Ren'Py - Completed - This Romantic World [v1.5] [Reinbach]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I had expected more in all honesty. The start of the game is great. The premise of the story had a good foundation, characters were introduced bit by bit and they seemed interesting. But well, what im trying to say here is that the early parts of this game were great, but then the quality slowly started to tumble down.

    The main problem for me is the fact that there really isnt any “foreplay” to anything. Not to the sexual, not to the romantic, nor to the furthering of the story and neither to the tension of the drama. It all just feels so flat.

    The two positives that carry this game on its back is the art and the sexual scenes. The art is good and stylised, its very well done, despite its simplicity. The sexual scenes have variety of characters, even if its a bit vanilla.

    Would i recommend this? Ehhhhh… its a toss up, 50/50, if you seem mildly interested, then have a go at it, if not, then dont bother.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a decent game that is a bit rough around the edges.

    + I liked the self drawn graphics. Although they are not amazing when it comes to detail, the fact that it's hand-made makes them stand out and unique to me. I also enjoyed the more authentic body types, which is refreshing compared to the overly perfectionist standard that exists nowadays
    + Fairly unique and engaging overlying story
    + Nice unique setting. Sex is a way less private and taboo topic in this world. This is pretty well implemented and a nice twist compared to many similar games that have a bit more of a conventional approach.
    + Diverse and original characters: Althoug LIs are not too deep, they are well thought out and fit the above mentioned setting nicely.

    o The game has a quicker pacing for a more casual experience, this is nice if you like to get tho the action quickly. If you are looking for character depth tho, this might not be for you
    o Scenery design is generally great with a charming level of detail, although some areas lack it this regard
    o Quality and quantity of scenes is okay. It fits the rest of the game but the deparements lacks compared to most popular games.

    - No gallery or scene selector, and scenes are not repeatable. You either save before scenes or you replay the game
    - The world is pretty shallow. The main action happens at maybe three locations, and the rest pretty much only exist for one specific purpose

    It's not a milestone in the wold of lewd games, not even close.
    But it's uniqueness made it very much worth my time. I feel like it's definitely worth checking out
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is great, writing is practically non-existent.
    Setup for sex ranges from "oh, thank you for washing dishes, let me blow you" to "Oh hi person I barely know! We are in the same room, might as well have sex"
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 225772

    This Romantic World isn't necessarily a bad game but more of a disappointing one the further you play. The main gripe I have with the game is its intense linear focus, from the beginning you are constantly talking to new characters and being involved in stories and sub-plots that you expect will grow your relationship with each character and unlock more interesting dialogue/scenarios that will immerse you in the game. In-reality it really doesn't feel like that, after a certain amount of progress your interactions become very narrow i.e. you focus on one certain sub-point/story complete that and move onto the next, you're mostly rewarded by a sex scene for this.

    I would like to also say, for a game set in a world all about sex, there really isn't much dynamic on that, certain scenes (very very few) have some animations while others are still images, many of the characters you meet such as the redhead chick and futa boi only have one sex scene which you complete early i.e. the characters content are pretty much over before they began and you wont really figure this out until you get deeper into the game.

    Overall the reason my rating is so low is because of all the missed possibilities and opportunities, and the fact that I put in hours of gameplay for 1 actual sex scene with the "mom" and for other characters, it just felt like a waste of time in the end no matter how good the art is.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: Completed Game)

    This Romantic World was a good game. The story had a good premise and was well-written. The art was good. The LIs were likeable (especially Parker). The romances/the seduction felt rushed and it felt like if MC fetched something/performed a task then the MC would have sex with the LI which did not appeal to me. I do think that the development time was too long for the game. The ending proved to be a little unsatisfactory, but I suppose that were to be the case and I should now try to read their comics rather than treat it as a regular AVN.

    Anyways, overall I felt it was a 8/10.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I just don't have words for h ow amazing this art is. The game itself is fun, if a tad linear. There are some choices that can be made, but it feels like there's no weight to them.

    I do wish there were more fetishes. I would love to see some pregnancy and transformation in the game. We're dealing with a demon, for cripes sake :D
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is great, which gets it an extra star but everything else is pretty disappointing.

    The Good
    Art is very good; girls are very hot. Lack of anything below a DD cup is a bit disappointing.
    Story is true to the comics and the sex-crazed world they come from. Which would be great if we didn't have the MC to contend with.

