If you complete the requirements for any of the clothing outfits in that mode while playing, regardless of your path, you will still get them. But that is also why I have it so if your Love or Corruption points are higher than one or the other it will have dialogue for those clothes for that path. So if you get a Love outfit, if you Corruption point are higher, it will play a Corruption version of receiving that Love outfit. That way that player can enjoy all of the outfits on all of the paths.
That is correct. This is the normal behavior. There are two stages to their pregnancy from the main game. The first is when they tell you they are pregnant, but they don't show you yet. And all of their none pregnancy scenes are still available at that point. Then you can progress their pregnancy in the MC's room. To where they are showing and in the late stages of their pregnancy. And most of their other none pregnancy scenes are no longer available at that time, until you have them give birth.
This is also normal in late pregnancy as mentioned above. Most of their non-pregnancy scenes are no longer available until you have them give birth. Alexis has one scene available in the Secret Hideout at 2pm when she's pregnant like that. Other than that she's just presenting as pregnant in a few scenes for other people, just as the end of the custom scene in the Parents room at 7pm after the outing event with Nicole.
*Also I just noticed I don't have variations for the different Darker Paths reactions when they give birth and it's not the MC's baby, it's just one reaction. So I will definitely add different reactions for those paths at a later date. Thanks for pointing that out!
So that is where you would access the basement events in the mod. The game is letting you know there are scenes available there, but you have to initiate them but having her stay home during the earlier event in the living room at 9pm with Nicole, Bruce and Davide. There is an alternate version as well if either of those two are dead. After you choose to have her father, and has the option to give him a hand job. If you do this scene once, and you are a gang member then you unlock the option to go to the basement then next time you ask her to stay home at 9pm and meet her there at 10pm.
This is indeed strange.

This is working on my copy right now. It is supposed to make is so when you go on her first date again, it plays through the scene where she meets Davide again. Giving you the option to choose to let them be friends or not again. If you would like to share your save, I would be happy to look at it to see if I can figure out what is happening with it.
I hope this has helped.