for me is the opposite,she is typical selfish wife like in NTR:
- she put her libido and her needs above her hubsand.
- she know he have problem at work,she did nothing to support him.
- Even he didn t cheat,she jump in the arms of 1st men
While I can't comment on the last 2 updates yet. But from what I played I put the husband as the worst one because. I only 1/2 agree with your first point. Cause she is understanding of him not having sex with her initially but it does feel just wants it to much but also I can't blame her cause being ignored by your husband when it comes to sex must make her feel not wanted. So I do agree and disagree hence 1/2 agree with you haha.
I do disagree about your second point At least depending in what way you mean support. Cause I see her trying to improve and work on their relationship and getting her act together and getting a job as support.
Now why I perfer the wife and dislike the husband
1. He is insecure and is the reason if not all almost all the fights happen
2. imo he doesn't even try in their relationship but to me the Wife at least puts some effort to improve it after she realizes there is a problem. Yet when the husband knows there is a problem he does nothing and just thinks to himself how there is an issue
3 . Frankly I do not like how the Husband treats her I actually got mad at him for calling her a slut because of her outfit. I want her to live with her ex for a few days after that and just ghost the MC. Or something more than just go take a walk and come home.
So I do agree with you she is selfish but I don't think she is that selfish or self absorbed cause she does tries to fix the problem when she notices there is one. At least to me a person that is truly selfish and self absorbed in the context of this game would do nothing to fix the problem and only think about their self and put all the responsibility on the husband to fix it. But she is 100% selfish at times just not so much so that she puts in zero effort or work.
Tho it will be interesting to see if my mind changes once I play the updates I missed