Jan 22, 2022
I have to say that I feel like the game's pacing is getting really weird. Scenes just seem to happen, without any concern for time and space. Like, Cassia comes over to invite you to dinner, and then BAM! You're eating dinner with her at another location, without any sort of transition scene, and it feels jarring. There's also this scene, where she apparently phases through the door.

But back to my main point, I feel like the railroad design this visual novel seems to be going for (as opposed to a more choose your own adventure kind of thing) is hampered by the way it almost feels like we're literally skipping scenes in a movie or channel hopping to suspiciously similar designed shows that are slightly different.

A scene will end, and before we even get an establishing shot, we suddenly find ourselves embroiled in conversation with someone in a completely different location. There's nothing even like "I need to talk to you about something" to get things going. The conversation starts in media res. And while just having someone there without any warning kinda works with characters like Valentina, it's super weird that it seems to happen with everyone all the time.
I agree with this assessment. In general the game has unusual pacing such that the events can feel disjointed. The earlier chapters had a similar feeling, with scenes that abruptly end and begin. I believe the initial explanation offered was that many game/sim-like options were removed. However, this chapter seems to revert to the early pattern, so it just seems like an issue with the developer's pacing in storytelling.

One thing that drags down this chapter is that the game seems to believe you've forgotten about every character (and, to be fair, nearly 1/2 a year since the last update does warrant some screen time). On top of that, there is no overarching plotline that feels like it is driving things forward, no tension or timeliness. Vague threats of Avila and Brennus/Danes are simply things other characters talk about, but have no real presence to be concerned about. Even the ominous presence of Marius, who seems to be the villain in earlier chapters, is completely defused and forgotten about now.

Up until the climactic events of the chapter, we are largely just wandering through the castle being accosted by each love interest for sex at every turn. The MC seems bored of having sex with beautiful women, and this unfortunately comes across in the mood and feel of the chapter.

I also have my concerns about the usefulness of the climax toward driving the story forward. The game so far has had some tension because it created some conflict between the MC's sexual escapades and his service to the kingdom. The plotline as it may develop suggests that the MC will soon be able to have a much freer hand to do what he want. That defuses things and makes me think the story is running out of steam.
It's good that there seems to be a plan toward actually ending the game rather than having it drag on forever, but I hope it ends on a strong note rather than a weak and faltering one.
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Engaged Member
Mar 2, 2018
MC seems to be getting bored or at least avidly frustrated with the games main premise.... this is generally a reflection of how the dev feels about his own game. generally doesn't bode well for the future of a game. also how am i supposed to be invested in the story if the MC doesnt seem to be interested in having the harem that is basically promised to him.


Oct 30, 2019
I agree with this assessment. In general the game has unusual pacing such that the events can feel disjointed. The earlier chapters had a similar feeling, with scenes that abruptly end and begin. I believe the initial explanation offered was that many game/sim-like options were removed. However, this chapter seems to revert to the early pattern, so it just seems like an issue with the developer's pacing in storytelling.

One thing that drags down this chapter is that the game seems to believe you've forgotten about every character (and, to be fair, nearly 1/2 a year since the last update does warrant some screen time). On top of that, there is no overarching plotline that feels like it is driving things forward, no tension or timeliness. Vague threats of Avila and Brennus/Danes are simply things other characters talk about, but have no real presence to be concerned about. Even the ominous presence of Marius, who seems to be the villain in earlier chapters, is completely defused and forgotten about now.

Up until the climactic events of the chapter, we are largely just wandering through the castle being accosted by each love interest for sex at every turn. The MC seems bored of having sex with beautiful women, and this unfortunately comes across in the mood and feel of the chapter.

I also have my concerns about the usefulness of the climax toward driving the story forward. The game so far has had some tension because it created some conflict between the MC's sexual escapades and his service to the kingdom. The plotline as it may develop suggests that the MC will soon be able to have a much freer hand to do what he want. That defuses things and makes me think the story is running out of steam.
It's good that there seems to be a plan toward actually ending the game rather than having it drag on forever, but I hope it ends on a strong note rather than a weak and faltering one.
I agree. The game is honestly structured in such a weird way that I can't tell if the climax of this update is supposed to be the midpoint or the inciting incident. Like, was everything before setup and now we're moving into a more fluid thing where we have influence on things? I mean, the title is "To Be A King," so it sort of feels like the throne being up for grabs and who exactly is going to claim it (the son, the oldest child, the queen, you, or some other faction) after the king dies seems like it would be where things really get rolling, but if that's the case then what was all that other stuff we were doing beforehand?

The narrative's false starts with plot points like "Can we trust X?" just seeming to resolve themselves doesn't help things.

