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Dev Update #57
Is this first paragraph of the dev update always going to be about the progress graphic? It is for one more week. Careful observers will notice that there are now 16 scenes, instead of 29 that were shown last week. I finished the entire script. Yes, I wrote 29 scenes in a pretty short amount of time. That new outline process seems to have helped immensely. But I had a massive script that was over 1700 estimated renders. Too large for a single release (unless you want to enjoy it sometime in late fall), so I split it. There are still a ton of renders even with the cut, and I found an excellent place to end the chapter. That means that most of Chapter 9 is already written (I even went to the trouble of proofreading it). LATE ROY UPDATE: ALL of Chapter 9 is now written and proofread. Giggity.
As you see from that progress graphic, the script is done. It should be completely done, as I've proofread it twice now, and have all the other work I need to do in there as far as code. It is very nice to have mostall of Chapter 9 written, and a rough outline of Chapter 10 done, as well. That should allow me to keep 1-2 chapters ahead on the story. With all the proofreading complete, this means my beta team will only find dozens of errors and not hundreds!
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results for your
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ladies had some surprises already. Helena barely beating out Valentina. Flora one of the most popular ladies in the game. Estrid still maintaining a lot of support (it is good to see everyone giving her a chance to explain). And Goddess Anna rigging the vote to ensure she finishes in the top 3. I forgot to include Alessia in the poll, so, instead of admitting my mistake, I will kill her off in the next chapter (joking, of course). There's another poll coming next week that I think you all will like.My thanks to everyone who took a few minutes to vote in these polls. I think I will be resuming letting $10+ patrons have a vote on the bonus scene, once we start development on Chapter 10. So still awhile for that, but it was a fun thing to do that I miss.
This last week was mostly script work, along with a good chunk of code improvements, and some improvements to my tracking documents for the chapters. I've put a few hours into that last part. What that work does is help me keep track of content for different characters, stats on each release (length, render count, lewd scenes, etc.), and estimate release development times. It is an estimation tool, historical tool, and a tool to ensure continuity. Nearly every release, I find something new I need to track, and so I go back through all the chapters and collect that. One day I will make it very pretty in something like Microsoft's Power BI. For now, it is a simple set of 4 documents.
Enough about that boring stuff though. We've got some nice lewd scenes coming up in Chapter 8. A new character is getting introduced, with more in the next two chapters that follow. Nothing crazy, as there are more than enough ladies already in To Be A King. But it's nice to start to learn a bit more about some of those other ladies' friends and acquaintances.
Render work should start tomorrow. Oh boy are there renders to get done. But with all of those fixes I finished after finishing Chapter 7, I'm hopeful that renders are pretty smooth and consistent. Hoping to be able to share some previews soon. Once renders start, I've got to look at a few things I want to fix up in the code before I prep a Steam release for Volume 1. Then I can hopefully work on that a bit in the evenings when render work is done. A lot going on, but I'm very pleased that, despite a ton of extra work, Chapter 8 is actually ahead of its development schedule. With the work I've completed for Chapters 9 & 10, that is a very good thing.