who maybe are not tells in other countrys !!)
(And i repeat, i'm sorry for my bad english !! Napoleon hates england, i think that's why english is so badly teaching in france !! ;D )