Tool QSP Tools for QSP


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
Mi dispiace non parlo inglese.
Launcher.bat non si apre, come devo fare per tradurre automaticamente un gioco QSP?


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
Sorry I don't speak English.
Launcher.bat does not open, how should I do to automatically translate a QSP game?


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
Help please
I extract the text of the Extacity game and after the translation from English to Italian I check a file ori where nothing has been translated.
Am I wrong something?
I also tried with Sara Game but I got the same result.
Help me, thanks


Jun 1, 2017
Help please
I extract the text of the Extacity game and after the translation from English to Italian I check a file ori where nothing has been translated.
Am I wrong something?
I also tried with Sara Game but I got the same result.
Help me, thanks
The *.txt.ori file is the original file before translation! The program backups it.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
hi, someone who explains in a clear and understandable way for everyone how to translate QSP games from English to other languages. maybe doing a little guide. Thank you so much!


Jun 1, 2017
hi, someone who explains in a clear and understandable way for everyone how to translate QSP games from English to other languages. maybe doing a little guide. Thank you so much!
First of all... You need all files in the link an next step open a new folder, is to duplicate your *.qsp file (in case of emergency) and copy it in your new folder and rename it as you like.
Second step is you run qgenerator (which is in the link) and open the renamed qsp file in first step (*if the file has password additional action will needed)
Third: After opening the file in qgenerator, go the applications game menu and export the file "text file in txt2gam format" and save it. You will notice the file will have the same name as your qsp file.
Fourth: Run QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT (its the translation engine, but most of the translation sites like yandex or others except google doesn't work) on left you will see the tabs and above 3 menus.
- Start from above first: Select the games original language ("Source language") -if its in English, English etc.- which you wanna translate and after choose your "Destination language" for you will be Italian.
- Next chose from the right tabs the "File Translator" tab, you will see multi choose drop boxes:
On "Parser" you choose QSP parser...
On "Using" you choose "Google", if you choose yandex or etc your file will not translated, as i mentioned above
On "Dictionnary" Xml dictionary, if you have specific dictionary for the you want translate "load" it, if you don't and you want to save it, check the box.
Last step you click "browse" and go to the "new folder" we created above and select the "txt2game" file *.txt and open it. After that you will see the "Translate" button will come active and hit it. Thats all for the translation.
After you begin your translation you will notice two *.txt files in the folder. (For example if you name your qsp file game_it.qsp, the "txt2game" file look like game_it.txt! After you start translation your "original txt2game file" will be renamed as "game_it.txt.ori" and the translated file still have the first file name "game_it.txt".

* If the file is password encrypted then open QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT on left menu there is a tab says "Qsp password" click on it change the tab to display the password and select your Qsp file. Note the pass and use it when you open the qsp file in qgenerator. qgenerator will ask it.

There is a labor intense translate option.
You open the *.qsp file in qgenerator and go down step by step... translating only the menu tabs, and text notes without changing the variables and etc...
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
First of all... You need all files in the link an next step open a new folder, is to duplicate your *.qsp file (in case of emergency) and copy it in your new folder and rename it as you like.
Second step is you run qgenerator (which is in the link) and open the renamed qsp file in first step (*if the file has password additional action will needed)
Third: After opening the file in qgenerator, go the applications game menu and export the file "text file in txt2gam format" and save it. You will notice the file will have the same name as your qsp file.
Fourth: Run QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT (its the translation engine, but most of the translation sites like yandex or others except google doesn't work) on left you will see the tabs and above 3 menus.
- Start from above first: Select the games original language ("Source language") -if its in English, English etc.- which you wanna translate and after choose your "Destination language" for you will be Italian.
- Next chose from the right tabs the "File Translator" tab, you will see multi choose drop boxes:
On "Parser" you choose QSP parser...
On "Using" you choose "Google", if you choose yandex or etc your file will not translated, as i mentioned above
On "Dictionnary" Xml dictionary, if you have specific dictionary for the you want translate "load" it, if you don't and you want to save it, check the box.
Last step you click "browse" and go to the "new folder" we created above and select the "txt2game" file *.txt and open it. After that you will see the "Translate" button will come active and hit it. Thats all for the translation.
After you begin your translation you will notice two *.txt files in the folder. (For example if you name your qsp file game_it.qsp, the "txt2game" file look like game_it.txt! After you start translation your "original txt2game file" will be renamed as "game_it.txt.ori" and the translated file still have the first file name "game_it.txt".

