RPGM - The Solarion Project [v0.31.3] [Naughty Underworld]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    In short, the only good thing about this is the art. Everything else is awfully mediocre, uninspired and even badly made in some cases. Its been for years, I've given it enough time ti get better and it just feels like everytime less and less effort is being put into the game instead of it getting better, so it is better to just leave it here.

    Not worth playing. Just check sex scenes for the good art.
    Likes: Golzd
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite RPGM games, my top factor's gotta be the concept and the story, got me immersed and fuckin in space is golden:coffee:
    The art, character design and scenes are also top-notch. I'd definitely recommend it and would play again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a good time playing this game, despite being an rpgm it works like a ren'py game and it's actually better than most of renpy game in my opinion. This game is truly underrated! I hope more people see and experience this game
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    Game: The Solarion Project
    Version: v.0.31.2
    Type: VN ( ) Sandbox (X)
    MC: Looks too much like a kid for my taste

    Graphics: 4/5
    Animation: 3/5
    Scenes: 4/5
    Story: 4/5
    Models: 5/5
    Content: 4/5

    The dev should really invest his time on the animation which are still subpar to the game. I like the game overall, even though I'm not into furries, stil enjoyed it. Shuma best girl

    Overall F95: 4/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly like this game a lot. The story is fun, entertaining and much more substantial than I originally thought when I played this the first time. The characters are likeable and surprisingly endearing as well. My only real complaint is the LACK of diversity in the female characters' body shapes, as I have to imagine that the chiropractors in this world must be making BANK, considering all women's back pain with their triple Z tiddies. Would recommend :)
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: As it stands, the story is fairly bog standard. Due to some unexplained circumstances, you inherit a ship from your recently dead father and have to tie up some loose ends on his behalf. There isn't really anything gripping or intriguing about the story as it stands now - there was an interesting thread about a planetary civil war but it doesn't really lead anywhere. That said, the story isn't bad by any means, just very average as far as f95 games go.

    Playability: Despite what the start of the game may have you believe, this isn't really a "game." Pretty much any game mechanic or interactive moment was flagged as incomplete, leaving me wondering why those elements were left in at all. If there is, as it stands at the time of this review, no actual gameplay, then I would just as soon see the game's opening choice to include gameplay or not be entirely removed. There is one section where you navigate a maze, but it is rudimentary and hopefully not emblematic of what future gameplay will look like.

    Eroge Content: The scenes in this game were consistently good, and they felt earned considering the amount of relationship building you will be doing to get to any hardcore sex scenes. There could certainly be more scenes, but that's more a product of the game's unfinished nature and less a flaw with the game itself. The scenes that are in the game were enjoyable and well-made.

    Characters: I do appreciate the attempt at making every character feel unique and somewhat believable. Catherine, for example, had self-doubts and insecurity that played a role in her story. It seemed like the character missions also had some relation to the characters they were based around, which seems like a weird thing to note but can actually be hard to find in lots of h-games. There were times that I skipped large swathes of dialogue as the story seemed to grind to a halt, but overall I found the character writing in this game to be a step up from many of its peers.

    Interface: There's not much to say here, it's your standard visual novel. The UI is functional and quick. My only gripe was that the ship has a night mode setting that was a bit annoying to have to turn on and off; I wish the night mode was a small button on the screen or a menu option. That would have been just a smidge better in my opinion. That is a very minor gripe, however, and as I said before the UI is snappy and has no issues that I could find.

    Art: The art is very well done and consistent throughout. There is certainly a lack of variety - pretty much every character is a bimbo with outrageous proportions - but the game sticks to its guns and I respect that. I would rather have nice, hand-drawn art that is a bit repetitive but made with quality. Art is the foundational piece of most any h-game, and this game does its art very well.

