I really like the changes so far...it's a very polished project. I hope it does well on Steam.
Oh, One thing,…not a fan of not being able to roll back my choices.
My Community service.
OK, so here's a tool that will unlock the "roll back" feature with this title.
+Extract the zip and place this UnRen version where your (ThisTime.exe) file is located.
+Now run Unren and choose #6 (watch changes).....follow the prompt(exit program when complete).
Now run your game...your roll back should be working (only PC tested).
Also, I included the my favorite tool...the great 0x52_URM tool, which I use with every Ren'py title I play. It can serve as a semi replacement walk through mod (For me its a read only tool). The 0x52_URM tool can display story choices (which choice gives or removes numbers, etc., and some times other information that will aid in choices (BUT information can vary due to how the game structure is coded...(Maybe used another language, odd number / abbreviations mix, etc.)
+Now Extract and place the 0x52_URM file into your GAME folder, and run your game.
Note: Whenever a story choice, or requirement check happens, a small box will appear at the top left hand corner of your screen. Just expand and review (show box) them...to compare.
SELECT button is an override. (Do NOT use... But if you do, "Save" before, as it can fubar your save and mess with your endgame,...if your not careful.)
Also I included a starting save, (But it's where MC just won $1000 with a scratch ticket...he still has the money in his wallet.

(New starting save...added $1000. Note: I have no idea if it will affect game later on... Please use at your own risk.)