Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
endings... list of the others?
The only other ending is the 'regular' one, do all quests and launch the invasion.

better ways to increase seals?
sacrificing virgins gets really repetetive
Not really. I don't have any good ideas for reducing the tedium either.

In theory, you can let the seals tick over and just play the game without access to the Capital, swatting down any additional gates that pop up while preparing for the final invasion. I don't know if it's more or less fun to have to go without the city's services as opposed to regularly sacrificing captives.

sleeping for >60days makes it even harder
What do you mean by 'harder'? If you mean there's a danger of running out of seals, that's a actually good, because you now have a potential failure path and have to plan around it, instead of just mindlessly clicking 'sacrifice virgin' every now and then.

And any tips for the best place to farm food?
Lizardman village. If you have the cash (and you should), you can buy both the fish and the meat, netting you over 500 food per month. If you supply the village with enough lizardmen, you can get up to double that, and every lizardman sent to the village also reduces the timers, allowing additional purchases.

If you like vore, I suppose Hakim can also be a good source. Otherwise, the best places to get food are cattle herds, towns and large fights, if you can survive them. E.g. a high-mobilization mountain fortress gives 134 satiety, and the city/dwarf/elf fights, angel events and patrols, giant homes, etc are even better.


Feb 12, 2019
Thanks for the reply, as always! So nice seeing a dev being so active.


1) About seal-restoration. Maybe make the altar a unique building, so you can only have one, but increase the seals-gain depending on the strength of the girl? Like up to Angel/demon 150seals. So you can hunt one of them down and then do other stuff. Ive mostly been doing town raids for nuns and comtessas but they don't give that much, but atleast relatively good chance to get them... LOOOOTSs of dead virgins in that playthrough xD
Or idea2: Make hunting parties from your minions to hunt down the wizards that destroy the seals, to slow down the decy.

2) With longer sleeping=harder i just meant that, the longer you slept, the more seals were broken without being able to do anything about it.
And how exactly do you prevent the complete invasion? I had a save where only the city was "red" and after i slept for 60 days (base amount for my current size) the final battle just began. tried reloading 3times, same result every time... or do i have to intentionally shorten my sleep, since in those 60 days the world was conquered? Okay that actually makes sense xD but from a gameplay perspective... maybe shorten the conqueror time? at least to the point that you can sleep safely at max size without fearing complete conquer?
Ouuuuu dunno how feasible it would be, but maybe (similar to above) make hunting parties from your minions to slow down the demons conquering speed? That would also give minions in my lair something to do, than just stand guard and loook pretty... ;)

Oh and speaking of finishing quests: i had some trouble gobbling up the thief... On my first playthrough she came in a few times and i got her early on, but on my last playthrough she never came early, and later on she just evades every single trap and guard. Even after getting her killed by the priates and waiting again she just steamrolled through everything, once she found the lair... had like 10 traps and around 300guard power but she was just to slippery... is there a way to get her for the quest other than luck? Even tried reloading a few times the day she invaded.

PS: sorry for that long text ^.^'


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
a dev being so active.
sorry for that long text
Well, enjoy it while it lasts. :cool: From previous experience, I doubt I can do more than a year or so of this, all told.

And I like long texts. :p

make the altar a unique building
What for? You're supposed to build lots of altars if your victims aren't providing enough seals individually.

Industrial sacrifice, the progressive dragon's choice! :D

increase the seals-gain depending on the strength of the girl?
hunt one of them down and then do other stuff
That's already happening. An average peasant gives ~7 seals, a demon exactly 47 and an angel ~59. And the latter two are hard to hunt down. Well, maybe not angels, now that you can get them from high-mobilization patrols.

Edit3: There is an indirect 'hunt for girls' option, Hakim ibn Hakim (ibn Hakim). No angels or demons, but you can get up to nobles and elves from him.

nuns and comtessas but they don't give that much
Nobles ought to at least double your seals gain? Your average noble virgin (i.e. not the one from the old man's manor) should be giving 19 seals, and a nun 16 seals. The very best peasants are 10.

