Unity - Completed - Third Crisis [v1.1.0] [Anduo Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following the development for over a year. It is one of the rarest games where the development is steady and good content just keeps piling on.
    Their custom unity backend even if it makes the game look similar to ones using RPGM engine, is much smoother and responsive. Where contrary to the aforementioned, the obnoxious parts (like combat, map navigation and menus) here are intuitive and fast.
    The story is not obtuse, simple and written with good humor. It is not infringing and lets player to partake in various activities around town, which there are plenty.
    Very good art, with lots of screens drawn for different outfits and situations.
    Lots of H content and fetishes paired with solid corruption system, most are optional for the progress of main story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    another gem in an endless sea of low quality garbage, play it, its free and one of the better NSFW games on this platform, and a deserved five stars for the effort put into it, definitely recommend a download
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall im not impressed with this game. This is one of the most highly recommended and rated games on reddit, but I am disappointed with it.

    The story is questionable. It's very slow and gets a bit tedious. I am not a fan of the fact that you can just get locked into an ending. I wanted to see all the gloryhole scenes but didnt realise that this would lock me into some ending where you become a slave. I didnt even realise I was locked into an ending until i looked at the gallery and realised. It wouldve been better if there was a warning or something that said if my chioce would lead to this.

    The character art and quality is great. I like that there are different outfits you can buy and wear, but I don;t like that there isn't really much of a reaction from the townsfolk to these different outfits. I don't have any issues with the art and stuff.

    The characters you can interact with are not really interesting. There isnt any real connection with any character in this game. I guess for some chracters that is the point (like the girlfriend? or something) but it just isnt really enjoyable lke this.

    The combat is shit. At first, I enjoyed the creativity and the fact that it was different and unique from other games, but after just a few fights, it got REALLY boring. I ended up just skipping every fight because it would take so damn long for the fight to progress and it wasnt fun.

    The scene quality is good. I like that there are lots of different fetishes and stuff and lots of options. It is also fairly easy to get most scenes (and I think there are hints in the gallery?).

    Other stuff: I don't really like the exploration and moving around in the overworld aspect, it is too slow and can get boring just running from place to place. Sometimes i feel like the game has no direction on what to do and while I do like some freedom to do whatever i want to in-game, i don't think it's done well here. There are also some bugs which came up quite often and it just felt like this game isnt very polished.

    Overall a disappointing and overrated game, but with some great art and scenes. 6.5/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest I was surprised by amont of animations and their variations. Story is simple but not boring at all, sounds are on the point and gameplay is a bit long but playable. For me most interesting thing was galery, need to say all this rating is thanks to author for easy animation opening. If you like rich 2d animations you'l fing this game pretty interesting and stick with it for a while.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Sexy but gameplay is questionable.

    As I progressed further in the game, I ended up using skip mode more and more. Not for any difficulty reason, but because the combat really does become a slog as you fight 6-15 of the same enemies. Also that bit with the hacking which overstays its welcome.
    My first taste of combat becoming dreaded is with the suicide lust bombers in sublevel 2... Where you have to fight several groups of these in small rooms. The only real solution was to just stack high lust defense on Jenna and let them kill themselves on her. Or use the tentacle flogger to keep them in place. Really boring. Also the combat only becomes slower as you get more party members... and a good half of those party members are so weak they might as well not be there. Really you only need Jenna and Jewel later on.

    The game also starts off strong, keeping dense in content, but that falls apart quickly and it becomes much more linear but without that content density. I took so much longer to get through the start of the game. Where the first town was rife with stuff to look into, the later sections fell flat and were filled with useless NPCs with nothing of interest to say. "Yes I am a resistance member doing resistance things."

    It feels as though you are playing a game where the developer has really lost steam and just wants to get it over with because they should've had it end earlier than later.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the games I bought, and has been worth it.

    Art is great, in fact has gotten so much better since the begging of development.

    Gameplay and combat is quite refreshing.

    H-scenes are stupid amazing.

