Count posted this:
Quick Update
12 hours ago
Hi, i just wanted to let you know why X Tracer is still not in early access yet because i was certain that i could have it out at the beginning of this month and we have the 17th now...
The reason is a bunch of unexpected errors in Tracers animation that need more time to be fixed and Somehow D.vas Hair physics broke and there is a bunch of clipping going on with her now. This project is starting to drive me insane.
I would say it needs another week of work (Taking into account other things that i need to take care of) but thats just another guess. If it happens to take much longer than that ill be pausing all pledges untill its finally out.
A huge factor of why this is dragging on for so long is something i realized whyle working on the Juno animation. Because working on that felt like a breeze. I was making progress at a rate that felt crazy to me and boosted my confidence that i could do the same with this animation which lead to me overestimating my self on how quick i could finish it.
Because the diffrerence was that i was super excited about the juno animation and compleatly burned out on this one so im constantly hitting mental blockades that make things that should take me a day or two go up to over a week to get it done and i didnt want to just shelve it like i did with the "Hard Choice" project. Because you have already bin waiting an insane ammount of time for this and now its so close to completion. If i wanted to shelve this i should have done it many many months ago.
So one thing is clear, X Tracer Part2 is comming out no matter what.
Also i will no longer be afraid to put a project on hold if its still early in production and i realize the drive for it is already fading to prevent a situation like this from happening again.
I made "Casting call" (a 10 minute animation) in 6 months and a roughly 1 minute loop animation is somehow taking me 8!? Even with the increase in quality, complexity of the scene and sideprojects i made along the way this should not be happening and i feel deeply ashamed for it.
I hope this clarifys some things and the next post will be the finished animation.
Quick Update
12 hours ago
Hi, i just wanted to let you know why X Tracer is still not in early access yet because i was certain that i could have it out at the beginning of this month and we have the 17th now...
The reason is a bunch of unexpected errors in Tracers animation that need more time to be fixed and Somehow D.vas Hair physics broke and there is a bunch of clipping going on with her now. This project is starting to drive me insane.
I would say it needs another week of work (Taking into account other things that i need to take care of) but thats just another guess. If it happens to take much longer than that ill be pausing all pledges untill its finally out.
A huge factor of why this is dragging on for so long is something i realized whyle working on the Juno animation. Because working on that felt like a breeze. I was making progress at a rate that felt crazy to me and boosted my confidence that i could do the same with this animation which lead to me overestimating my self on how quick i could finish it.
Because the diffrerence was that i was super excited about the juno animation and compleatly burned out on this one so im constantly hitting mental blockades that make things that should take me a day or two go up to over a week to get it done and i didnt want to just shelve it like i did with the "Hard Choice" project. Because you have already bin waiting an insane ammount of time for this and now its so close to completion. If i wanted to shelve this i should have done it many many months ago.
So one thing is clear, X Tracer Part2 is comming out no matter what.
Also i will no longer be afraid to put a project on hold if its still early in production and i realize the drive for it is already fading to prevent a situation like this from happening again.
I made "Casting call" (a 10 minute animation) in 6 months and a roughly 1 minute loop animation is somehow taking me 8!? Even with the increase in quality, complexity of the scene and sideprojects i made along the way this should not be happening and i feel deeply ashamed for it.
I hope this clarifys some things and the next post will be the finished animation.