    The Not So Good

    I enjoyed the comics; I actually recommend them. They are a bit disgusting but very erotic.
    The problem comes from translating a comic about a sex-crazed town where everyone is literally banging everyone else; told from a 3rd person perspective. Into the same story but with a first-person MC.
    Makes the entire game feel like NTR. I understand why it doesn't have the tag.
    None of the girls like the MC enough to be his girl, so they can't get stolen. He also gets a kick out of banging a girl, then coming home to see a pic of her with some other dudes spoog all over her chest.
    He enjoys sloppy 2nds 4ths and 19ths. Basically, he is a Beta Cuck and that's not fun.
    One girl actually forms an attachment and wants to be his girl. He can't handle her so dumps her on some Lesbo to take care of. My interest in the game pretty much stopped there.
    In these games I tend to try and avoid the town bicycle, but in this one, with a few exceptions, ALL the girls are the town bicycle. The school and town are pretty much in a non-stop orgy all the time.
    Again, kind of fun in 3rd person, not so much in 1st person.
    None of these well-used sloots can be avoided if you want to progress the story.
    No real choices that matter. Just whether you want to impregnate your step-mum or pawn her off on her new boss.
    Lewds are very low effort. Just a couple panels, with a few animations sprinkled in very rarely.
    No sexy sounds in the lewds either which is a bummer.
    No gallery. I didn't really want one, but this type of bang a hoe game should have one.
    MC doesn't matter. None of the girls really care about him. With a few exceptions, he is just the next rando to unload on or in them. He is pretty much a proxy for the purple succubus to kill her competition.
    Speaking of succubus. Why the hell is there a giant titty purple succubus if you can't bang her? Not even in your dreams? Very disappointing.
    Can't speak to the endings, as the Ipatch broke my game before I got there, but I was done with it anyway.
    Really this game is just for fans of gangbangs, orgies, sharing, swinging and Beta Cuck MCs. None of which are fun for me, and I don't feel like it was advertised as such.
    If you are into those things, and don't mind pretty lousy sex scenes, this game might be fun for you. Otherwise, stick to the comics. :cry:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with fantastic writing, characters and scenes. If you're a fan of Reinbach you'll know these characters well, but to see them fleshed out in a full game, and to have it be this good, is great. Yes it took a while to get to this completed state, but the quality has never dropped the whole way through. More scenes before the ending would've been nice, but if this means Reinbach has more time to perhaps start on another game making journey, then personally I don't mind.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art style. Good writing. Interesting characters with all sorts of funny kinks taken seriously. Game plays like reading a book - no dull grinding or challenging quests, no hardstucks - just wander around the places, talk to people and flow with the story till it's completion. As in many games main hero has enormous penis and can make up with 12 girls a day, but on the other hand the story is mainly about him making other people happy and enabling other people to achieve their kink-dreams, so it feels okay for main hero to have the proper tools for that. Ending is okay - not great, not terrible. Overall game is 10/10. Definitely worth playing.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is fantastic and the writing is pretty good which saves it from being 2 stars.

    This is my opinion of course but the creator fails to deliver what would be an enjoyable porn game by re-using a setting that's simply not suitable for it. The creator has a comic that's about a town where everyone, fucks everyone and the protagonist was never really a part of its history.

    Sex games are predominantly self insert fantasies. A sex game setting with pre-established relationships where characters aren't really connected with you, not good, you're getting sloppy 22nd's, also not good.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Pretty great. Desperately needs either a theater mode where you can see past scenes, or the ability to have repeatable events, or ideally, both. Also it's annoying that for a a sandbox game, nothing tells you "okay you've done all there is to do this update."

    So those types of things are a drag, animations are minimal, and the faces aren't always the best. But those are mostly made up for by the great dialogue and story, and letting the player have actual choice in how some things play out. For example one choice lets you have a nice date with a character while the other option has you exploring their kinks. Both end in a sex scene so you don't feel robbed with either choice, but the things you learn about the character are wildly different depending on the path you chose. Pretty rare in most games.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this. Art is boner inducing, story is fine and plenty to do. As I continue to write this review to reach the minimum 200 character threshold all I can say is, give it a whirl, you won't be disappointed, except maybe the total weebs.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is amazing. world is very slutty so sex comes easy, comes often, and everyone has a bodycount pages long.
    Orgies daily, highschool teachers fucking the students and everyone is ok with it. Many people are literally insane.

