Okay, did the stupid thing and manually edited in the v1.2 changes into a v1.0-based TL from the OP with That San's (
https://thef95zone.info/threads/tower-of-aldia-v1-001-oops.68528/page-4#post-4726703) and Silentce's (
https://thef95zone.info/threads/tower-of-aldia-v1-001-oops.68528/page-2#post-4709337) fixes already in place.
Through the effing .json files... xD
Yes, don't try this at home, kids. Will make you mad, like *this* guy. See? He is already referring to himself in a weird way. Yepp... He is defo nuts. He means I, of course... OR DO WE?!
Anyhoo, seeing how the game starts up and new game starts without hiccups, and things
seem fine, I'd give it a good... 80% that the insane-and-definitely-not-worth-it-this-way version-upping was a success. Backups to the (Silentce + Thant San patched OP version;
so that's what you will need to apply my files on!!) files this needs changing, will be in the .zip, though; should things get effed up...
The battle fuck recollection is probably (well, almost definitely) Maps0173.json, a new v1.2 exclusive file, which I haven't changed, so there you will have untranslated monster names when choosing or whatever. Also, the sensitivities *should* be rising through battle ero events now as well. Haven't checked yet, though (just strolled around the city after the start to see if a new game crashes or not lol).
There was one potential problem I came upon in the TLed CommonEvents.json when copy-pasting, where a referred VoiceLoop (out of the hundreds in the script) file name was somehow actually translated from Japanese by accident - whether that would throw an error, a bug, or just not play the sound is beyond me - don't have the editor to check...

Also. Fuck CommonEvents! (I needed to say that...)
No idea if the floor 5 door bug that was mentioned here quite a few times is still around (and/or a bug at all), but if somehow the TL introduced it, it will probably still be. If it was v1.0 game-specific, there's a chance it might have been fixed (again, if it's a bug at all, and not just players not paying enough attention). Or if it was that voice loop reference thingie (which I sincereley doubt, but who knows?), it may have been fixed as well.
Anyway. Here you go.