a dev being so active.
sorry for that long text
Well, enjoy it while it lasts.

From previous experience, I doubt I can do more than a year or so of this, all told.
And I
like long texts.
make the altar a unique building
What for? You're
supposed to build lots of altars if your victims aren't providing enough seals individually.
Industrial sacrifice, the progressive dragon's choice!
increase the seals-gain depending on the strength of the girl?
hunt one of them down and then do other stuff
That's already happening. An average peasant gives ~7 seals, a demon exactly 47 and an angel ~59. And the latter two are hard to hunt down. Well, maybe not angels, now that you can get them from high-mobilization patrols.
Edit3: There
is an indirect 'hunt for girls' option, Hakim ibn Hakim (ibn Hakim). No angels or demons, but you can get up to nobles and elves from him.
nuns and comtessas but they don't give that much
Nobles ought to at least double your seals gain? Your average noble virgin (i.e. not the one from the old man's manor) should be giving 19 seals, and a nun 16 seals. The very best peasants are 10.
LOOOOTSs of dead virgins in that playthrough

I shudder to think what your pride screen looks like.
Make hunting parties from your minions to hunt down the wizards that destroy the seals, to slow down the decy.
If the King and Archmage can't reign that shit in, what makes you think a few squads of goblins, or even lizardmen+drakes can?
The out-of-game reasons being, of course, that then people want to start using minions for
everything, totally destroying the theme of the game (you're a big bad dragon who does terrible things, or at least a mean little one who does nasty stuff

). Not to mention the UI, scripting,
all of the current balancing...
i just meant that, the longer you slept, the more seals were broken without being able to do anything about it.
Which means that you have to do something
before sleeping. Reduce fear, raise seals to the max, stockpile virgins, etc.
I had a save where only the city was "red" and after i slept for 60 days (base amount for my current size) the final battle just began.
Right now, gates spawn every week, so 60 days = 8 gates. I don't know where the extra gate came from.

I guess I can increase this to two weeks, so the only dragons who will have problems will be the Gargantuan ones who sleep half a year at a time.
Although there's some randomness in the process, and the chance to get
exactly the maximum number of 8 gates is ~12%. So something is screwy. Can you send me the save?
do i have to intentionally shorten my sleep
That won't work consistently because this way, overexhaustion catches up with you rather quickly.
hunting parties from your minions to slow down the demons
than just stand guard and loook pretty...
Looking pretty is important.

And they also guard your captives and watch out for thieves and knights.
Hunting parties have the same issues as before.
she just evades every single trap and guard
10 traps and around 300guard power
is there a way to get her for the quest other than luck?
Even tried reloading
The 'way' is to have
proper lair security. 10 traps won't cut it past early mid-game, and the 'defense rating' is also meaningless when it comes to thieves, since she's not
fighting the guards. What matters are raw numbers, of traps and guards. And your best option is to double down on one type. 241 goblins should catch even the toughest thief. So will 60 tentacle traps, the best thief-catching device. And that assumes a maxed-out demon thief with the best skills/items. Normally, 15-30 tentacle traps and 60-120 goblins (or half that number of other minions) should get her.
Edit: You can also look at the 'ask about the thief' screen and see if she has any items or abilities that confer a weakness against certain guards or traps, and then use those. E.g. snakes/cockatrices/basilisks if she has the fake antidote.
Edit2: She can also get the fake sleeping dust, and that's automatically game over for her. You can even savescum her into that, if you're
really obsessed with getting her.