    Last Thoughts: This game is sniffing four stars, but I'm giving this game three stars for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that much of it seems half-baked or incomplete - not necessarily a bad thing for a WIP, but it can get annoying when pop-ups are thrown in your face promising content that never seems to come. On top of that, the story isn't very inspired and at times the dialogue would lead to scenes that felt extended to the point of bloat. Conversely, some scenes I enjoyed felt extremely short and ended prematurely. The game is redeemed by its great art and eroge content, which shows a lot of promise. As it stands, I can't yet put this game ahead of the rest of the pack, but if the story were to be tightened up then this could easily become a four-star title. Overall, I'd say it is worth playing once.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Sir John Higglebottom

    The Solarion Project [v0.22 Public]

    Okay, I'm definitely going to be a little bit biased in this review just because I love WitchKing00. Eons ago, when I was a younger individual, and he was regularly putting out work, he was one of my favorite artists. To this day, seeing his dumb little noses in side profile fills my heart with absolute joy. I have also heard some not-so-great things about the developer and his tendency to abandon/take forever on games. I will not be considering that in the review; I will write about it as if it is a game that will still receive many updates in the future and hopefully get much better.

    It's really a tale as old as time. Your porn father has died and left you his ship filled with sexy women he was not having sex with. Interestingly enough, there is no mystery behind how he died, and outside of the characters bringing it up and mentioning how sad they are that he died, there isn't a deeper rabbit hole to go down there. You are just the new captain of the ship. There's not really an overarching plot or mystery to solve or war to stop. The main character is also a very well-meaning and sweet shota with a big penis, which is again par for the course. You can do things with each of the girls on the ship in whatever order you want, or you can take on random missions. I will say that each of the girls are quite well written and have their own distinct personality. You get to uncover more about each of them as you talk to them. It did make me wish the small talk options changed as you learned more, but alas, they do not. It's much harder to talk about positives than negatives, but there's a lot to love here. There was the ship mom who feels guilty after the death of her sibling, the angry and aggressive gal with a husband who no longer loves her, the awkward geeky teenager that was also an ex Child Soldier, the big mysterious muscled green one, the big friendly elf, and the anti-geneva convention scientist. My only complaint is that a lot of it felt unfinished. I loved the random events and one-off girls, but it did feel like a lot of them introduced plot threads that were immediately dropped. In the future, I hope to see more overarching plot and more dumb little plot threads that solve themselves by the end of the quest. I would be happy meeting a character, helping them out, having sex, and then they're gone forever.

    The Structure
    Now we get into the actual meat and potatoes of the game. (To warn you this is where I have the most thoughts, and it's where I get the most nitpicky.)
    Because I'm not a little bitch, I didn't pick VN mode, but it really didn't matter because almost none of the actual non-VN things were finished. It made me question why there were two modes if the modes were almost identical until some hypothetical later point in the game.

    For the character naming section, the kerning is absolutely terrible, and it feels like they imported a stock screen and called it a day. I do not think that you are supposed to have a custom name, as there were several errors associated with giving yourself or the ship a custom name. Often, it will either ignore your custom name and use the default name, or you'll just get garbage text. The menuing is also a little bit convoluted and cluttered, and it feels like the type of thing that could be streamlined for easier access.

    Additionally, there's no rollback, and you cannot save while having a conversation which makes trying to see all of the text very difficult. Compounding this, the skip text isn't very fast, so often I would accidentally skip a line of dialogue trying to get it to go quicker. Then if I wanted to read it, I would have to reload a save from before the start of the conversation and then sit through all of the dialogue to get back to the same point. You would think that this is something that you could change in options, and there is an options menu, but even though there were visual and control options in the settings, you couldn't actually change anything. You can click on them, which would take you to a blank screen for either. It's a minor nitpick, but it will bother you while you're playing.

    The best and most creative part about the whole game would have to be the setting. You're in space, and space is massive. I really loved how big the Galaxy was and how you could click on basically any solar system and look at all of the planets there. A tracking system shows you exactly where you need to go and for what character, and it is one of the best additions to the game. However, I did also notice that many of the planets had no description and seemingly random names, such as my favorite planet, Mexico. I feel like there's quite a bit of opportunity there. Why not have a Patreon reward where patrons get a planet named after them or get to name a planet? And as cool as it would be to have something to do on all of these planets, I know that that isn't realistic with the amount of art that would go into it, but I do think that each planet could be given a little blurb of text. I know that people would be more than willing to write it. Heck, even I would write little blurbs of text for planets. It would be nice to see more optional planets to travel to, even if there's no sexual content. If not more art, there could be maybe a space smuggler system. Stop at a planet, and each planet has unique buying and selling prices for goods. It would incentivize exploration and give the game a solid money system.