    "technically" this is not netorare, but it certainly feels like it.
    Every time you manage to "score" the girl (or femboy) tells you that she is not interested in a relationship.
    You are just casual fuckbuddy #69. Now please step back because she has to go suck off the teacher before scheduling tonights orgy.

    This sounds like I am exaggerating for comedic effect, but I am not.
    There is literally a scene where the girl literally explicitly tells you to fuck off now that you had sex because she is going to suck off a teacher and then plan tonights orgy.
    While it is the worst offenders, the other girls are almost as bad.
    Every waifu... bad phrasing. let me try again.
    Every love-interest... no, this is still not right. Ah there we go.
    every slut-interest in this game is the town's bicycle.
    I find this to be thoroughly unpleasant.

    Plot is... you are possessed by a Good Demoness who hates all other demons because they are Bad. A bad demon is in town possessing someone, your job is to fuck anything that moves to find the bad demon.

    Incest tag is wrong and the unofficial incest path is actually a mod, this is not one of those “roommate and landlady” winkwink.
    Your mother cheated on your dad so he divorced her, afterwards he married a single mother who has one daughter (your step sister). The marriage is crumbling and they are headed for divorce. So no incest there. Although your dad is absolutely getting cucked. Either you fuck her or someone else will.

    The big hampering thing is the technical aspects. The game is quite buggy, there is no proper UI like in many other games. You have no character list, no quest list, no gallery.
    Click on everything and hope your save is not bugged. (pro tip: it is bugged)

    I am giving this 3 stars because I am trying to be objective here. For me personally the "technically not netorare" makes this a 1. But if you are into town bicycles then this game manages to be a middle of the road 3. A balance achieved via mixing good art with bad game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the art and the characters, love the story, and so it was already going to be a high score for me... then I got to that amazing anime Evangelion bit and this game became a legend 5/5. Can't wait to see more for this game!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The content of this game is great. Art is nice, characters are fun, and there’s a great mix where the girls are slutty, but it’s all in good fun with no drama or NTR. The backstory is super interesting as well, something that doesn’t happen to me too much in adult games.

    However, there’s so many bugs it makes the experience frustrating overall. Super easy to get soft locked out of specific character routes, feels like you need to do everything in an incredibly specific order and walk on eggshells despite the sandbox nature of the game. Sometimes I would glitch and get completely softlocked and get stuck in one location and had to load an earlier save. Would also greatly benefit from a more clear guidance system in game.

    Will be a super fun game once it’s complete and the bugs are ironed out, but it isn’t quite there yet.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is a buggy mess. Characters are bland, story is basically nonexistent. Game breaking bugs are everywhere. Softlocks for miles.

    Only thing that it has going for it is the art.

    A gallery would be preferable .
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Play the game. I can count on my fingers how many porn games make me feel like I am actually playing a game but with porn which should make it much better :unsure: but most all fail and are just cg picture books but this hits the Old school Adventure game vibe and crushes a home run. Graphics-writing very well done. I give this the Maverick Bad Ass Seal of Approval.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Do yourself a favor and give "This Romantic World" a Spin! I can't speak for everybody but God Damn its been ages since I've been this emotionally interested. I've been playing this game nonstop the last three days I can't put it down I absolutely love everything about Reinbach's game!

    Not gonna lie I've been a fan of Reinbach's work if you haven't seen the hentai comic's highly recommend, Honestly whats not to fucking love! Sexy Huge Tits, Huge Dicks, Huge Cumshots, different fetishes something bound for everyone rich characters humor and deep story line plots, this one defiantly has heart. Different choices and different outcomes with completely different sex scenes so there's also replayability.

    I've been sitting on this one a couple updates so v0.7.7 was when I finally took the game for a spin, I absolutely love it I haven't even finished it yet every time I think I'm close to the ending there's even more content huge plus!

    Another Diamond in the Rough! Don't sleep on this hidden gem!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Great game and everything but damn with the patch and everything idk which it is, but it's a goddamn buggy mess anytimne i do something boom comes an error has occured, and ignoring doesn't work, after doing the trap thing and wkaking up it come sup when going to shcvool, ok? so i restart get past first day and boom again when going to shvcool error to talk to the guy at the front. PlUS OLD saves dont work, awesome game but man....
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit is this way better than I remember. Great writing and fantastic art with a real interest in proper smut pacing. Love it. Multiple characters you actually like and loads of possibilities yet unexplored. I'm even invested in the central mystery of the story. Hope more developers learn from this.