LOOOOTSs of dead virgins in that playthrough
:LOL: I shudder to think what your pride screen looks like.

Make hunting parties from your minions to hunt down the wizards that destroy the seals, to slow down the decy.
If the King and Archmage can't reign that shit in, what makes you think a few squads of goblins, or even lizardmen+drakes can?

The out-of-game reasons being, of course, that then people want to start using minions for everything, totally destroying the theme of the game (you're a big bad dragon who does terrible things, or at least a mean little one who does nasty stuff :sneaky:). Not to mention the UI, scripting, all of the current balancing... :cry:

i just meant that, the longer you slept, the more seals were broken without being able to do anything about it.
Which means that you have to do something before sleeping. Reduce fear, raise seals to the max, stockpile virgins, etc.

I had a save where only the city was "red" and after i slept for 60 days (base amount for my current size) the final battle just began.
Right now, gates spawn every week, so 60 days = 8 gates. I don't know where the extra gate came from. :confused: I guess I can increase this to two weeks, so the only dragons who will have problems will be the Gargantuan ones who sleep half a year at a time.

Although there's some randomness in the process, and the chance to get exactly the maximum number of 8 gates is ~12%. So something is screwy. Can you send me the save?

do i have to intentionally shorten my sleep
That won't work consistently because this way, overexhaustion catches up with you rather quickly.

hunting parties from your minions to slow down the demons
than just stand guard and loook pretty...
Looking pretty is important. :D And they also guard your captives and watch out for thieves and knights.

Hunting parties have the same issues as before.

she just evades every single trap and guard
10 traps and around 300guard power
is there a way to get her for the quest other than luck?
Even tried reloading
The 'way' is to have proper lair security. 10 traps won't cut it past early mid-game, and the 'defense rating' is also meaningless when it comes to thieves, since she's not fighting the guards. What matters are raw numbers, of traps and guards. And your best option is to double down on one type. 241 goblins should catch even the toughest thief. So will 60 tentacle traps, the best thief-catching device. And that assumes a maxed-out demon thief with the best skills/items. Normally, 15-30 tentacle traps and 60-120 goblins (or half that number of other minions) should get her.

Edit: You can also look at the 'ask about the thief' screen and see if she has any items or abilities that confer a weakness against certain guards or traps, and then use those. E.g. snakes/cockatrices/basilisks if she has the fake antidote.

Edit2: She can also get the fake sleeping dust, and that's automatically game over for her. You can even savescum her into that, if you're really obsessed with getting her. :D
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Feb 12, 2019
Well Can't be active forever of course... Did you set your sights on some new project? Some Times for dragons-clone game by yourself by any chance? no idea why but this mod is addictive, need more :D
((might even offer some minor programming help, got some c++/c# expirience, so python shouldn't be that hard to learn))

euuuuhm I'm sorry, i was talking about stuff from a week ago and got alot wrong, went back and checked the save and there were a few places captured by the demon force.... so i guess thats not an issue anymore as i thought... Time to make a new playthrough on normal or maybe even hard difficulty? was playing on easy+fullsize start since i thought the demon invasion means the end of the game, plus in normal i got my ass kicked, this makes it eassier ^.^ I mean loosing the capital just means no more princesses and the jeweler to sell to? never beat the wizard though, dunno if he gives anything special...

And ye, i guess i have to agree with the whole "you are a dragon, you dont need to weak minions to do your work..." but then why even have minions? besides realeasing them for havoc and sending them to mommie i mean? At least let my dragon disciples preach the word of your mighty savior, the gobbler! he will gobble you up to save your soul!... or let them sweettalk maidens from around the world to "teach" them in my lair while i sleep? :D

But maybe raise the conquering time a bit, so even high level dragons can sleep without worry? ^.^'

Hmm, my pride on that save was at 22, guess it wasnt that many virgins? defo felt like that... all that good breeding space, i mean all those sweet maidens sacrificed *shudder* xP

Okay time to build some tentacle traaps i guess, sounds like fun :D why did you say goblins though? are they special when it comes to the thief, or does any high level monster work too?