    Okay, I feel I should specify that this is a glitchy game. I did encounter quite a few glitches. Throughout my time playing the game, it soft-locked or crashed four times. Not a terrible amount, but enough that I was paranoid about it throughout my entire playthrough. I will arrange the glitches in order of most devastating to least devastating.

    When you receive risque photos from each of the girls, if you go to the messages and press the download button, you will get soft-locked most of the time because there is no way to leave that image. You can't click out of it; you can't press keys to escape; you are trapped there forever. So if you want to see the full-sized risque images, you have to save the game and then look at the image. You will get soft-locked. Then you close and reopen the game and load your previous save.

    While you're with Shuma, you have the option to cuck her and sleep with the Red Queen to help out Shuma. If you do choose to do so, there's a crash where the image size decreases significantly to the upper left corner. It would only crash two out of every three times, and when it didn't crash, you would have to finagle a little bit to not get soft-locked there.

    Quite a few times, the developers forgot to remove a model after you finished talking to them. Normally this isn't harmful at all, and it just means that you'll get a character's model stuck on screen no matter where you go, but you can normally get rid of it by activating a different character model (Character stuck on screen until you talk to a different one). If you'd like to see this glitch, talk to Kittenna about her species or ask Malaena anything at all. Normally this isn't bad, and it is funny, but it can occasionally cause soft locks. This is the only one that I haven't totally figured out what causes it, but it does happen sometimes. I've had it happen with Kittenna and with Mia when talking about her freedom.

    Occasionally the name you choose won't appear, such as Shelly's first event where she will address you as [var:4?]. It also happens during Malena's first scene, occasionally when Naetu talks, and during the Catherine-Malena threesome, to name a few times.

    Usually, there are interactive alerts on the screen, signifying what you can interact with. However, bringing up your phone on any of these screens eliminates all of the interactive alerts. You can still click them; there are just no alerts.

    The Content
    The sexual content it has is great. It is extremely vanilla, though, mostly blowjobs, boobjobs, sex, and sometimes threesomes. It's not too bad; despite the slower setup, you can progress each character pretty quickly if you want. There is a single character that hints at anal and lets you barely finger her ass, but that is the spiciest that it gets so far. This isn't to say that the vanilla is bad, and I think it suffers from what a lot of earlier development games suffer from, which is that half or more of the sex scene are build up to the sex, and then once you have sex once or maybe twice it's already over. It just leaves you wanting more. The threesomes are all very fun, and whenever you get to have sex with a random side character, it's very well done. There is also a singular voice scene, and it is voiced excellently. The scene was voiced as a test to see how people would react, and I would say that it's pretty great. It made me wish that the rest of the game was voiced, especially since there's no way to increase text speed, so you'll either have to hold space and risk skipping some words or sit there for half of it. The sex scenes are good, but they do feel very starter-level. There are also different outfits that you can make the girls wear, but it does feel like a feature that is still in development.

    The TLDR
    I love the artwork and concept, but when you promise the sky, I get disappointed. I do think that some quick tweaks will make the game way more enjoyable, and I have to hope that the game keeps growing because it has so much potential. Very fun, would recommend it to other people. Probably between a 4 or 5, but I'm generous I guess.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've found on this site. The art is great, the writing is captivating, the music is fitting and sounds good, and the characters each have a distinct personality that goes beyond just typical tropes.
    The only complaint I can think of is that there are a few typos here and there but it's certainly not frequent enough to detract a star. I can't wait to see where this game goes!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Michael Fate

    I think for how early on it is it's got quite a bit of content. It does have a few bugs and spelling errors but that makes sense considering it's still in the beginning of its development and being updated and worked on every update. Honestly a really solid game and I am enjoying the character's personalities already, can't wait to see it's development in the future!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice character designs easy onehanded gameplay and great art!
    If you don't like a girl you can complete the other storylines first and then do her later/not at all.
    Only feature I miss is an option to save during dialogue choices or at least a way to back dialogue during dialogue.
    Missed 2 side characters because of accidental denial so a warning!
    Left click or escape will always be linked to saying no.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4626142

    I do not know if I just got a bad rip or something, but currently it is very hard to even play this game: let alone enjoy it. I love WitchKing00's art and being able to do the girls missions as you see fit is always welcome since I hate harem games that force you to sit through girls routes who you don't care about.

