Ok, so this has not been fixed yet
The game's clothing generation sets one size smaller than it should be for all garters, because hips go from large to small size unlike breasts and hips that go from small to large
Hhips 0 is XL hips, but garters start at large, then mediium, then small, there are no XL garters, so garter hip sizes should be 1, 2, and 3, but they are 0, 1 and 2
Fixing the code that generates the items and the shops doesn't fix an ongoing save, I had to manually increase the hips by one for each garter in the current save, like
SugarCube.State.variables.garter0307.hips += 1
Kinda annoying, but once fixed it works fine
I had fixed it before, but I forgot to keep all the small fixes I make to these games in a txt file to apply to a new version, so I had to do it manually again
There are also a bunch of other fixes I am trying to record over time, like wrong values for guests that make their quests impossible to complete, gaming checks that are impossible as they have been set like "int >= 40" to fail if int is below 40 instead of "int < 40", and a bunch of surplus </div> sneakily hitching a ride at the end of paragraphs when the actual closing div is a line below