HTML - The Princess Trap [v0.5.1] [Natnatnat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a level of craft which I never expected to find on this site of all places.

    Its a feminization game, make no doubt about it, but unlike other games which all seemingly blend together after a while, this one manages to stand out from the rest thanks to its superb writing and premise.

    Taking place in a fantasy world, putting you in the position of princess, surrounded by a unraveling plot that draws you in deeper and deeper, not to mention the assortment of characters that you will meet. All of it, is written incredibly well, dare I say this is possibly one of the most well written HTML games on this site, perhaps the best.

    As it stands on version 0.5.1, the game is seemingly far from complete, but what it currently holds has already both satisfied me and left me wanting even more. For now, the game is a little linear, more like a CYOA game rather than full sandbox, but this honestly helps play into its incredible writing more. Even with this "limitation" the choices available are all satisfactory. The characters are quite diverse in personality and all are interesting to boot, its incredible how such a relatively short game has already made me love characters I just barely met.

    In terms of sexual content, the game is rather light, with more teasing and foreplay type stuff being the brunt of it. Even then, the game itself holds well enough that you will barely even notice the fact your supposed to be playing an adult game.

    Overall, whats available already is a incredible piece of writing that I can not wait to see more of. Updates seem to be rather infrequent though it should be noted that progress was halted in 2024 due to the author's health. Nonetheless, as I write this, a new update will be publicly releasing by the end of the week and I am looking incredibly forward to it. I only hope the author finishes this to the end and that this game doesn't end in limbo like so many others because its genuinely that good.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Sum Fu King Gai

    Good story, some interesting characters, just don't think too much about it or it falls apart fast. (Just pretend you have an int dump stat.)

    So far, v0.5.1,is a CYOA style story, you can resist, just try to blend in, or embrace the feminization. Their are a good few stats behind the scenes but I'm not sure how much impact the have on the story as of yet. But it does mean your personality is being built for future use.

    The game is almost all text based and very little sexual content as far as I saw. So if you want a decent read with some choice and consequence you could do a lot worse.

    Also the 'back' option that some HTML games have is in this so you can read a few pages forward then go back if it goes off from what you expected.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story with fantastic writing, probably the best I've ever come across on this site. A diverse cast of characters and a wide range of choices to develop the player character, that quickly immerse you into the world. I literally can't wait for more, this games deserves to get all the love and support in the world.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice stat-base CYOA that actually has a story with depth and a strong feminization element. Pretty rare if you ask me. The story is not long even after 2 years of initial release since 2023 but what is there is solid and good read. It is a game which you should try out even if you are not into feminization.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Thing I've come across this year on this site. At first it appears pretty bleak compared to what other projects of this genre looks like, but the authenticity and writing of the story is what made me realize why its so special. Despite being a transformation based game, it has quite good insight of the gender differences and how the MC gradually comes to term with their situation, all in all its quite heartwarming to see them develop relations, learn their way into this new world. And as to why I like it so much because its not tacky, overly promiscuous, and excellent pacing(of course the story that is, not talking about the transformation).
    Likes: Fyo
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Hatsume Kill

    The best HTML game by far. Great writing and characters that you care about. The feminization pacing is good though, a bit slowish but it's a text story based game so nothing stupid to grind. Always feel like you're moving the story forward and not just doing pointless tasks and repeating the day like so many other html games. Only thing I fear is that this game is too good to be true and it'll fall apart at the end lol. Hopefully the dev can keep up the quality and finish the game with a satisfying ending to the routes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    No notes apart from I need more!! Found myself caring for characters I'd hate and vice versa, I can't praise the writing enough. Transition theme is well done and tasteful(from my playthrough)

    There's a couple moments to get a little depraved with it that are really nice and feel well implemented without being tacky
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game.

    It's kind of a CYOA story like choice of games, where you read a story and make meaningful choices.

    The story is really immersive and well written. I usually skip most of the text when playing games around here, but I enjoyed reading this one completely.

    It's fully text with some illustrations, not a visual novel. I find this just as good considering the writing quality, but if you don't enjoy reading it might be hard for you.

    Thank you the dev - or should I say author? - for this very nice adventure.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I’ve played quite a few HTML games before, but this is the first to actually get me immersed in the story. The characters, worldbuilding, and writing are all great here. It’s definitely a slow burn if you’re looking for a quick wank, but I think this pacing works to its advantage, making every subtle blow to the protagonist’s masculinity feel all the more impactful.

    I’ve only finished one path, but I’ve explored some branches, and it feels like there are very different outcomes depending on the choices you make. This is also the only HTML game I’ve played where there are hints as to why you got a certain outcome or why you can’t access a certain scene. There are no spoilers, just subtle hints. It feels very polished, even though the game isn’t finished yet.

    A minor detail, but something I really love, is the vibe of returning to the carriage after a stressful day of keeping up the disguise. You get to chill in the comfort of your home base, sipping tea and chatting with Simone (who’s just great) about the day’s chaos. It feels like the perfect way to unwind at least some of the tension of pretending to be the damn princess of the nation. What a gem of a game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't read often but when I do it's usually something really dam good and this falls in that category.

    The narrative, writing, characters and setting is really well done, gets you engrossed in the continual plot progression story wise and the character corruption/transformation which is indeed a slow burn but you won't notice the time fly by.

    Kind of like if you took taking a well made story, setting and characters from say Demon Roots and removed the bland to boring game-play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The best HTML game on this or any site!
    A rare situation where the writing shines, and I mean that holistically. Dialogue, worldbuilding, narrative prose, there's a lot of HTML games I've enjoyed but this is simply a cut above. Updates are rare, 1-2 times a year, but are content rich when they come. Author is somewhat active on forum and seems to have a clear and lucid long term plan. This is the one to follow.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great writing, choices matter and slow transformation I really enjoyed every second playing this game. It has a lot of potential and I can see it easily becoming a classic in the future. :)
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Fellatia 69

    I think "The Princess Trap" is one of the most outstanding interactive HTML games based on text.
    At least for connoisseurs of slower paced story development, and for me, it is always a very satisfying way to pass my free time, and re-drain my cinematic mind, within a romantic but also quite sweaty hot adult story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredibly engrossing story with characters that you can't help adoring and/or despising.

    The sexual content is light, even avoidable to an extent. Even so, I found the writing so captivating on it's own that I never felt like it was a necessity.

    I can't wait for the next update, I am eagerly waiting.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply put, some of the best writing and characterterization in an adult game.

    My only regret is that time travel has yet to be achieved by modern society and that I can't go back and experience it for the first time again.

    Target audience is anyone who has a brain and can appreciate a beautifully woven plot with the sissification/transformation theme.

    It's a slow burn that captivates and teases you to keep reading and clicking.

    Thank you and well done.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    NoWay Jose

    Amazing prose. The story is incredibly well thought out and paced. Decisions made along the way have real consequence without forcing you into weird dead-ends. Aside from a few grammatical errors, the story reads incredibly well.

    One big point in this story's favor is that the MC's transformation (at least up to this point) doesn't involve sissification or submission in terms of the way the MC thinks. Well, unless you choose it explicitly. Another plus is that there isn't any of the cyclical grind that's usually associated with these types of games. How many of these types of games have you played that involved cycling through day after day to increase stats before you can do something meaningful? And where you see the exact same passages and images over and over again?

    If I have one complaint, it's that the story would be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of some more supporting art. If for no other reason, some of the passages are multiple pages in length with fairly long paragraphs--images would help break up the blocks of text and give your eyes some respite while you're reading.

    There are also precious few fap-worthy points in the story, so if that's why you want to play it, you might want to look elsewhere for the time being.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games/stories I have seen here, if any of u played Heal slut or Play things and enjoyed them, then you are bound to enjoy this one too.

    I sat through the entire story in one sitting and it has been incredibly enjoyable, I cant wait for the future updates.. Please keep up the great work, Thank you for this gem!!! flap!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Intriguing and good writing. This game is an excellent work with immersive dramatic tension which makes players really dig into the plot and protagonist's struggle to enjoy the fun and conflicts of TFgames.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A text based male to female game with linear story containing excellently implemented player compromises, you'll need to choose which stats to level up daily in a manner that feels highly impactful to story.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is superb, especially the main protagonist. Although you control them, they are so well written that I can't help but root for them. It's so much fun to watch them enjoy crossdressing and their disguise as a princess in general.

    The choices this game presents you are equally as fun. Between choosing outfits, what stats to improve each day, and various other decisions for each encounter, there is just so much content and replayability already here.

    Absolutely love this game and looking forward to future updates!