    The reason I rate so low is because this game is not much of a game at-the-moment, and it is very hard to actually play. Have constant problems with the pictures actually loading and the game froze so many times and I had to close it out from my task manager since it forces you into fullscreen at first. It is also not a good sign that one of the earliest missions/sidemissions that you can do has a mechanic that is still not in the game after nearly 3 years of development.

    All props to the game dev and the artist, but this could definitely be a lot better
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: game is good, but not great. it gets stale in places, and i have concerns about the longevity of the game.

    im going to preface this review with the fact that im looking at it as a vn/game, not just hot pictures to fap to. that will have its own section in this review. also, i will talk about whats currently here, and my speculations on what there will be in the future. these are my opinions, and i want to be dead wrong in the end, because i like this game enough to actually take the time to do my first review out of literally at least a hundred porn games that i've played before. also, for clarification, i've gone through every girls route and seen every scene except half the misc scenes and the only mia scene available right now in .18.
    with that out of the way, lets get started to the meat of it.

    The Story: honestly, this is probably the thing that feels lacking to me. general plot is just like a certain porn game thats fucking legendary, just without the TF's or... any choice or gameplay. its a simple story of "boy inherits ship that has beautiful babes with the ability to have even more beautiful babes". theres no substance, and the kids story feels extremely loose and chaotic. theres an argument to be made that hes made to be self-insertable, but i find that to be a stretch. kid has literal plot armor in the beginning, and suddenly almost dies during someones route. hes been given this ship seemingly very recently, yet hes getting high profile jobs for cash that are perceived to be pretty high. its a constant back and forth thats not quite what i'd call whiplash, but its definitely hard for me to try and relate. its clear that the main focus is supposed to be the girls stories, but even they have fairly shallow stories that feel like they are getting added onto rather than having a good plan for them. i'm no writer, should be clear by the formatting and lack of caps here, but even i know that its kinda tacky and distracting to write a character's story as you go.

    The art: by far this games saving grace. the art style is very unique and colorful. the locations background pictures are neat in some places and others feel like its only a rough draft. and all of the characters have super charming (sfw) features. sincerely amazing work all around, and i had no issues here except for one thing to be covered in the next segment.

    The sexy stuff: this is where im conflicted. its becoming a bit of a stale trope to have a character that is small in stature that has damn near a literal horsecock at his disposal and somehow doesnt pass out from a lack of bloodflow to the brain. theres something kinda grating about reading literally every girl being like "holy shit, hes got a third leg". and then the female proportions. every girl (including any female characters that arent important literally at all) is some variation of wide hips and thick thighs with tits that'd probably lead to major back problems within a year. dont get me wrong, i fucking love that figure. but it'd be really nice to see some variation beyond thicc with 2 c's to thicc with 5 c's. this gets compounded by in every scene that the mc compliments most of the girls, its followed by them calling themselves fat or surprised that he likes their figure. they're not fat. at all. i get they're trying to hit on the "girl with wide hips thinks they're undesirable" insecurity, but it feels hollow when every one except one has a tiny waist and flat midsection. i dunno, just a gripe i have i guess. the art style carries this from dull to great in my eyes, and like i said, i really really like the figure, i just wish there was more of a variation. its easily fappable and the added misc and threesome scenes are pretty great.

    now, to speed round some of the minor details:
    game length: pretty good, i got about 12 hours worth of enjoyment. and i took my time for 95% of it, the other 5% i got bored with the stories and spam clicked.
    sound: barely any, but what there is seems like they got unique sex sounds. i havent heard them before but i could be wrong.
    bugs?: other than little minor things that will easily get worked out in the future, i've experienced nothing game breaking. some scenes repeating themselves because of a flag that didnt get weeded out and the mc's name reading as variable code rather than the name itself comes to mind.

