
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
hi, is the game also for 32bit, or only for 64bit? Thanks for an answer
Hello. The 32-bit version can only work with less than 4 GB of RAM. Also some restrictions for VRAM. I'm afraid that for my optimizing skills it's not the option (You couldn't play in that or it wouldn't even be launched). However, I'd like to make something with it, for now I just have no time, really. Now I feel like continue improve plot and main character.

Deleted member 638949

Hi, I'm stuck at the dialogue choice, when we must choose by pressing 1,2,3. It don't respond after pressing them, What can I do ?


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
Hi, I'm stuck at the dialogue choice, when we must choose by pressing 1,2,3. It don't respond after pressing them, What can I do ?
I'd be grateful to you, if you described in details - this would make it easier for me to fix a possible bug. Had you restart level?

Deleted member 638949

Good day. Ritual (main quest), or next to Gangrenous (side quest)? I must to check. Or even earlier?
I'd be grateful to you, if you described in details - this would make it easier for me to fix a possible bug. Had you restart level?
I was on ritual, I restarted the level and try Gangrenous. And when I have the dialogue, I try to press 1,2,3 keys, but nothing happened. I restarted again with AZERTY QWERTY switch(MAJ+SHIFT), and still nothing happen. Hope this details will be useful :)


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
I was on ritual, I restarted the level and try Gangrenous. And when I have the dialogue, I try to press 1,2,3 keys, but nothing happened. I restarted again with AZERTY QWERTY switch(MAJ+SHIFT), and still nothing happen. Hope this details will be useful :)
Most likely the problem is in the code, although I checked everything 100 times (in many possible options and ways). I'm really sorry that it happened. You have done me a great favor. Thank you very much! I'll check it and find the issue.

UPD: Have been checking for an hour all the things and nothing. Whole level with possible transitions of data from previous levels. Either I haven't find it (logic is most likely ok for now), or it's compiling problem (may occurs time to time even if you hide game f.e. or something, here is a huge massive of code for one scene). Will try your way of passing in packed project and recompile it if run into a problem. Thanks again.
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Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
Maybe I don't know how to play but I have yet to see an H scene so far.
You may read out Walkthrough file into the game folder. To see the gallery press Patreon sign in main menu (be aware that it will open your browser) and after that in main menu you'll find option "Gallery".


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
In attachments, First one is a picture of native light setting (how it should work).
Second one is a picture of INcorrect shader work.

If you find your situation in here it might be caused by incorrect shaders compiling. It mean that 1) Some data had been lost while downloading or unpacking (I prefer 7z for unzipping) 2) Your graphic card couldn't handle it 3) CPU couldn't process the shader information code 4) I'm too lowskilled to foresee all little things for any exact case.

Or if it isn't your case and you just don't like the lighting intensity in the level especially for you (not joking, just read log v0.15a) I input "exposure controller" in options menu. You may adjust it on your own.
Thank you for your feddback!
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New Member
Aug 24, 2018
I have a really strange problem: Games starts fine but in the titlescreen I can't click anything. It just shows the mouse and the charakters do their idle movements so the game is running fine but i can't interact with anything. I tried changing the resolution and stuff but nothing works. Help?


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
I have a really strange problem: Games starts fine but in the titlescreen I can't click anything. It just shows the mouse and the charakters do their idle movements so the game is running fine but i can't interact with anything. I tried changing the resolution and stuff but nothing works. Help?
Hello. Interesting, but you're not the only who got this issue. Some say this by the fact that antivirus has deleted something. I'm not sure about it. However, I cannot see a prerequisites (in code) to commands not be executed (multi-widget layers e.g., one laying onto another).
I almost sure that an issue is in resolution. If you got something different from 16:9, it might be the case.

What you can do now (if you still have interest, I'm sorry for that):
1) Hold Shift in game and press F1 (Shift+F1) and press any icon (eg. "Options").
2) If you clicked anywhere before while game were launching (black screen) - don't. And conversly (yes, I'm coding on the language of Gods).
3) Most common thing - launch game as Admin (with administration rights on).
4) Try to click little left or right from the actual name of option.

