WARNING!: This one's going to be a bit long and probably of the IATAH variety.
MC is wimpy? Why would he be an alpha male? He lived in a house with 3 girls, what do you think he should be?
I'm only going to quote that part because it's what caught my attention, what concept do you have of someone who grows up in a house where the majority are women?
Do you think the person is going to be whiny, shy or submissive? Just as you ask "why should he be an alpha male" I wonder, "why should the MC be someone shy with no backbone"? who lets himself be bossed around and doesn't say anything?
It just needs to be a normal character who defends himself neither giga chad nor a "yes man", and several comments explained it better than me haha. (I grew up being the youngest and I can assure you if any of my sisters tried to boss me around we would end up in a fight without a doubt

I'll add to this as well

I grew up as the oldest, with a single mother and four sisters. My almost never at home workaholic father got kicked out for infidelity when I was about 6. Thats a household of 5 women and me, the only guy of the bunch. I turned out damn near polar opposite of the doormat we see as MC. I know how to say no, I have a spine, and I still have self-respect. All without being a "giga-Chad".
If anything, I am far more petty and vicious when it comes to negative social interactions with women, cause I know what fucking vicious backstabbing vultures they
can(*) be, even with their "bffs for life", so I do not take bratty and outright shitty snide remarks lying down, and I fire back in kind cause it might actually hurt
their feelings to get that treatment, as I usually do not care about whatever percieved "deep dig" of theirs, as they usually makes me laugh. Growing up in that enviromen taught me that women are far different soicial creatures than men. Would I die for them to protect them if needed? Sure, "happily"(can you really be happy to die though?

), but I still know to tell them, without question, to fuck off too. Especially when I get "volunteered" to be free manual labor for them, as if I do not have a life of my own. You know... Like a "normal"(i.e. average) dude without too many mental health issues.

And it feels more like the MC has some undisclosed mental health issues and/or disorders if anything. Cause his behavior is certainly not within "most norms".
(*)I am not saying all women are, and neither am I saying it's the norm everywhere. But women are on average far more vicious when we're looking at the social culture of men vs women. They are far more socially aggressive thanks to biology(iirc that is

Now, I'll also adress this snippet:
The biggest thing that bothers me. Premature conclusions about the game. Of course that's your right and I'm not going to take it away from you. But when we watch some movie, do we jump to conclusions about it after 5 minutes of watching it? Let's say it's some 3-hour movie. My game is now 5 minutes of a movie. What makes you think it's going to continue to be so shitty? Of course it could be, but you're not sure about that yet. I'm not saying I'm going to change anything just because you don't like it, I'm making my story the way I came up with it. Could things change for the better? - Maybe. Or will things get worse? I'm not ruling it out. If you're saying it's shit now and you won't play it anymore, that's your choice.
Oh! But that's where you mess up, because those "just 5-10 minutes" is the most crucial. Do not forget that first impression is
THE most important stage of any media. It literally makes or breaks entire fanchises as it usually sets the tone for the quality of the rest. Those 170-175 remaining minutes of the movie, for example, with a shit 5-10 minute beginning?! That is nearly 3 hours I am not willing to waste poorly. I am one, of perhaps many, who judges a movie within the first 5 to 10 minutes, as those minutes tells alot about the tone and quality of the rest. If those minutes where utter shit, the rest of the movie probably is too. It might get slightly better, but is it worth it? Most cases for me, it's not. So I move on to the next thing in the backlog. I want to enjoy those 3 hours, not just be "ok" with them. Spare time is rare for most people, so we'd rather not waste it poorly, so skipping over to the next thing on the list is the best option, as watching/playing something on the off chance it
might be good, is illogical, when the next thing might turn out to be pretty damn good from the get-go. You need a compelling "hook" for readers to see value in reading/playing. Especially in the prologue and/or first chapter, depending on the length of, if there is one, the prologue.
And this one too:
As one user wrote above, I know things you don't, but I want to show you them. I can't do that right away.
So? I do not care about what
you know. I, as the reader, care about what
has been shown so far, and what I've read. I care about what
we, the players/readers, know. And so far there is absolutely no hook at all. To be honest,
all but one character is unlikeable in some irredeemable way as is, imo,
it's the personality of the MC's fault. The
only character that's somewhat likeable so far for me, is Alice.
And as
XV71 said, I do not know why doormat or giga-chad MCs is the go to, as if there's not something like Average Joe Schmoe in-between those extremes too.
But you do you, and make the game how
you envision it, and try not to feel personally attacked when people criticize your
game/work. Sure, there might be shitposts, but you need to be prepared for the unpleasantries of harsh, and at times
seemingly unfair, criticism, no matter the media, when publishing
anything, and how to filter out the shitposts as irrelevant spam.
Good luck with your project, and dont give up.

I know it sucks ass to read posts like mine, but they are just one of many things to be prepared for, and it's not personal
Edit: Added the missing p in "important". It bugged me when I noticed it. There's probably more grammatical errors, but that one was the one I noticed.