I know this year was... messed up in updates...
From getting it ready for steam, shifting the female route down a different path, an untimely death, and just general burnout, nothing just happened how it was supposed to this year, and that really sucks, because I know everyone doesn't want to wait for ever for the game to be finished, and I don't want to spend forever on this game, I have so many other idea's I would like to start working on.
I always kind of predicted 5 to 6 years to finish this game, and that does seem like a lot of time anyways, but when you think about it its not that bad, most of the good games I play have already been in development for 4 years and still going, I still look forward to the next update.
I think what causes the question of dev time on Thirty Days is everyone knows how long this game will last, its in the title, most games don't tell you so you don't think about it.
I could of easily not focused so much on individual days and just cover the major plot points and go through multiple days at a time, but I wanted to include the other things because I felt it helps with feeling more of a personal connection with the characters that's just not about the sex, While yes this is an adult game, the sex is not the only point.
I am pushing myself to get to day 10 by the end of 2024, I think that will put me back on a decent time frame for completion of the game, I also need to get better control of my ocd and stop rendering sooo many images, did day 5 need over 3,000 images in game , no, I probably could of covered the story in 1,000, but idk, that's just me, i like subtle things, so I render a lot more then really needed to get the point across.