Others - Completed - Thirstchasm [v3.2] [Carpetwurm]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun little game, but some frustrations build up overtime. It has the same problem with combat as tailbound, the sword having a weird hitbox, and on top of that, it's way too easy to get stuck in a loop where you get damaged as soon as you get up leading to game over, so it's just better to stay there and get fucked than to get up cause that doesn't even drain your energy, but then you're stuck looking at the same animation again. I had my 20 minutes of fun with it, but it can't really hold me for longer.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The major issue here is just lack of depth--you're better off just dowloading the art (there isn't that much of it), if you're curious to see it. There's only 4 levels, but truthfully speaking there is only about 2 levels of true content (floors 1 and 2, have the same enemies, and floors 3 and 4 also have the same enemies).
    The other issue is the fact that the game is counter-intuitive as fuck. Typically when you get knocked down in a game, you want to get up as soon as possible, but in this game it's best to let the enemy rape you after getting toppled because it refills some of your energy (you only game over if you run out of energy). "Ambush" rooms are a joke, if you fail the ambush (which you'll basically only fail if you decide you want to, because its stupid easy to pass) then you get some energy back (passing the ambush gains 2 exp).

    Ultimately, I'd skip this if you're thinking about downloading, but if you do download it, download it for the music.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A very, very good game, if you don't mind a bit of a challange. The bosses are anoying and powerful, but with experience or just a flying sword perk it becomes easy. The H-scenes are good, I quite liked their style.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Thirstcasm is a decent, almost good, rogue-like Zelda clone that really holds itself back with really s!@#$y and sometimes unfair enemy attack patterns and cooldowns. You get a good taste of that with the first area, The Tunnels, because the wolves there can hit you three times in a row with their absurdly fast dash attack.