((oh goddess, im going to hell i think...))


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2018
Damn. I'll cut it down some more. Just don't look at the frostpaws for the moment.
Just put stats below artwork and exit button near the "Frock".
Already done this long time ago, but seems been reverted in you version.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Did you set your sights on some new project?
Well, I have several old projects that I could spend pretty much forever on. A modmod for the X-Com Files mod (old X-Com, not nuXCOM), and the other XXX game you can find from my posting history. I also have a lot of old personal mods and modmods in various states of completion. Darkest Dungeon, Battle Brothers, Deity Empires, Stardew Valley, Civ Beyond Earth, JA2... I tend to get worn out by a single mod in a month or two, but occasionally return to them as well. I've released very few of them, though.

programming help
python shouldn't be that hard to learn
Python is dead easy to learn. But it's usually not programming per se that's holding me back, it's the content creation and resource-hunting.

Anyway, you want to contribute, feel free. I was very happy to take Lillibilli's changes, for example.

i guess thats not an issue anymore
raise the conquering time a bit, so even high level dragons can sleep
Well, it is an issue, but only for the very endgame. If I ever reach that, or someone provides a save, and it turns out to be impossible, then I'll change it. Right now, I'll just move the gate-generation to a bi-weekly cycle.

new playthrough on normal or maybe even hard difficulty?
I want to tell you to wait for a new release, but can't, since I don't really have an ETA right now. Next month, maybe? After Christmas, probably. By February, almost definitely. :p

in normal i got my ass kicked
Just wait until you try impossible. A peasant with a pitchfork is terrifying, two footmen are unbeatable and an ogre is something out of legend. :D

I mean loosing the capital just means no more princesses and the jeweler to sell to?
The city also has lots of fun and difficult fights, and is a source of angels. And the jeweler thing is pretty important if you're trying to complete the 'get lots of money' quests and achievements.

never beat the wizard though, dunno if he gives anything special...
Which one, the Archmage or the 'Wizard' wizard? The first one can't really be defeated, except temporarily at the gates/palace assault. He does give out some good XP, though. The second one provides a nice lair and a fresh elfgirl.

And ye, i guess i have to agree with the whole "you are a dragon, you dont need to weak minions to do your work..." but then why even have minions?
For fun. And as a reward for getting new girl types.

Also, harder difficulties are all but impossible without minions.

Minions are basically intended to be cannon spell fodder, not independent parties who do the dragon's tasks for him.

besides realeasing them for havoc and sending them to mommie i mean?
You can also send some of them to the lizardman village, and have the rest train/drain up and admire them afterwards. A dragon is a covetous creature, and nice minions are pretty much like shiny treasure and cute captives, something he just collects. :D

preach the word of your mighty savior, the gobbler!
sweettalk maidens from around the world to "teach" them
I am foreseeing lots of pitchfork parties for your preachers. :p

pride on that save was at 22, guess it wasnt that many virgins?
Maximum pride from doing evil things to captives is at 666 girls each (eating, slaughtering, sacrificing). I guess your dragon has some room for improvement. :D

why did you say goblins though? are they special when it comes to the thief, or does any high level monster work too?
Goblins can be bought in large quantities, unlike dragonspawn who need to be bred and hatched over a long time period.

They are 'special' in that they have their own thief-catching picture, and are only half as good at spotting the scoundrels as the other minions.

