VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tomboys Need Love Too! [Zetsubou Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A wholesome story of the always forgotten tomboy childhood friend getting the MC to notice her and realize what he was missing. heart warming scenes between the two that feel natural and just right. If your looking for something to brighten your day, this is it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game, and I love tomboys. Yes, it's a decent game, but I wish it was a bit longer even if I finished everything on the Steam version as I bought it. There should have been more art and animations, even though the routes are good and feel like they just work instead of the usual VN stuff.

    I do wish there was a harem ending or a romance Sophie route given the possibilities and would lead to more options, but Christina is fucking amazing, who wouldn't want a beautiful hottie of a girlfriend like that? The "happily ever after" ending might be a bit cliche to some, but I ain't complaining for my worth of playing gametime in the course of 2.5 hours. The music is fantastic too. I wish there was a sequel based on the married life of Kai and Chris as swappable leads, and that would be groundbreaking for VN mechanics, just wholesome, horny and romantic for the dev to make.

    Christina is the ultimate among the tomboy waifu and waifu lists! I love her!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    TNLT is...not great.

    In the beginning I REALLY wanted to close out of the game. Chris doesn't really act like a tomboy for the first half of the game at all, was INCREDIBLY needy, rude, and jealous, and overall seemed like a shitty person. I kept notes for what I thought as I was going through the first half of the game so here they are:
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    Yeah, definitely has some issues. The whole needy thing is sort of addressed by the game later but Kai just says he'll deal with that. Kind of a shitty way of handling that but whatever dude. Fuck actually trying to improve upon yourself I guess.

    Second half of the game though is a lot better, though. She definitely starts acting more like a tomboy though I suspect that's just because she couldn't be as much of a needy ho then. It's nice seeing her act like a relatively normal person and see them be all cute together.

    Speaking of them, Kai is a spineless dense dumbass that has no ambitions or anything special about him. I'm not even sure why Chris is into him if I'm being honest but that's the power of being childhood friends I guess.

    The girl who gets "bullied" is OK I guess. Couldn't be bothered to read through her route because I was sick of this game at that point but I did skip through it. I just don't think she fits in this game well at all, it leads to tonal fucking whiplash. You go from lovey-dovey "tomboy" shit to
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    Like... why is she even in this game? Everything is pushing MC towards the tomboy, the tomboy gets more screen-time, and the game is fucking named after her. It feels like the bullied girl is just an afterthought the dev had 80% through development and tried working her in retroactively to have more content. Why he couldn't just add another tomboy love interest is beyond me.

    You know I just talked myself into lowering the rating for this game. I was going to give it 3 stars but I really don't think it deserves that. The characterization sucks, the plot is whatever, the art is average, and I don't even feel like the tomboy of this game is a tomboy most of the time - which is kind of the reason to play it in the first place.

    It just isn't worth your time. Tomboy fans stay losing I guess.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly this game is more frustrating than anything. The "love interests" aren't actually interesting. The Childhood friend is pushy, rude, kind of abusive physically and verbally. The other is quite scheming, manipulative, caustic and disgusting. The MC is meek and easily pushed around at every turn, he's basically a lazy doormat that doesn't mind being walked all over and has no aspirations for... anything. you'll just spend the majority of the game yelling at the MC through your monitor to stop being such a bitch. I wanted to like this game really bad, but the writing is just not for me... It's pretty terrible.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty mediocre imo. I won't spoil who, but it's incredibly clear that only one girl is the "true" route, as it's the only one that doesn't end the game almost immediately thereafter. Dialogue is corny, there's a lot of buildup with very little payoff, and overall it's just boring. Hell, your love interest is hardly a tomboy, she just has short hair and could be considered abrasive if you stretch your imagination a bit. Honestly, it could be pretty alright if it were just a few hours or so shorter or if choices had a little more thought behind them. As it is, they boil down to "yes i'd like to keep playing this game" or "i'd prefer to cuck the only love interest the player has any kind of investment in".
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Music and art are really good and some of the decisions are generally tough to make. I went through and got all 5 endings and it can be a surprisingly emotional game.
    It could definitely benefit from more choices in a lot of parts, it can be frustrating at times when the MC is acting like a complete idiot but I guess it is a visual novel and that's just how he's written.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright. Pros

    -The game would be a 5/5 if it was just about worshipping Chris. As a “tomboy childhood friend simulator” they did it almost flawlessly. Chris is close to perfect. Relationship is great

    -I give this game props for forcing me to make a truly heartrending choice. I actually had to take a break to think it over.