* If the file is password encrypted then open QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT on left menu there is a tab says "Qsp password" click on it change the tab to display the password and select your Qsp file. Note the pass and use it when you open the qsp file in qgenerator. qgenerator will ask it.

There is a labor intense translate option.
You open the *.qsp file in qgenerator and go down step by step... translating only the menu tabs, and text notes without changing the variables and etc...
Thank you so much!


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
First of all... You need all files in the link an next step open a new folder, is to duplicate your *.qsp file (in case of emergency) and copy it in your new folder and rename it as you like.
Second step is you run qgenerator (which is in the link) and open the renamed qsp file in first step (*if the file has password additional action will needed)
Third: After opening the file in qgenerator, go the applications game menu and export the file "text file in txt2gam format" and save it. You will notice the file will have the same name as your qsp file.
Fourth: Run QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT (its the translation engine, but most of the translation sites like yandex or others except google doesn't work) on left you will see the tabs and above 3 menus.
- Start from above first: Select the games original language ("Source language") -if its in English, English etc.- which you wanna translate and after choose your "Destination language" for you will be Italian.
- Next chose from the right tabs the "File Translator" tab, you will see multi choose drop boxes:
On "Parser" you choose QSP parser...
On "Using" you choose "Google", if you choose yandex or etc your file will not translated, as i mentioned above
On "Dictionnary" Xml dictionary, if you have specific dictionary for the you want translate "load" it, if you don't and you want to save it, check the box.
Last step you click "browse" and go to the "new folder" we created above and select the "txt2game" file *.txt and open it. After that you will see the "Translate" button will come active and hit it. Thats all for the translation.
After you begin your translation you will notice two *.txt files in the folder. (For example if you name your qsp file game_it.qsp, the "txt2game" file look like game_it.txt! After you start translation your "original txt2game file" will be renamed as "game_it.txt.ori" and the translated file still have the first file name "game_it.txt".

* If the file is password encrypted then open QspTools_0.1.3-SNAPSHOT on left menu there is a tab says "Qsp password" click on it change the tab to display the password and select your Qsp file. Note the pass and use it when you open the qsp file in qgenerator. qgenerator will ask it.

There is a labor intense translate option.
You open the *.qsp file in qgenerator and go down step by step... translating only the menu tabs, and text notes without changing the variables and etc...
I did all the steps as you described in the guide.
The translation operation starts regularly (Google selected) and it takes more than three hours to teminate the translation.
But when I go to open the translated file I see that it has remained in the original language and that no translation has taken place.
Where am I going wrong?


Jun 1, 2017
I did all the steps as you described in the guide.
The translation operation starts regularly (Google selected) and it takes more than three hours to teminate the translation.
But when I go to open the translated file I see that it has remained in the original language and that no translation has taken place.
Where am I going wrong?
Did you selected the files original ("Source language") language and the target "Destination language" which will be translated?

Could you share the original txt2game and the partly traslated file?


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 18, 2020
[CITAZIONE="zargana, post: 8941802, membro: 50660"]
Hai selezionato la lingua originale dei file ("Lingua di origine") e la "Lingua di destinazione" di destinazione che verrà tradotta?

Potresti condividere il txt2game originale e il file parzialmente tradotto?


Apr 24, 2017
The dos prompt window when it's translating says Miss Translation for >
I hope that it's working, it's been going almost an hour now


New Member
Sep 11, 2019
not working, google is blocking

WARN  GoogleTranslation:73 - Google translate send strange a
nswer <html lang=en><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="initial-sca
le=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"><title>Error 403 (Forbidden)!!1</titl
e><style nonce="dy3PIhK_XOHauoFSJIs5yA">*{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px
/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{color:#
222;text-align:unset;margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:3
0px 0 15px;}* > body{background:url(// 10
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ite-space:pre-wrap;}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media sc
reen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padd
/googlelogo_color_150x54dp.png) no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen an
d (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(//
googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_150x54dp.png) no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-bord
x54dp.png) 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{ba
x54dp.png) no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-blo
ck;height:54px;width:150px}</style><main id="af-error-container" role="main"><a
href=//><span id=logo aria-label=Google role=img></span></a><p><b>
403.</b> <ins>ThatтАЩs an error.</ins><p>We're sorry, but you do not have access
 to this page. <ins>ThatтАЩs all we know.</ins></main>
WARN  AbstractLegacyParser:34 - Miss translation for >╨▓╤Л╨▒
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2022-09-21 22:08:24 DEBUG AbstractParser:98 - nb line read: 200
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