Unity - Completed - Time Loop NTR [v1.40] [Kegani Laboratory]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of NTR and in my opinion, these devs do it the best. This is quite similar to Sexy Bar (again same devs) but feels a lot more polished. Really looking forward to future updates!

    Only critique about this so far so that it can feel a little grindy at stages.

    Definitely one of my top 5 games on this site.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is very good. It is a sandbox and has you going around the school doing quests and unlocking content.
    That being said, this English translation is unplayable and I cannot recommend it.
    If you know Japanese, play this game in Japanese, but if you don't know, forget this version of the game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought it was a good game he created... like the bar game as well, but I felt this one gave you more control of the situation with multi management and gave a clear understanding of what needed to be done... the only complaint I have was keeping her out of D classes while trying to keep her from bn cucked was very tedious
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ 1.10]

    I feel this entry is somehow a step backwards.

    Line art's nice. I like the tits. Animation is janky due to very few frames and tweening that seems like somebody has no idea how the act of sex works.

    Writing is poor, even beyond it being MTL. Scenario's been done, narrative has tisms and both characterization and porn events are congalines of boilerplates.

    Porn's fine. Appreciate that anal is avoidable. Annoyed that pregnancy is limited to one standing picture and one gameover CG. Would have liked the lust crest to show up more/have an impact as well.

    Gameplay's the fail here; it's pretty much just event trawling across a simple map with RNG deciding whether or not you get something if you found it. There's less active gameplay than the circle's previous works. This presentation would have worked fine (great even) if they had used the time saved cutting corners to add more art and events. They didn't, opting to have several routes share art. It just seems like they ran out of time/money/give-a-shit at the end.

    TLDR: grindgrindgrindgrind ooh a boob.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    one of the less good kegani games we have gotten over the past couple of months. not a lot of content. the grind is not long but also feels more boring than the other kegani games. id recommend cheating after going through the first couple loops to save yourself some time. As i stated its not that bad without cheating though. the other thing id have to note is pretty specific but when you try to protect the heroine there's no automatic lose option if you want to see the cg. so you have to savescum it until you lose. and i think if you have high enough stats you just can't lose the fight, which is irritating.
    The animated scenes are pretty bad this time around. Also there's not a lot of positions available for them. the concept of the veil hiding the girl having sex is still hot but it wears off quickly when they dont have dialogue or anything while they're in there. most CGs in this game are actually ok though, i thought a lot of them were good for this dev.
    pretty disappointed by this game but its also fairly short to complete. has a few nice scenes. the main heroine is cute. the writing is okay. kegani games have this weird charm to them that i like a lot so im more lenient in my opinion with them, but this one is too awful.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an... okay game. I think it could be the potential best game from Kegani, but only in comparison to their past works. The NTR is not only avoidable, but can also become Netorase and anything in between, which is great, something for everyone.

    You can actually avoid the NTR and GET some content from it. Past works basically made avoiding NTR completely worthless because there was next to nothing in reward, CG, animation or otherwise. Also the MC ain't no microdick this time.

    The biggest problem with the game right now is how incomplete it feels. For example, there was no anal animation for the MC, until verson 1.10. No blowjob for MC either until update 1.40. And the girl's stats; Exposure, Flirt, Toy, and Opposite Sex (aka pregnancy chance) cannot be locked down and will degrade.

    So eventually you have to resort to save scum to get potions for her 4 stats because of RNG... or you know, tampering with the save in your LocalLow files which of course, skips the RNG headache. Also, it's grindy as fuck, even on easy.

    Also to mention there's really not much in the way of gameplay, it's pretty much; study, fuck, preggo, win. That's a step backwards from Sexy Bar in gameplay, but a step forwards in NTR avoidance rewarding, if only marginally. There's not much variety in content.

    Continued updates might make it better. Needs a lot of work, could be good instead of just meh. It's already better than most of Kegani's past games, except Sexy Bar. Less bugs this time. Just try not to compare it to other non-Kegani games too much. As usual, the downfall is the execution and not the premise.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Lots of grinding for not much.
    I originally thought I would have options to have sex with tons of other girls, but after 2 hours of gameplay there's just 2 girls to play with. You basically study your ass to get S tier in 18 different skills that seem to do nothing more valuable other than having better grades (more chance to get points with 1 girl after each tests) while the 2 girls just cuck yourself in front of you.

    I normally don't mind MTL since I just want to get the basic context about the game, but this was painful to read. Had to wait a second on each dialogue to translate itself to English and at the end I just hold spacebar.

    I don't know man, thats just one big slut that isn't worth working for.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Everything the posts in these thread are saying is true. The MTL is garbage and hard to understand. The grind is dumb and annoying, and some of it is rather hard to boost consistently, like the scroll points.

    So why did I rate it four stars?

    Because I spent at least five hours playing it and when you finally get a string of scenes, its hot. I like sexy bar by the same developer even better, but there's a better job with variety in dudes here, and its obvious the devs are trying new things and have a greater ambition here. With a few gameplay tweaks, like ability to lock the potion traits and grind reduction, this could be a even better game, but it currently needs some work.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This MTL is illegible word-salad. No matter how interesting, or well executed the concept, what is the value of a game where you can't read what is happening without cracking up at the poor translation?

    On this site, perhaps somewhere there is a decent (edited) MTL that translates a game that otherwise would never get that treatment. With MTL like this on the other hand might as well be left untranslated.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I am not a big fan of Kegani Laboratory past work. With the past games with 'cut and paste game mechanics' and 'asset flipping' but this one seems to be an improvement in how this game has its own style.
    You travel though time to stop the girl you like from being a bitch (or you let her, your choice). The artwork is still the same 3d model work that Kegani uses so if you played the last game, you are not seeing anything new though. Most annoying thing is the grind.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, not as good as the tavern one in my opinion. This one is a little more forgiving (the other ntr games from this group are much harsher on the ntr front, even if all of them have avoidable ntr).
    Would have been nicer if they let us pull the curtain back and forth on our own. Also would have liked a breasts animation like the vaginal/anal one. Also, more variation in the male sprites would have been nice (theres only student and teacher rn).
    Finally, animations > cg, always. Would've been nice if they had more of those instead of so many cgs for the stuff in her diary imo.
    All in all though, excellent game. Losing her after trying so hard can be gut wrenchingly fun, especially because of the timeloop heheh. Endings are fun too, just wish there was a reward for finishing instead of everything being bought (the animations in the memory room arent enough of a reward imo).