Honestly, I've been pretty blown away by this. To be fair, the fact my expectations tanked when I saw the spelling and grammar of the earliest screens is doing some lifting there... but still.
That said... I'm literally writing this in the middle of that 'no clicking' scene.
What started off as fairly heavy use of pan-zoom really just went off the rails about the time the photoshoot kicked off. Up until then, between the models and the fact that most of the time clicking through them wouldn't screw things up too bad, honestly it was fine.
Then the photoshoot. Suddenly, it was endless pan-zoom on images with almost literally no dialogue, and the few bits that were there weren't anything much.
And it kicked off with *so many* little scenes of either identical or highly similar images... and of a character we'd barely been introduced to. That might work in a more fetishy game with a new model catering to something specific, but that's not what's happening here. Frankly, all the duplicates need to be removed, and then at least half of what's left dropped too.
By the time my patience was really up with it, things *finally* moved on to at least including actual characters we knew and cared about. But still, it dragged... it wouldn't have been near as bad if my patience wasn't already shot, but still, too much...
Then finally we got a bit of a new side-story told via pan-zoom, which was a bit of a nice change... but still with yet another character we hardly were introduced to.
And now it's been so fucking long since even a single word was said to any of the main girls, and I'm being told I must patiently sit through yet more pan-zoom on this new character... presumably because things break this time.
The games 'round here are more than the sum of their parts. Individually each aspect of VNs kinda suck ass. Better visuals in actual porn, better smut in - uh - smut, better games (even interactive fiction) virtually everywhere. But throw it all together and somehow, it's rather compelling.
Look, I get not liking all the excessive amounts of inputs. I've certainly complained about that more than a few times myself. But having that element of control - even if it's just the pacing - adds something ineffable to the experience. Stripping it all out like this is... not so great.
Add in the fact the dialogue is also pretty stripped at this point, and like... I could just go scroll through a NSFW subreddit instead, you know?
And the bit of dialogue that has finally returned in this no-clicking scene is... subpar. It's trying way too hard. The rest of the game has managed to strike a good tone with things. This... has not.
I'm pretty burnt on this. It did a great job making me want more of the story with the MC, Kayla, Alexis, and maybe Nicole... and then it's just dropped all that like a rock to become a never-ending slideshow of random models that aren't even as nice as those for the aforementioned characters. And now, having taken the time to write this, I've realized just how much time I've wasted waiting for those things to come back... and honestly looking at the way the story is going, I don't have much hope it'll happen anytime soon.