Thanks to all that have given SIL a look, I do appreciate it ton's. A little update on progress:
The next update will be take slightly longer than anticipated. The outside set is driving me Batshitt with bogging down and slowing the scenes to a crawl in some cases. The outside set is overly heavy in assets. I am trying to eliminate the parts that aren't essential and /or even related to the portion of the set being used. A shit-load of experimentation to check results. Please be patient a little. As a one man band I am doing the best I can. That and trying to straighten out a little script. This next section I think will be a slow burn to some if not most. The story is a slow burn any way, but hopefully to pick it up some soon. Having to shorten a 10-12 year period into a short story is a little harder than I thought...

I hope that you all are understanding...
Also the scene renders are all over the place with lighting, and grainy issues, and other things that I am trying to work out...
Thanks once again...