5) Press "~" button and paste in appeared console r.setRes 1920 x 1080 for example (1600×900 and 1366×768 fine as well).

I'd try to extract code for manual executing "New game", but I guess it's useless due to further problems with clicking.
Thank you very much!
I'll do the work with resolution. Recommend you don't wasting your time for now anyway if you got that problem.

UPD: In next v0.2 screen aspect ratio will be fixed. I'm pretty sure I missed it.
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Jul 23, 2018
Hello. Interesting, but you're not the only who got this issue. Some say this by the fact that antivirus has deleted something. I'm not sure about it. However, I cannot see a prerequisites (in code) to commands not be executed (multi-widget layers e.g., one laying onto another).
I almost sure that an issue is in resolution. If you got something different from 16:9, it might be the case.

What you can do now (if you still have interest, I'm sorry for that):
1) Hold Shift in game and press F1 (Shift+F1) and press any icon (eg. "Options").
2) If you clicked anywhere before while game were launching (black screen) - don't. And conversly (yes, I'm coding on the language of Gods).
3) Most common thing - launch game as Admin (with administration rights on).
4) Try to click little left or right from the actual name of option.

5) Press "~" button and paste in appeared console r.setRes 1920 x 1080 for example (1600×900 and 1366×768 fine as well).

I'd try to extract code for manual executing "New game", but I guess it's useless due to further problems with clicking.
Thank you very much!
I'll do the work with resolution. Recommend you don't wasting your time for now anyway if you got that problem.

UPD: In next v0.2 screen aspect ratio will be fixed. I'm pretty sure I missed it.
Is it possible under the screen 1280-1024?


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
Is it possible under the screen 1280-1024?
Hello. It might be unplayable due to discovered bug or rather defect, which is already fixed. On Patreon I've pointed that out.

Engine reads out your system looking for best resolution when you start the game (optional, made by me). Your optimal screen ratio must be 5:4 I guess. Probably, it (1280x1024) will be your initial resolution. Changing resolution to related with 16:9 \ 16:10 might cause problems too. I recommend wait for another update.

But if you insist there are two ways: first screenshot to force changing screen resolution and second is easy way. I always give an options for players ;) Sorry for little mess.


May 17, 2017
I was enjoying this game but I played it through to the end of the ritual twice and didn't see a single sex scene. Visited the gallery and all the doors were locked. The game has a cool vibe but the walkthrough is useless for finding scenes. Will check back again one day, probably.


Game Developer
Nov 2, 2019
I was enjoying this game but I played it through to the end of the ritual twice and didn't see a single sex scene. Visited the gallery and all the doors were locked. The game has a cool vibe but the walkthrough is useless for finding scenes. Will check back again one day, probably.
I guess, you didn't check all the doors. Door "2L" is the key to others. But in new version which comes up in few days this mechanic will be slightly changed.

P.S. Press Patreon sign in the left bottom corner in main menu to "unlock" the Gallery (working on till v0.15a inclusive).
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May 17, 2017
I guess, you didn't check all the doors. Door "2L" is the key to others. But in new version which comes up in few days this mechanic will be slightly changed.

P.S. Press Patreon sign in the left bottom corner in main menu to "unlock" the Gallery (working on till v0.15a inclusive).
I appreciate the response. I felt like I did check all the doors, but it is possible I didn't go close enough to one. The room was pretty dark and I spent a decent amount of time in there. I did still enjoy the tone of this game and think it has a lot of promise in the future. I tend not to back games early, but I wouldn't mind supporting this one depending on how it shapes up. Best of luck and I look forward to revisiting in the future.

PS: If the main character had a lover/boyfriend back home it would make everything that happened to her extra horrific and spicy. A little wishful thinking on my part.


New Member
Feb 16, 2020
The game is really nice! The controlls are a bit cluncky but nothing too bad. I did not need any Walkthrough, well maybe its just me.
If you can implement those scences from the Gallery into the gameplay, it will simply be great ma dude.
Hope you keep going :D
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