TheAnalSissy Top In-Game Renders Celebration - A little update


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
I was doing quite a bit of work everyday to keep posting here regularly. This was too much as I struggle to keep a daily activity, burning out much faster than otherwise. That and sometimes a bad sleep schedule, beyond my control, that makes me unable to complete any kind of work for a while.

The main problem was that I re-save everyimage when doing the final countdown draft, renaming it in order. I did this 3 times for this series. Erasing the original name for the final one. Only then I saw that after I reinstalled Windows, the software that I use for this reset to it's default setings, and images were losing quite some quality in the process. Thus I started a rescue effort, trying to find the original name of each picture, then getting it from the game in it's original state. Was doing it for all 5 images everyday that I posted here. Now I'm finishing re-finding the original names for each picture, then I'll just need to rescue the original render for max quality and rename it on the proper order.

I'll finish all the images from the countdown before I resume posting. Then I'll be able to keep a regular schedule and start work on next set to post it as soon as this one ends.
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