    -dialogue is pretty good. Even Sophie has mostly good lines

    -art is great. Girls are hot. Hell Kai is pretty hot for a guy. Sophie transforming from pretty angelic looking to pseudo tomboy was hot.

    -music is pretty good for a hentai game.

    Cons that being this down to a 4

    Very short. Game ends abruptly after you choose a girl Chris’ story is a bit longer.

    -very cliche and by the numbers. That’s half the point, but most of the “surprises” this game has are poor
    -woth that being said, Sophie’s story. She had potential to be interesting but they wasted it trying to be edgy and dark. She actually ahs an interesting backstory but her story is poorly handled. Her “good ending” is fine

    -Kai being dense as a neutron star is part of the appea but holy shit they went overboard at times.

    -woth that being said, Sophie’s story. She had potential to be interesting but they wasted it trying to be edgy and dark. She actually ahs an interesting backstory but her story is poorly handled.

    -last flaw…the sex scenes are not very good. Minimal CGs.

    Chris…basically soends the entire game building up howmuhc a closet nympho she is and how she’s going to forcefully Snu Snu us. And I was looking forward to that. I understand half the tomboy appeal is vulnerability. But having the final sex scene basically be a very sweet loving tender femdom reverse rape would have been way better.

    Sophie is all offscreen bullshit. At least show us plowing that sexy body!

    Overall, like I said, if you want a “tomboy simulator” this ai great. Drool over how great Chris is. Just don’t expect ANYTHING else
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Short game. Story is sweet and wholesome (at least in the only path I played).

    The main LI is likeable and reasonably relatable (therefore I did not even try other paths, which would certainly be less kind to the main LI). The MC is likeable too, but acting weird (in a cliché Japanese way; which might be "realistic" or not, no Idea: Asking someone out for a date or just talking about feelings seems to be a *huge* deal; LIs want to show their cooking skills, keeping certain things secret and taboo etc. And what's up with this weird feeding thing?) Writing is good but not fantastic.

    Arts is great, but there is not much of it (as far as I can remember no animations). Sex scenes are very sparse, but very fitting to the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A romantic story about childhood friends finding love in each other. I love wholesome stories like this. I also like how there's no implied incest in this game, it's a welcome change of pace. The art is also pleasing to my eye, it's refreshing to see a game that doesn't use Honey Select assets.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    God the MC is a dense mongoloid and it is truly aggravating to have 2 choices both of which are completely stupid but since your playing as a high school dweebus I guess its kinda accurate.

    Since its a romance VN your only really here for the girl(s). The main girl Chris is a childhood friend tomboy character with a pretty slow and believable relationship forming with the MC they are a nice match and its pretty cute to see them get together even with the MC acting as if he has 80 IQ through all of their early scenes. Overall a very cutesy route.

    But the thing I liked the most was the "villain" of the story Sophia, she was a cute tragic heroine actively being a piece of shit to people. I fully expect that the majority of people playing this game to completely rage quit her route the moment its revealed that she didn't instantly fall for you over 1 nice gesture, and that she actually has real bad personality problems. Sophias route was pretty sad overall and made me feel like a bad person for following it at times but I believed.
    Nice ending for her even if it wasn't what I entirely wanted, I honestly give props to the writer for making such a dramatic bitter route in such a vanilla game I liked it a lot.

    Overall the game is pretty terrible for a porn game as it's not hot like at all,
    BUT as a romance VN it's pretty good just wish it was longer as the time during relationships was very short
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story with good art, I was a bit confused about how to get some of the endings but the story has good pacing and the character have good development.
    Although I probably like it this much because I'm as oblivious as the main character lol
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me just state that I'm really glad I didn't pay for this game. I found the characters to be completely non-believable especially the main character he was more timid then even the most beta anime characters. Not to mention the general theme of high-school life was just boring. The only redeeming aspect of the game was the artwork which was good but not great.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This absolutely deserves this rating. For a VN as short as this one is, it's payoff is fantastic. Chris is too adorable for words and this world does NOT deserve her. As for Sophie? .... She got what she deserved. Fuck manipulative pieces of trash like her.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very much agree with the title for the game and beyond just agreeing it's actually a really good vn so a point well made, tomboy need love too !

