I played his previous game and it was okayish. But this is a clear step down. What a mess. The animations are even worse, did anyone see that jelly penis? I got this cause of all the tags, but the game is just too disorderly. This needs some serious rework to be decent.
I disagree.
The animations are getting better through the story (not that I care much). Not sure to which jelly penis you are reffering to, there are some penises in the game, to me the MC looks fine in all times I remember....
The story is a bit confusing, I agree with that. It doesn't take it self to seriously... One of the best games for me becauseof that:
It makes you laugh AND your dick happy. :-D
( a few posts above you can read a summary of the story... surprisingly it is selfconsistent! :-O )
Would love more for the pantyfetish, but that's the only thing for me to criticize. ;-)
Feel free to play other games, if this is not for your taste.