sexy nubile/teeny looking models, wish more games used stuff like this instead of titty monster #394593945
why the low rating though?

i'll give it a shot
edit: really liked it... very cute girls, aside from the black tittymonster. I like that the protag isn't a clueless idiot and realizes girls raised by "le evil strict parents" often come out as more down to earth and valuable women, capable of being wives and mothers instead of social media addicted drones. also like that he picks up on the fact that he might be being manipulated by the girl with the cutesy/innocent act. in any case, really great renders, pretty cliche story all around but the dialog comes off as surprisingly human and natural... I think the most ridiculous part of this release was blacktittymonster swallowing an entire bratwurst whole without chewing lmao. Alex is absolutely adorable and has a perfect body and personality, even with what seems to be manipulation but maybe she's just innocent/clueless. Her sister seems much more porn-gamey to me with the modeling and overstated mommy-issues, but she also has the same down to earth feel to her, from the little we encounter her.
Interface wise... It's a bit much, would really like a way to completely hide the quickmenu and make an expandable section on the bottom with all the information on the top, having 3 different bulky elements on the screen is pretty obnoxious (top, bottom and right quickbar). A different font would help, this shit is like straight Arial or something, a bit too plain and also has some aliasing whenever the text is italicized, gives it a cheap feeling overall.
4/5 for now, for what it is, which is pretty simple, it's very q good at it. The stat overdose is a bit eh but whatever.