- Apr 10, 2017
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- 2,596
I never said cousin sister should not have sex with MC, you should read more carefully before making false assumptions, I said it is to me, personally a turn off because not only they're related, their loved ones broke their trust by raping them so from the girl's perspective, it just does not seem to me that she'd just forgive and trust him that early after she almost killed him due to her anger, let alone fuck him, it just seems as there's sex just for the sake of having sex, like most pornography plots, no actual build up to it, like maybe take your time first building the two character's relationship back before further developing the plot into them being sexually attracted towards each other if you want to take that route.I tried the new version, it's pretty good, I like the new paths. I do think the endings are still pretty abrupt and you get few new images as payoff. That was an issue in the original game as well, after all the build up you want to see more of the girl. Turning it into a non-sex game does not strike me as being true to the underlying layer of eroticism that present throughout the story, it'd feel wrong to build up to nothing.
I also disagree with the poster who said the cousin sister should not have sex with the MC, life/psychology is pretty complicated. I think that's one of the more powerful threads in Watchmen, that sometimes the unthinkable does happen. People are complicated. The mother in Watchmen just wanted to move on and take the power back, not be famous for being a victim for the rest of her life. So she fucked a man who raped her years earlier when he came to beg forgiveness. And it's a very powerful moment for her daughter when she understands and accepts this about her mother, even though it shattered her feminist ideals.
I'm not saying this has to be Watchmen level, that's impossible. I'm just saying don't have a judgmental outlook, our ideologies rarely account for human complexity.