First he turned into a mutant and then, for those that could look beyond the creepy smile and tramp stamp tatoo, he removes her from the game for ... reasons ... then when he decides to bring he back for those that patiently waited ...... she dumps you.
Chill my little redheaded facepalm machine, that "mutant" with a creepy smile is waay more beautiful and attractive than your avatar pic.

Hope the RL version is better than that. I wonder why u keep bitching about how she look even tho the dev won't change it back. IIRC he said that himself shortly after he let the "mutant" out of the lab. So why the bitching ??
You facepalmed users on the Freeloading Family thread for sharing their opinions on how things ain't looking good with the script and how it could've been better (there were lots of comments, not only mine), I wonder why ? (no hobby ??) Oh yeah, bcz YOU didn't like it ... baby girl, every person on this planet has the right to have his/her own opinion, just like u have yours about Audrey. Good or bad, smart or dumb, it's his/her opinion. Be the bigger person and respect that and if u don't like the shit they say, ignore it. Unless they start insulting you or somebody else, of course.
Btw, your sweet, classy (only with the old look) Audrey was kind of a slut in college. She said it herself to the MC, replay the game 'till u get that conversation. Can't make a woman a ho if she already was one, but you can accept or reject her.

You don't like how she look or how she act, I respect that. But please "allow" others to like her 'till we have proof that she's just a gold digging ho that cheated on the MC.
That aside, I'd like to thank u for your reaction to my previous post, I won some money from a friend thanks to your support. Told the fool that sweet Ava will give me a high five for having an opinion ... girl really is a devoted member.

Try to accept other opinions or just ignore the comments if you don't like what u read, ok ??