    The girl is great and really cute, the art is really nice and the sex scene fairly hot, nothing that special about the writing, i don't really think this needed to have choices and small branching path but it's nothing too bad.

    Recommended quite simply if you're into the lacking genre of tomboy !
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing but really short you have one experience and the game ends in the good ending idk maybe im missing stuff ill try the different options path i dont really know what else to say i enjoyed the game and wish they did more like this
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Ran into this game a couple years back. Having seen this again pop up, I remembered when I was geeking over Chris and realized I hadn't explored any other options. Woops, I'll edit this later. However, it's a short, sweet, solid VN and I liked it.
  17. E
    5.00 star(s)


    "Tomboys Need Love Too!" Yes, yes they do, and they deserve it! BTW, I'll SPOIL the story in this review.

    This is a shortish length romance visual novel about a guy (who's dense beyond reason) and two (arguably only one real) love interests.

    The art is amazing, I really like it, it's like the typical South-East Asian artstyle with a hint/droplet of Archer/Western style.

    The music/soundtrack is fantastic. I really liked it, it fit perfectly with the story and scenes and is no generic RPGM/Ren'Py soundtrack but original.

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    I can recommend this game to anyone who wants a nice wholesome romance VN with a bit of comedy (that's why there's a 'humor' tag after all, the interactions between Kai's Mom and Chris are wonderful).

    If you don't shy away from tragedy and violence then the other endings may be worth a read to you too.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute little gem I didn't expect to find hidden in the older files. Reminded me of one of my first Crushes as a kid. Good story. Not a fap party if that's what you're looking for, but I enjoy the story and the path through it.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    this is a romance game with male mc, and 2 girls as love interest. pretty short game with 5 endings (all easy to get, just save at choices). i didnt really like any ending, but 1 out of the 5 was ok. i got overall 0 faps out of this game.

    The game is trying to make you "feel". some people loved it, i thought it was just annoying. the game tries to make you care about the characters, but they are just too annoying to care for imo. IRL no human will ever act the way the 2(out of 3) main characters act, remindes me of over the top anime characters. chris being the only one who acted normal and felt real. imo a porn game doesnt need realistic characters, but games based on heavy romance and feels only work for me if the characters feel real and i can understand why they act the way they do. too much (bad) feels+romance, not enough cute or sexy.

    the art is good, but the sexy scenes are just too weak to fap to really. no animation and 1 pic per scene. and i normally still can fap to VNs with 1 pic sex scenes, as long the overall feel and writing is sexy and hot, but that isnt the case in this game. immersion killer was also that the pic's showed up way too early e.g. the text is talking about how they are just standing in his room but the pic already shows them sleeping together naked.
    besides the lack of pics and some pics showing up too early, the overall production value was really good.

    the biggest problem with this game is that it isnt sexy. it doesnt feel sexy. everytime you think things are about to go down and you get a boner, the game will do some annyoing shit to kill your boner insta. it feels like the story does everything to not feel sexy and make it hard for you to fap. this goes for almost all routes/endings.

    Clear 1 star because i got all the endings and got 0 faps out of it. overall well made, but the sex scenes AND the story were just not hot/sexy enough.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, so my verdict is in. I just finished the game and got the 5/5, Happily Ever After ending. Like others have said before me, I have no desire seeing any other endings. Other than despising the stupidity of Kai at times, this game was a fun little run and worth the play through. It was a cute story, with fantastic art. The H-scenes were really limited though (in my play through it was just 1 sex scene with a few nudity shots), which is too bad as I absolutely loved Chris and wanted to see more of her. Seriously, what a sweetheart character. She was written beautifully. I would love to see a Tomboys Need Love 2, a sequel to this game where you get to further explore Chris's sexuality and experiences. More than anything, I want to see Christine doing A LOT more sexual activities, but that's just my perverse side talking. :)