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Hey everyone!
Hope you’re all doing well and thank you so much for your continued support! Lots of information below, as well as what you’ve been waiting for: When the next release is coming.
Release Info
Cutting to the chase, the next release will be coming by the end of the week (hopefully sooner). First, the beta will be released to Heroes and Captain tiers, and then a few days later to Researchers (As long as there are no issues) and finally, a week after that to Soldiers. Also, based on your tier you will get some in-game wallpapers when you start Chapter 2.
Status update - Scene 08
I was a bit inspired last week and decided to add something that’s part of scene 09 to scene 08, as I wanted to test out making the animation for it. Going forward, I’ll try not to add more content unless I’m very ahead of schedule. This just worked out cause the event was supposed to happen at the start of scene 09. Either way, I think you’ll all really enjoy it as it involves the lovely lady in the picture above

. This did add a couple of renders, as well as an animation to the release, but those are all rendered now. A bit of post-work and writing needs to be done, but otherwise that part is essentially done.
I’ve included a new category called “Additional Game Assets” to the status updates as I recently realised that I haven’t included it, and it does take up a decent amount of time. This includes things like image buttons, overlays, signs, phone icons, banners, etc. All a huge part of the game’s development, but easily overlooked.
Rendering: 100%
3D Modeling: 100%
Post-work: 95%
Additional Game Assets: 100%
Writing: 95%
Editing 20% (I’ll be editing the script along with my alpha tester, who’s helped in the past.)
Testing 20%
Programming 90%
Music: 100% (Meant to upload earlier. Will upload this week.)
I’m going to do some regression testing with the new update to make sure that everything works as it should from start to finish. As long as things work out as they should, going forward things should go smoothly when starting a new release (*fingers crossed).
I’m going to have a poll released tomorrow! There’s going to be a poll for each tier (as you have different voting power), so please only vote for your tiers’ poll.
*I’ve had a few people ask me about this and I just wanted to clarify that this is a Harem game first! So have no fear and go for the Harem (If that’s what you’re into :3)
*As I’ve mentioned before, it’s been a crazy time since the first release, but now that the Kickstarter campaign is done, the initial release to STEAM, and the general marketing and promotion of the game, my prime focus is back to the development of Time For You (Which I’m super happy about

More info to come and thanks again for your support!