I surprisingly liked the prostitutes. They're fun and got character. If I'm being real... I'd take quirky women like them over most bland lovey dovey harem girls in other games. I especially liked Myra. She's fun AND one of the most attractive characters in this game.
Myra is fun, indeed! I'm glad you liked her

A close friend of mine says she's his favorite character thus far. I'm always happy to hear these.
One of my fav things about this game so far is that the characters feel distinct. I hope the lust stuff doesn't dumb down their personalities. I have some doubts about the game's planned 30+ characters. How are you gonna have enough dev and screen time to flesh out them out?
Well, I am hinging on the fact that I'm just overly creative, and have been for quite a while with this game's plot, in particular.
I've first conceptualized this story back in 2021, and started working on it for real last year.
Since then, I've come up with a fuckload of ideas... As I said, I have a pretty good picture for what
most of the 30+ characters will follow until the very end.
The code has been tailored to make this work as efficiently as I possibly can, given the Sandbox environment (and Ren'Py limitations). For example: The early preview contains 34 scene "triggers" already, with their respective conditions and even "buttons" (you see the character doing the action on screen, and click on them to start the scene).
All of this took me about 3 days to get done... All that's left is actually writing and filling those scenes, of course.
That's why I'm planning to have a sizeable portion of the game be carried out through "sprites", just like your typical 2D games do. This way, I can just create all the variations for outfits, emotions and etc, have them ready, and then the dialogue will be the last remaining step. Of course, I will also splice in segments of "dedicated CG's", just like how the entire prologue goes. Sprites simply help ease the workload (and prevent the game's size from ballooning like crazy in the future).
Thankfully, I feel I can get dialogue out pretty quickly too, so I hope all of these elements help me create the
gargantuan amount of scenes that all of these characters will require.