Also, I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I find it really hard to be invested in the whole idea of "Protecting the royal family" as a plot point when we really don't get an opportunity to do so, or even just see our character do so.

There's a lot of telling without showing. Characters tell us about suspicious things, and we say we'll follow up on them, but we don't really. Maybe we pass that information along, but there really doesn't seem to be any initiative taken to try and find threats or anything. We're told that the political and military situations are precarious, but we don't really get to see that anywhere or consider how to resolve things. We can't debate the merits of one alliance over another or have any real way of influencing them for example.

Narratively, I feel like it was a mistake to introduce one faction as anything more than a name in dialogue with a potential love interest earlier than the other, particularly when the faction that gets introduced is the enemy of the one that we are already kind of negatively predisposed to. This only gets worse when the other faction gets introduced in a frankly throwaway scene that doesn't even deign to give their representatives names. At least if there was another love interest, say the other king's younger sister, there'd be some potential to be invested? Like, they get sent as an envoy to get oldest princess to come home with them, but their fallback plan is her being part of a marriage alliance instead, and it could be hard to have positive relations with both of them.

At least then you could have the story potential of having characters with their own agendas trying to recruit you to their side and you might actually have to consider what you'd get out of allying with them. And maybe spending time with them or your other love interests could cut into your time actually doing your job so that when things happen like a kidnapping or whatever, you'd feel like maybe if you hadn't been slacking you could have prevented things from going sideways?

I think this might be why so many visual novels are set in schools/office jobs, because the minutia of the day to day tasks aren't really interesting to most people, so people don't really complain if you just gloss over them.

But we're talking kings and successions!

I honestly feel like the premise of this title is let down by its execution on so many fronts. I thought that the earlier roughness was just the result of the releases essentially being proofs of concept that would be refined in later updates, but I'm pretty much certain that's not the case at this point. A lot of things feel like half-measures for lack of a better term, like they started developing the concept, but just stopped before it got fully developed. It feels really weird that we have a character like Aristhenes, but not a counterpart to him, with both of them being potential allies or enemies depending on our choices. It's weird that one of the two warring factions trying to court our favor is represented by a character that we are encouraged to try and marry and we have multiple chances to interact with, and the other is represented by a guy labeled "Envoy." And I realize that the things that would help elevate this thing in my eyes would be a lot of work, and clearly work that the developers, for one reason or another, don't want to put into, at least not into the things that I'd have liked them to address.

Take for instance the kidnapping plotline. I already griped about our lack of ability to influence the investigation and rescue, but I also think it would have been good to be able to influence who was targeted. Obviously, this would have required shuffling scenes around a bit, but maybe it could have been whoever you had the highest affection rating with? Or Marius himself gets kidnapped if you've done side content that addressed security concerns? Or maybe certain parameters could mean Kaylan gets kidnapped and you have to choose between helping in the search for her or securing the royal family, and the intrigue is whether or not her kidnapping is targeted at her father or you to make you unable to focus on your duties. Or maybe if you did a *really* bad job the king would just flat out be assassinated and you'd get a game over where you either got exiled or executed.

Like I said, that'd obviously be a lot of work to implement, especially because it'd kinda be zero-sum. A player wouldn't be able to see all that content in one play through, finding themselves in a situation where choosing to accept one invitation would lock them out of another.

But whatever, I guess. They're making money with their current priorities, so seems like it's working for them.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
MC seems to be getting bored or at least avidly frustrated with the games main premise.... this is generally a reflection of how the dev feels about his own game. generally doesn't bode well for the future of a game. also how am i supposed to be invested in the story if the MC doesnt seem to be interested in having the harem that is basically promised to him.
Isnt the core narrative that he is a main general of a kindgom dealing with war on two fronts, internal political strife of his own kingdom and an assassination plotline on his liege? The harem will be a welcome distraction sure but i doubt it would be the absolute emphasised focus of any man in those circumstances especially as its not exactly a "promised" harem either now is it - not all the sisters know about one another, the queen seems to be getting on board with idea but her husband is a walking landmine regarding it far from promising it himself (infact he will have to be coerced regarding allowing ONE of his daughters to MC and he will nuke when he finds about his wife) and the prince is offering one as a token gesture but he's hardly promising it with all cards on the table as he's a schemer.

I can understand an emphasis on the harem for any player given its a porn game but we cant ignore the entire plotline outwith said hotties and dictate its the main core of the plot. Certainly not a promised one either as your bhis eing asked to promise to these girls in said harem that they are the one main love in said harem... they ALL are being made to think they are numero uno... this bodes to ill circumstances latter IMO not overt promises of harmony as he gets all the cake and eats it. Its why i like the game, its a harem game sure, no question but its one that feels like traversing quick sand if you aint devoting to one girl and one girl only and this just from the royal harem alone - there will be other drama points regarding the other various girls to conider as well going forward.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Before anyone gets too excited, the render used for the progress graphic is just one I needed for testing lighting. There are no Chapter 8 renders to share yet (and likely won't be for a few more weeks).