    Clothing and accessories options are good and new shit is added all the time. (So if you're like me and want to spend hours playing dress up in the game like an idiot)

    FIVE FUCKING STARS and (y)(y)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just thinking about playing this game instantly makes me rock hard, it's that good 10/10 (if this comes up in some throughout background check - don't be a stranger mister or miss, try it yourself)

    I was in awe after playing first few hours, this is how RPG porn game should be. Amazing art, interesting combat that doesnt make you dread returning to it, wide breadth of spicy content, there are some bugs that I noticed, but nothing gamebreaking, big recommend
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was VERY surprised by this game.
    Art style is perfect. 5/5
    Story so far as I played is perfect too. 5/5
    Combat is fun and different apart from most games. 5/5
    Definitely a hidden gem, especially if you love corruption.
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    i checked out the game due to the previous reviewer who said nearly cum from the beginning spitroast.

    well the game is hot. if you ever liked any rpgm corruption game, then you are guaranteed to like this one. lots of very sexy scenes, good corruption system where you don't feel "forced" to make bad choices just to see H scenes, although you are encouraged for sure but it's done very well where it feels mostly natural.

    art is great. characters are interesting and NOT 1dimensional. story is a bit simple but still there is creativity in it. excellent game.

    probably best rpgm corruption game i've ever played even though i have some favourites.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    holy fucking shit this game is amazing

    i am only like 15 minutes in or something and i almost came just from the spitroast in the beginning what in the actual fuck god damn

    and the gameplay is actually fun!? holy shit!?
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A flawed gem. A corruption-game that has some of the best visuals of any heroine game, but with gameplay- and story-issues that hold it back from being something great. (And yes, they're bad enough to matter, even in this genre)

    So, to make sense of the story, you kind of have to know that this started out as an Overwatch-spoof, with Tracer as the main-character. It needs to be mentioned, because otherwise the whole setup of the beginning will feel out-of-place with the rest of the game.

    The first section, where the superhero on her way to save her girlfriend from a life-threathening situation goes to put together the ingridients to make an old geezer a cup of coffee in the middle of a forest... Is a really good example of the problems with this game's design.

    Basically, the pacing and theme of the game takes a drastic turn after the opening, when a Sci-fi time-travel plot involving superpowers, suddenly turns into a scenario almost indistinguishable from a standard modern-day corruption game. The MC goes from teleporting around and time-travelling to waitressing, part-time jobs and brothel/porn work, with the former being pretty much dropped as a theme for a lot of the game. It doesn't even factor into the scenes and the character that much, and it's really a bit jarring. The story's focus and the goals of the MC just keep shifting from that initial setup, which weakens the character in general, as well as the impact of the corruption-plots.

    The combat is a Fire Emblem-style tactical battler, and although I think it would be better if the system was faster, and that it's not suitable for grindy, repetetitive fights, it is a very strong combat-system nonetheless.

    Writing wise, the game has this bad habit of throwing stuff at the wall, rather than trying to tell a cohesive story. The dialogue and characters are pretty charming, and reasonably well written, but the pacing here is a mess, and events and characters connect to each other only in very loose ways, making the whole experience kind of awkward. Some of it can be put down mid-developement pains (like the battles suddenly dissappearing after the opening), but the game still feels like a bunch of pieces that have been stitched together from barely connected ideas. Foreshadowing, arcs, thematic proggression, connected themes, -story beats and player-agency are all missing or minimal. "Exploration" exists in a certain fashion, but that could also be done better.

    There's also plenty of nitpicks: Navigating frequent loading-screens is a pain, Combat gets repetitive and slow quickly, The item-proggression is kind of bland, (though using a non-leveling combat-system feels pretty novel) and sometimes the quality of the writing dips when stuff just... happens. (A lot of "...and then you go to..." without a "...Because/Therefore...")

    I do wonder if it's down to the devs just wanting to make a strong first impression and leaving some good hooks, without having a strong concept to back that up, or if the goalposts have just shifted over the long developement. Either way, I feel like unless the game gets a top-to-bottom second pass, and reworks to a lot of the early content, then this might remain just a game you provide with a 100%-save. And that would be a tragedy, with the quality of animations, visual design, scenes, character-writing and gameplay. There is so much here that could be reworked with the right direction.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a gem for sure, with some great art and animation, that only keeps getting better with each update. I'd suggest waiting to play until the game is complete, though, else you may find yourself growing impatient with continuing the game itself and just using the Gallery when new stuff comes out. The sex scenes are most likely more... let's say, emotionally impactful, when you've actually been playing up to that point.
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    I saw that someone described Third Crisis as a game that knew how to be a game. I think that's not completely true, it's more like a game that forgot it was a game halfway through. The intro has a combat system that is quickly forgotten for a walking simulator, and doesn't use the combat system again for hours of gameplay. Unfortunately, when combat returns, it becomes a chore when very few combats directly give rewards, and doing Rat bounties for money requires repetitive back-and-forth walking.

