Suggestions to the dev: 1) You used ML/DL-based software, but avoided (it seems to me) the "seven fingers" problem, continue like this; 2) Good way around the "natural but not jigglying" boobs problem

; 3) Great work for the voice, even rather British (well, Lara Croft is a Brit); 4) Careful with the grinding, it honestly risks to become very grindy very fast; 5) consider adding up a kind of "run away" option from the battles, got to the rabbit, but not high enough in life, so got killed, had a save right before tackling the rabbit, but still, it means every time I load that save I get killed, wasting the save; 6) about the fights, it would make sense if the more fights he survives, the less impact he gets from the fights; 7) it is honestly not very clear while playing whether one can get her to do stuff only by being nice all the time, or can mix (and the progress is veeery slow).
Since you mention "Goons raid her" as one of your inspirations, ren'py gives you more freedom and flexibility on the saving (which is good), but remember how in that game you could push in different directions (e.g. love vs put her down vs slut), though it is true that at a certain point it became forced one way or another.
You may want to keep the same possibility of mixing different approaches (without the fully locked path too early, I personally found that in GRH one would get locked one way or another too early, though I really liked it and his model, I was even a sponsor on Patreon).