I hope everyone is enjoying the latest release. While it was a bear to get out, I'm very happy with the result. The speculation about certain big events in the Discord has been fun, and I don't mean that sarcastically. Some folks are very close to being exactly right about some future events. Also, uh, I think the Estrid fan club might have lost a few members.

The past few weeks since Chapter 7's release have been spent fixing things. The reality of this as a hobby is that you always find things that you need to fix. There were two major issues that needed to be addressed after Chapter 7: Updating the environments I had not used in Chapter 7 with my new materials, lighting, etc., and overhauling some things in all environments to make setup & postwork much easier. I'm nearly done with both of those, but it has been almost 3 solid weeks of work to get all that completed. The payoff will be good, but it has been a grind to get all these fixes done. 34 environments to update, most with different setups for different times of day, makes for a lot of work. My next game should be like the movie Saw and just take place in a single room or two. Maybe I should just keep the MC in Caudium and not let him leave to visit far off lands.

The bright spot in all of this work is that I've had some time waiting for things to render out. I've spent that time on the script for Chapter 8. It isn't quite done, but there is a full and detailed outline, along with a handful of scenes written. As long as it doesn't turn into the writing disaster that Chapter 7 did, I should have a decent amount of work already completed. I'll spend the next few days, once these long list of fixes are done, going back over my outline to ensure I like the flow and elements of the story I've included for this next chapter. Long gone are the days where I could easily cover every love interest in a release.

It will likely be a few more weeks before there are any previews of Chapter 8. That is especially true since I plan to start work on the Steam release, concurrently with Chapter 8's development. Since this is my first release on Steam, I expect that to take some time, and I want to give myself plenty of lead time. Maybe it comes together much more quickly, but I never like to count on that.

After Chapter 7, there are a lot of questions to answer. Maybe some things get answered in Chapter 8, but I wouldn't count on it. There is still so much to figure out. At least there will be lewd scenes, though you're going to find some new love interests playing a bit hard to get. Not everyone can be Kaylan, I guess.

For those in the United States, enjoy your long holiday weekend! I'll be back soon with another dev update.


Aug 9, 2021
View attachment 1834653

Before anyone gets too excited, the render used for the progress graphic is just one I needed for testing lighting. There are no Chapter 8 renders to share yet (and likely won't be for a few more weeks).

I hope everyone is enjoying the latest release. While it was a bear to get out, I'm very happy with the result. The speculation about certain big events in the Discord has been fun, and I don't mean that sarcastically. Some folks are very close to being exactly right about some future events. Also, uh, I think the Estrid fan club might have lost a few members.

The past few weeks since Chapter 7's release have been spent fixing things. The reality of this as a hobby is that you always find things that you need to fix. There were two major issues that needed to be addressed after Chapter 7: Updating the environments I had not used in Chapter 7 with my new materials, lighting, etc., and overhauling some things in all environments to make setup & postwork much easier. I'm nearly done with both of those, but it has been almost 3 solid weeks of work to get all that completed. The payoff will be good, but it has been a grind to get all these fixes done. 34 environments to update, most with different setups for different times of day, makes for a lot of work. My next game should be like the movie Saw and just take place in a single room or two. Maybe I should just keep the MC in Caudium and not let him leave to visit far off lands.

The bright spot in all of this work is that I've had some time waiting for things to render out. I've spent that time on the script for Chapter 8. It isn't quite done, but there is a full and detailed outline, along with a handful of scenes written. As long as it doesn't turn into the writing disaster that Chapter 7 did, I should have a decent amount of work already completed. I'll spend the next few days, once these long list of fixes are done, going back over my outline to ensure I like the flow and elements of the story I've included for this next chapter. Long gone are the days where I could easily cover every love interest in a release.

It will likely be a few more weeks before there are any previews of Chapter 8. That is especially true since I plan to start work on the Steam release, concurrently with Chapter 8's development. Since this is my first release on Steam, I expect that to take some time, and I want to give myself plenty of lead time. Maybe it comes together much more quickly, but I never like to count on that.

After Chapter 7, there are a lot of questions to answer. Maybe some things get answered in Chapter 8, but I wouldn't count on it. There is still so much to figure out. At least there will be lewd scenes, though you're going to find some new love interests playing a bit hard to get. Not everyone can be Kaylan, I guess.

For those in the United States, enjoy your long holiday weekend! I'll be back soon with another dev update.
Chapter 8 SPOILER:
ITRoy confirms MC will survive encounter with Estrid :ROFLMAO:
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