Just stopping by to give an update on things, I am working on bug fixes, and I do appreciate Sancho's work and everything he has pointed out, and some of the things he pointed out got me thinking and he had very valid points, and I am making some changes to the way I am coding day 6, I don't want to go back and change previous days on those because it will break saves and his mod, but I am working back and making fixes to things he has pointed out without complete rewrites of the script.
I am also now working with some one to help with proof reading (Third person to do this, and also google drive and grammarly, and there is still issues.), so we are going through that right now as well, I may post a 5.01 update this weekend with some of those fixes, and if I do, ill post a patch here.
And for the female route, I want to touch on that a bit, some of you know I enlisted a new writer (Spryte) to write it for now on, and we were working on amazing content for that in day 5, I can publicly talk about what happened here now because she did publicly come out and say it, Her mom passed away, suddenly, and without warning, and it hit her hard, and me to a point as well, as Spryte is a very close friend of mine.
Spryte does have a lot of the same anxiety and depression issues I do so it was rough for her, and I wasn't going to ask her to work, so day 5 ended up starting with me writing it, her doing the middle, and me doing the end, and even then I was trying to delay it as much as a could to try and get her more involved again, but then I just had to finish day 5 and get it out so the ended wasn't what we wanted at all, and if you play the female route its obvious something was intended to happen at the end of the night, but I want her direct involvement in that scene, so it got pushed.
I do deeply regret the issues that plagued day 5, from delays, to rewrites, and missing my own deadlines.
I have been sitting here everyday since the release of 0.05 working on day 6, I am trying to get something out by the end of the year, if not by Christmas, but don't want to make any guarantees yet because I don't want to cut any of the morning content short.
I think its obvious I wanted to do more in day 5, but it just got to the point I had to stop or I would of continued working on it indefinitely.
I have given myself a pretty crazy goal of at least reaching day 10 by the end of 2024, That seems a little insane, but considering how fast development was when I started this, It should be doable even though the renders take longer then they used to, and that's even with massively upgraded hardware.
Again thank you for the support and encouragement, and thank you for pointing out bugs and spelling

. I did actually go through and do a find all for all the should of's, could of's and would of's, Think I got them all. And it was also pointed out I missed the autoLI tag in day 5, That is already corrected and in the next update/patch.
Also, does anyone consider alex touching ava's boob ntr?, I got review bombed on itch for that one... I was like okay.. I don't see that as ntr, but ok.