Quick news post & outfit poll!
There are two things to talk about, first about Luna's upcoming maid outfit.
As previously mentioned Luna will take some jobs as an alternative way to make gold. Obviously those have to come with uniforms!!
And for the first one it will be at a tavern but me and my artist always fight when it comes to clothing for characters, so you decide.
Let's have a poll, it also decides what type of establishment and scenes it's going to be in the end.
You can vote for multiple options if you like two of them equally.
If you want to hear my own thoughts, I think the problem with B is, despite being the most revealing, that it gives the least options for clothing damage.
C is the least revealing but it offers the most clothing damage after a hard day's work!
A is somewhere in between, and while a bit basic do not forget that the power of a very short skirt makes for very good H scenes!!
The second thing I want to talk about is regarding random events and involves some spoilers. Stop reading if you like to figure everything out yourself!!
I talked about triggering IRL events before and got some good suggestions. I went with a combination of things in the attempt to make it less door-spamming.
So the order goes as following: when the (story/corruption) conditions are met, Luna will go AFK in-game.
If you then find her and activate it, there will be a random event in the kitchen.
These can be both normal and lewd events, in order to keep it random and make the player not quite sure what to expect.
Because going in and out of the game is really tedious, there will be a tracker that will quickly guarantee something bad to happen if you didn't get it the first time.
I think this is a good solution to lessen the doorspam while keeping an element of surprise for the unsuspecting Anon. What is that sound suddenly coming through the door!?
As a side note, the dependancies to see scenes are starting to pile up.
A lot of things in the first town are now being tied to Raze's standing with Luna and I decided to speed up the progress towards his second scene a little bit because people said it took very long to get.
But so many things being tied to Raze makes everything a little too easy to avoid. All you have to do is never activate him at the start.
To keep it difficult for any of the vanilla players out there who want to protect Luna (Every single one of you, I assume.) maybe something bad happens even without activating Raze and finding Luna AFK first, once enough time has passed, but I need to think of an interesting implementation first.
Pudding and Alexander had a similar problem so I decided to make their respective shops for warrior and priest equipment (Which open up next update) only available after their roaming events unlocked.
That should make it more challenging for a potential vanilla playthrough since the first dungeon is meant to be doable but the second one (and Arena stuff) should be impossible without better gear.
Okay, excuse the wall of text! I'm going back to work. We will get into details about Luna's tavern work and its potential minigame for Anon after the update.