    WASD/arrow keys for moving is reasonable enough. However, the default walking speed is very slow and you absolutely need to change that to >150% and set automatic sprint because of how much walking there is in this game. There are also multiple hotkeys for dialog and combat that only show up on button press, which seems unintuitive.

    The ideas behind the combat mechanics are alright. You can mow down most enemies once you have multiple characters, after which combat becomes so easy that it's just a time-waster. There are several areas where you fight the same kinds of enemies over and over, at which point I just enabled skip mode because it was too much.
    There also didn't seem to be a way to look at enemy defenses, so the distinction to do Lust damage was almost meaningless. Several cheap slotless equips meant easily ignoring Lust damage taken. Lust, collisions, knockback, and other combat mechanics aren't ever really explained which will cause player confusion (using Rocket Dash or Grav Knuckles to make a target hit a wall from 3 tiles away does 20+ damage, but does 0 if they're already at the wall, lining up multiple enemies and Dash/Grav on all of them does collision damage twice).

    The autosave feature is very aggressive, I didn't ever feel the need to do manual saves. The amount of detail given in each save menu is sometimes not informative at times, and the way you navigate through saves feels clunky. At the very least, unlocked scenes are remembered even when you savescum, which is good.

    The purple text = corruption is a good idea but isn't consistently used, which is a little annoying for pure runs.

    The mission tracker is necessary and a good inclusion. Sometimes it doesn't give enough info on where to do certain things, but most core missions are easy enough to understand.

    The way you collect lore is a chore at best. Note paper is scattered around the maps, but multiple maps have scattered paper that you can't pick up, which leads to a lot of combing over every part of the map in hopes that you find something. Same goes for parts of the game where you literally have to comb over every part of the map to find the macguffin.

    The major issue I have with Third Crisis is that there are a lot of things that are unnecessarily tedious about this game. You have to walk from place to place because there are no teleports. Every night of curfew is a stealth test. Clearing out the Sublevel Touched and then the Sublevel Florans is doing the same combats 30 times. Dancing with Jewel doesn't have a "skip to next night" option, which means walking to the motel and back five times. I'm sure this case specifically is just an oversight, but there are a lot of other places where you have to walk through the same place over and over with an obnoxious zone mechanic.

    The mine tunnel area is probably the worst case of malicious walking simulator, the poor lighting is combined with a fog mechanic that just forces you to stand still. After clearing the zone, the lights are cut off and you have to go through the mine tunnel again, but with even more limited vision and you still have to stand still because of monsters in the dark. There are a lot of cases that feel like they don't respect player time and also don't respect development time, because there are many zone mechanics that never get used twice. Being drunk also changes all of your dialog which is ridiculous and probably took way too much time to do.

    Starting from the Hub and in several zones afterwards, it's very easy to get lost and walk into and out of the wrong rooms over and over, triggering a scene switch every single time. The main town has a map and so does the mansion, zones in the middle should also have maps. There's a quick navigation from town to the Hub, but no other quicknavs.

    The way the gallery is set up is not great, you have to either go to bed, or exit to the start screen. The scene viewer itself is also lacking. There are several scenes that end abruptly because encountering the cutscene naturally has pre-dialog and post-dialog that the scene viewer skips. There are also animations with a long wait time that you can't speed up, because skipping will often end the cutscene entirely. The animations themselves are fine, the reused ones actually look pretty good the first time you see them. The Super Deepthroat ones are just tacky. So far there are 200+ scenes in the viewer, but a lot of those are the same animation with slightly different dialog. Not to mention half the pinups are basically just scenes that weren't added in properly, you can even guess where they were meant to go.

    The final thing that really holds Third Crisis back is the amount of incomplete content. Many characters are just placeholder NPCs, some of which haven't been dealt with since 2020. The main story is also stalled halfway, while several mostly samey bad endings are being completed. Like ok fine it's a corruption game, still weird that 3/4 bad endings are basically the same thing. They might as well have just folded waitress/whore/porn into a single long route. These side routes also have a ton of content, so it's not like they were faster to make. If you're just looking for a slut sim -- great, you've found it. Feel free to ignore the combat and the story because the corruption routes don't need any of those even though the canon trigger happens halfway into the story.

