
Mar 15, 2019
I beat the demo (0.9d) but I fully acknowledge I missed a lot of things, some of them major. Updated to Demo v1.1

Just quick tips for the start of the game:

1) Avoid enemies early on, most encounters just beat your ass or weaken you enough to where it's dangerous to progress. Every death advances the cycle timer considerably. Now that the ground is littered with small echoes to get an early level boost and the enemies don't sprint at you anymore, the early game is fairly easy now.

2) Off to the far far west from the secret library is a snowy area. On Day 1 there is a merchant there you should buy a wishing torch from as they reveal the little bubbly spots which contain gear. Particularly, you should use your first wishing torch outside the secret library to unlock them as an easy-access merchant who sells her stock at cheaper prices (she also gives you a ring).

3) There is also a merchant in the maze to the north you need to get to on Day 1.

4) Best starting item seems to be the Master Key ("I liked exploring"). If used at the eastern village at night to access a basement, you can get the cleaver which does a lot more damage than the attack stat implies.

5) You keep your levels and gear between cycles so don't fret too much about that. You do lose some things (consumables) but nothing major.

6) Burning torches are ridiculously powerful. Final bosses of the demo melted against the almighty burn. (v1.0 demo made the final demo boss resist burning and the damage of the burn was reduced by 10% across the board. Still fairly powerful however.)

7) You can switch equipment around freely during your turn.

8) Evasion seems to increase at 1.2% per point and Critical increases at 0.2%, despite the text saying 0.5% for each. Theoretically, you could max your base evasion to 60% by level 9. Combined with the machete's +25% evasion.. that's 85% evasion fairly early into the game. Nerfed after the v1.0 demo. Each point of evasion only gives 0.5% now. Unis build is dead. So what now? Pour enough points into defense at the start and it won't be long before you're telling basic enemies about your nanomachines son. Just remember enemies scale with level and that magic still hurts.

9) You can beat the intro boss after Demo v1.1. Be sure to equip the machete (you can now do this in spirit form) and I'd advise stacking attack weaken twice on it. You can also counter its attacks. What do you get for beating it? 1500 echoes and you keep some ammo. No extra dialogue. Essentially, if you don't beat it, you really didn't miss out on much and it's not worth the time going through the intro again.

Like Black Souls, there are names that cause special events/dialogue:
Grimm (Refuses name)
Alice (Refuses name)
Lewis (Refuses name)
Carroll (Refuses name)
Skibidi (Game Over)
Red Hood (Refuses name)
Roland (Accepts name)
Makuro (Goes to Title Screen)
N***er (Refuses name)
Sigma (Refuses name)
Edith (Refuses name)
Lorina (Refuses name)
Mary Ann (Refuses name)
Mori (Accepts name, but gives you the Marked for Death status which significantly reduces your stats until you die)

Also names that have special events but are too long to input:
Little Match Girl / Match Girl
Mad Hatter
March Hare
James Sunderland
Silent Hill
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