    now finally, what i see in this games future: im digging really deep for this one. im kinda tepid on what i expect if im being honest with you. it seems like they already got all the girls complete in terms of building up a relationship with them. banging them is usually the end of the road. a couple of the girls have a bit of cliff hanger to them right now, like catherine getting rid of her bounty, finding out more about lillith and kittenna maybe divorcing her husband. but i dont know, any additions to their story feel like they'd contribute to the issue i spoke on before about just adding backstory and details as they go. the combat and mission systems might be nice, but i dont know what they'd really add to the game as a whole rather than just being some padding to make the game longer. im excited and nervous at the same time to see what they have in store. universe exploration elude to maybe a lot more one off and maybe even permanent additional characters, which im also excited to see. but it all feels extremely ambitious, and i think we've all gotten spurned before because of wild ambitions when it comes to adult games.

    overall, this game is good. i enjoyed my time getting through whats here and i plan on donating a one time 20 buck chunk to make up for me getting my game here, but until i see what there is more to come, that'll be all they'll get from me. DO ME PROUD NAUGHTY UNDERWORLD!

    authors note: hey, thank you for reading my probably pretty hard to read review. i plan on doing more for other games i've played, and if you want to pick my brain on any, feel free to shoot me a message and i'll be glad to share my thoughts.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, animation, and storyline(s). I could not help but find myself enticed by the storylines. I spent hours in this game completing every storyline. I found a couple of glitches and crashes, but at the time of that playthrough, it was still in early development. I am very much looking forward to the future of this game and am eager to see how far the developer takes this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i really want to support this game cause of my love for harem and that the game is tailored made for my taste i'm broke now but after i get a part time job i can pitch in a bit to reach the petrean goal to make the harem a reality; it's a good game just give it a try
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    A good game. The story plot is maybe a tad bit overused but I really couldn't care less, there seems to be a lot of effort behind the game. The art is great as well. I hope the dev keeps up the good work
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    You play as a straight shota who is hung like a horse. You inherited your dad's spaceship and get to go on space adventure. With space elves, space orcs, space catgirls, and space humans. hmm, the last one might have been a bit redundant. But anyways, sexy adventures in space.

    +fantastic hand drawn art
    +extremely sexy thicc girls
    +as of v0.16 neither the minigames nor fuel are implemented so there is no grind
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    CTR -X

    This reminds me of that old starship MNF game, which is a great game in itself but here we get catgirls. Need I say more?
    The plot isn't convoluted, flows nicely and there's no grinding unless you want to count the space invaders minigame which is well done, and found myself enjoying quite a bit.
    The only thing I wish there was more of is NPC interaction, which I assume will be added later on down the line, but for now, all the girls for the most part only talk to you, and when they do talk to each other its very brief.
    All in all, it's well worth playing in its current state, and its definitely going in my watched threads.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    sexy fucking game! love the curves of the girls. love the easy play ability of it and the differing personality types. Still want to bag the purple chick in the canister! keep up the great work. 200 characters is soooooooooo many characters!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Just pulled an all nighter to complete all the available content, and I really think this has potential! I like alot of the characters but I feel like there could be a bit more for Mai, and alot of scenes could've been a million times better if they were animated! Lillith especially had potential with her scenes if more of them were animated. Kittenna was a great example of why the animated scenes were so great. The small amount of voice acting which is the moaning was awesome and went with the scenes pretty well, I really enjoyed that. Overall I loved what I got to play,I hope in the future we'll be able to use the scroll wheel to maybe go back or atleast see the logs of what the characters said, I'd also like to be able to interact with the girls outside of their questlines to have more dialogue and more scenes, and finally I hope we get many more animated scenes! Great work to everyone involved in this project!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game, is a game about gaming, in a game, with a gamer gaming, with big titty bitches, that game with you and give you the seggs, for beating them with some meat, coloring them and plotting out plans together.