What a totally over blown yet utterly inadequate explanation. You fully explained ALL of the obvious and rather superficial things about the subject that I already know and fully understand. And... You completely missed my point. And... I STILL don't get it. I honestly do not need or even want to get it. My point is that I will NEVER fully understand the motivation yet I fully accept folks as they are for who they are! I totally get that folks are different and the physicality of those differences. What I do not understand and NO amount of explanation will ever be an adequate answer to WHY??? Frankly, it's none of my business! But, you completely missed my point!
The point I thought I had thoroughly made was that I DO NOT need to fully "get it" to empathize with a person or to respect and accept them for who they really are! Members of the LGBTQ+ community feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. I get that. That much is clear to me and something to which I fully relate. That gives us common ground and connects us on a human level far beyond any sexuality. I do not need to understand the why in order to accept a person for who they are. I do not need to know all the specifics of what goes through a person's mind to be able to empathize with the emotions they are feeling. I sincerely hope that you are still reading along because I wish you no ill will. There is zero animosity or malice coming from me here. It is just that by taking that one line from my conversation with Ava and concentrating on only that, you missed my point. The point is simple... I care about people regardless of our differences. We need not agree on everything to be friends. We just need to find common ground. That is what I am seeking with you here today, Elizabeth.
I have a rather simple philosophy... We are each our own unique brand of weird so be different, be strange, be kind, show compassion, be kinky, be unique, be weird but above all else, be you. You are the only you there is or ever will be. So, it is up to you to be you. Be the best you that you can be.
I hope this better illustrates my point, my friend. I do not need to understand everything to identify with you on an emotional and spiritual level. I fully understand what it is like to feel different, outcast, ostracized and alone. That much I fully understand which is the basis for my empathy. When I empathize with a person, I put myself in their situation to understand it as well as I possibly can. That is what I am attempting to do with you right now, empathize. Please know that I fully support your right to be exactly who you are without any judgements from me or anyone else. I appreciate that folks are different and have always stood up for my friends who felt that way. I have yet to meet any transgendered people but I have known many gay and lesbian folks, including my own family, most of whom ended up being dear friends because I can empathize with feeling different. I'm different too, my own unique brand of weird. I wish you joy in your day, my friend. I have typed this message with tears streaming my face because I felt frustrated and misunderstood when I started, then my inner compassion took over so I do hope all of that came through clearly and that you read the entirety of this message in the spirit of friendship in which it was intended.
There's an old Irish blessing I'd like to share with you here... I hope it helps and blesses you today...
"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
Adventure ever on my friend, Phat