    In short, I didn't get the hype. This is by no means a 'bad' game, but it's also not exactly a good one. It's just another in a long line of WIPs that had a couple of really good ideas and then wrapped them up in a bunch of not-as-good ideas that are currently eating up years of development time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite H-game, I love the art, erotic scenarios, and gameplay. I look forward to updates and a finished version. The character development and side quests are awesome and the animations are superb, no other game plays like Third Crisis.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Godlike gameplay! Love the animation and progression! More games like this! If you love corruption games you can't miss this! Lot of options and positions, love the text, characters and the story is rich! Hopefully when its completed it has more options etc. I haven't 100% the game as of yet because I' m savoring the moment
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I just couldn't get into this. The strategy-rpg aspect is an interesting (though severely underdeveloped) change of pace, but a "hero" character who can't even rumble a street thug in a world where all the dudes are rapey is unfortunately par for the course. Throw in some slavery, exploitation, forced stealth sections, and a pile of tedium (if you hope to earn money without whoring Jenna out)... and I want my five hours back. Everybody being horny is supposed to be due to mind control, but that just seems like an uninspired way to make the waitress storyline increase Jenna's sluttiness in a predetermined fashion. She does some stuff with no input from the player, and later you can't even click on the "Don't take her top off" style options :/
    Maybe this is just a game for people who are deep into the corruption genre instead of people like me who merely tolerate it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Third Crisis has the Best Hentai name and has the BEST Story I've have ever seen from any other Hentai Games. Period. I remember playing this game since Version 0.23, now it's .41

    The Female Protagonist Jenna, also named Vibe, went on a mission to find her girlfriend Karen. And everything went wrong and Jenna awakened after 5 years. And everything has changed. Vibe has a weird power in her that makes her a slut and much more. Filled with many characters with very great development. Jewel is my favorite female, Throbb is my favorite male, and Rida is my favorite Futa. And yes even Karen...

    This game has so many hentai scenes and it's phenomenal. They range from gangbang, Rape, lesbian, Anal, Orgy, Futanari, plants, tentacles, food?, machines, electronics, and you name it. And yes even Karen...

    The gameplay is fantastic, a tactical RPG that does Attack or Hentai attacks and does put a lot of thinking and strategy in this game with some variety of weapons and armor/clothes. The Choices you make in the story DOES matter, it will effect Jenna with everyone around her if she stays pure or a slut. And yes even Karen...

    Overall, the game is Fantastic! Not a masterpiece, because it's not completed yet. But I'm confident it will be a master piece once it's Version 1.0. This could easily be anyone's top 10 best hentai games of all time. For me it could be #2 or 1. And yes EVEN KAREN....
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    What sinks this game for me is it's - in my opinion - odd dynamic with dominant-submissive roles.

    To sum it up, on the path of corruption, you might make the main character suck dick for money. While she does so, she will repeatedly tell you how DOMINANT and POWERFUL she is for having a dick in her mouth, and her form of corruption is that taking it up the ass or getting on her knees makes her feel strong and powerful, and that sense of power corrupts.

    On one hand? Kudos to the writers because this is a realistic thought. I indeed know women who feel powerful about the level of control they have over a man's pleasure when they suck him off.

    On the other hand? I really don't need to hear her talk about how powerful she's sucking dick lol. It's a buzz kill if you want a submissive character.

    The corruption path where she becomes a whore can also escalate to the point she's recruited by the bad guys, and then she...becomes a dominatrix of sorts that trains new slaves...?

    In short, I think people will commonly be after dominance or submission. The presentation of the two in this game can be quite jarring, and I think it can leave both walking away disappointed.

    This is tagged with male domination, but I'd personally argue they should stick female domination on it because at least her psyche and all the text dumps won't shutup about how strong she is for sucking dick. I suspect there might be people wanting a dominant female protagonist who would feel similar disappointment, however, when their strong female lead is exclusively bending over and engaging in other submissive acts the whole game through.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Given the original effort and skill put in to this I would have recommended it. But the currently slow development and less and less content given shows the developers really do not care about their game or their audience in general.

    As such I can not recommend people play it in it's current state as I do not believe it will ever be realeased in a complete version.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    Third Crisis is a game about some kind of superspy who ends up running athwart some terrorists, and then has to live in a world where the terrorists were successful and made everyone extremely horny all the time. The gameplay, which is top down 2D RPG and grid based tactical combat, is unremarkable. The story is fine. It's not great but it's serviceable. The music is decent. Overall the game is just kind of boring. The one great thing about it is the art. The art is all really well done and hot, but playing the game so I can see the amazing art is where I run into trouble.