Who tf wants her to put all her free time into this project? And most importantly for free? She still has her patreon, or can simply switch to another platform to receive donations. Are you, no offence, stupid? She didn't put all her time in this project before, as well as didn't do it for "zero money", and won't have to do this now, what the fuck are you talking about, buddy? She can freely develop the game whenever she feels like it, and no one will say a word. Well, unless it'll take, let's say, 5 years to just restart or scrap the project in the end, as some H game devs do (if you know, you know). Or, unless she silently abandons the project. Ah, wait, this is exactly what happened.
Idk where you saw her say "I had to get multiple jobs to support myself". She said "I worked on a couple of new jobs". Her patreon post was pasted a few messages above fyi, no need to make up words she didn't say to make us feel bad about her (or whatever your intentions were). Don't you think it just means that she changed jobs several times in those 2 years? Btw, you basically answered your own question right after asking it, A JOB. That's how you normally supposed to pay your bills, by earning salary on a job. Crazy, isn't it? Not by collecting donations from patreon or other platforms, even tho you can, but by working on a job

. Just like vast majority of people do.
She didn't die or become homeless, did she? So what are you trying to say here? Should we feel bad for her just because she had some common problems?.. Or you want to tell us that it's some "serious" problem that ordinary people don't encounter on a daily basis? Thousands of people encounter much more serious problems in their lives daily, like, idk, getting their home fucking exploded by a rocket at night and their entire family killed, for example. And she just had to change jobs several times, what a fucking tragedy, I'm literally going to cry rn. I won't ask you to elaborate on what you were trying to say here, I couldn't care less tbh.
So, just pointing out the facts is considered being "entitled" these days, huh? This is some serious meatriding right here. You have to understand that if she simply made a little post telling us what happened, even without details, and why she suddenly disappeared, there wouldn't be so many negative comments here about it, if any at all, and her patreon wouldn't be dead if people knew what happened. I don't think it was that hard to do.
Sanctions this, sanctions that. Do you really believe it's the reason why she abandoned the project? Why other people from russia just moved to another platform that wasn't blocked by sanctions, but Shine had to ghost everyone and abandon the project for almost 2 years? She could simply use VPN, just like she did recently to finally post something, and make a post telling us where we can support her. It's not because of the sanctions, it's because she probably wanted to take a break or whatever, stop bringing up this shit please. I would understand if she was from ukraine instead, shelled by russians for 2 years straight, it would be considered a much more valid reason to just silently abandon the project, don't you agree? And even then, I know ukrainian indie devs who didn't stop the development of their games despite living in the cities that are constantly shelled by russians (Zaporizhya, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, etc.), but our little princess Shine silently abandoned her project for 2 years BECAUSE OF FUCKING SANCTIONS, LET'S FEEL BAD ABOUT HER, PEOPLE! You say this shit as if these sanctions were applied to her personally. It's ridiculous to say the least, I talk to russians on daily basis (not that I'm proud of it, just saying), and they talk about sanctions from time to time, bragging that they almost don't feel any of their effects on their daily life and that they're completely useless. They have the same life as they had before the sanctions, they're regular russian people just like Shine. Or is she special in some way?