Big monsters are actually bad, since there's usually less of them around, and catching the thief is all about how many minions are out and about patrolling for her.

oh goddess, im going to hell i think...
Pray to the Gobbler, and thy soul shall be saved. :sneaky:

Just put stats below artwork and exit button near the "Frock".
I moved the button below the picture some time ago. The frostpaw text still had to be shortened since it was overflowing even then.
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New Member
May 16, 2020
Lizardman village. If you have the cash (and you should), you can buy both the fish and the meat, netting you over 500 food per month. If you supply the village with enough lizardmen, you can get up to double that, and every lizardman sent to the village also reduces the timers, allowing additional purchases.
There's a lizardmen village? How do I access it?


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
There's a lizardmen village? How do I access it?
There isn't (yet). You have to get them to set it up, and that means there have to be some lizardmen, and they need to be running around in the Kingdom as well. There are about three ways to do that, there's a chat option that hints at it, and there's an outright quest where the Lady actually spells out what's needed. Or search the thread, this is one of the things that's come up before.


Mar 15, 2019
Do you need resists to get high level eggs from fire / ice / lightning girls? My dragon's virility is like 15+ but I'm still not getting the highest tier of eggs from virgin fire and ice girls.

Also, is the dwarf golem weak to anything?!


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Do you need resists to get high level eggs from fire / ice / lightning girls? My dragon's virility is like 15+
Your virility needs to be at least the same as the 'power' of an average fresh minion of the corresponding type. For ice maids/firelings and Frost Wyrms/Balors, that's 18. So you're pretty close.

Also, is the dwarf golem weak to anything?!
Click on its icon during battle and look at the resistances tab. Acid and lightning, I think.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Went back to retro dungeon keeper 2 while waiting and got lost in it. What to download?

Any differance between hotfix 3 in attachment and mediafire?

You added permavirgin flag, great.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Went back to retro dungeon keeper 2 while waiting and got lost in it.
I hope you kept the dugeons clean? :p

What to download?
Latest release plus hotfix, as always.

Any differance between hotfix 3 in attachment and mediafire?
No, the duplication is just for convenience.

You added permavirgin flag, great.
That was already over a month back, wasn't it?

In other news, the 'impossible test dragon' got his forest temple and became seals-neutral with some savescumming for carriages. If there's interest, I can share the save. Otherwise, I consider 'impossible' actually 'possible' for now, at least until some new information comes up.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Seals tick down function is in kingdom.rpy? The part where too much fear/infamy reduces seals.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
It's in the difficulty selection screen. :devilish:

Technically, it's in date.rpy, but tweaking the difficulty levels in script.rpy is probably still a better idea. Unless you want to implement your own fear-reduction algorithm.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Ok thanks will work on it. Want to set seals reduction to 0. no reducing unless throw cultist battle. Just my personal preferance, dont like rushing.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Well, your choice, but the seals decay is probably the most important and iconic mechanic of the entire mod. Without it, you have essentially unlimited time and resources, the bane of most RPGs in existence (and a nice chunk of other nonlinear games as well).

You'll probably end up in a relatively 'unlimited' position anyway, but IMHO the journey there becomes much more interesting. Unless you play on impossible. Then it's just painful. :devilish:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
whats dragon_creation in /db for? Would like to try starting with some of the setups in there.

Or can I just add in a rainbow head to the starting heads?

Cant seem to upload screens
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
whats dragon_creation in /db for?
It's a remnant from Eliont messing around with things, I think. There's no support or implementation hooks for it, and I have no plans to add any, either, since I happen to like the 'wimpy dragon' phase.

Or can I just add in a rainbow head to the starting heads?
Well, yes, in principle you can. But there are three issues:
  • No room in the UI for another colour.
  • No 'rainbow'-flavoured portraits.
  • This is a special and more expensive head, and starting with it will screw with balance.
Cant seem to upload screens
Not my doing (I hope). :whistle:


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
mess with the evolutions db
You can repurpose the '+size' selection menu for adding more evolutions beyond just small or medium size, if that's what you want.

Messing with the YAML data can get... messy. Don't add more than ~5 evolutions, or some assumptions will be broken.
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes