Half this thread: Complaining they can't win against Colette
Masochist femdom-addicted me: Made sure to lose on purpose every single game for my cannon save so as to get some epic pony play and mercury torture under her!
More seriously though, I really love the dynamic sub MC has with her and I hope there will be at least one path where Elodie can also be involved in it a little. (we got some hints of that while visiting the barracks) Feminisation is not a turn-on for me either, but as a historical/fantasy femdom fan I take what I can get, and this game certainly has much better writing than many others in the same category. Literally the only thing I would change about the writing would be cutting some of the fluff in descriptions, like, for example, all those meandering paragraphs about the various hallways MC was running through during the banquet attack - I often found myself skipping through long passages of descriptive text that imo added nothing to the suspense or plot there, but it's still definitely one of the best written games of the past year! (and the D/s scenes with Colette are certainly my favourite, with the ones with the Queen in a close second)
As someone who's allegedly not into sissification, that is a pretty specific sissification route you fantasized about and even generated AI images for...

(psst, it's fine, you're on a porn website and nobody with half a funtioning brain and a sense of decency will judge you for it here!)
That said, how dare you not include an ending where MC abdicates his throne to Colette and becomes nothing but her abused whipping toy for life??? Blasphemy! He can do so either back in his original male body or further altered into femininity based on his mistress's, not the player's, preferences - honestly either version would be fire!