Yes, you can skip the patch and have the dorky Patreon sanitized dialogue with landlord/tenant/roommate and such in place of mom and sister. Not saying you're a dork for not wanting incest but rather that the sanitized dialogue is clunky and dorky at best. That is what all (most) incest patches do. So, if you would rather pretend there is no incest, you can always skip the patch. It's all pretend any way you slice it so have your own version of the fantasy. Some of the dialogue may seem a little weird because you are reacting like you are doing something wrong being attracted to your "landlady" and "roommate" but it will still play. The patch doesn't change the actual gameplay, just the naming conventions of family characters to actually be represented as family. Patreon does not allow incest content so any title that has it needs to change to post there and patch after the fact. The dev can't even offer the patch on Patreon or even mention that it exists! I'm pretty sure that Steam is the same way except Steam has even MORE rules.
The way I see it, it's just a fantasy. I'm not actually fucking my mother or sister. It is just a story. But, that is no criticism on you. I'm not really into incest as a kink myself. It is just so prevalent in this media that I've just gotten used to seeing it. What bothered me three years ago doesn't phase me now. I just pretend MC is adopted so it's not fucking blood relations. That part still weirds me out. Adopted or step mom/step sister is quite another thing...
All that said, you DO realize that there is an abundance of futanari content in this game, right? After all that talk about incest, I'd hate to miss the gigantic elephant in the room! Hahaha

The MC is changed from human female to a magic wielding futanari very early on in this story, during her initial visit to the tower. The "witch" that turns her is also futanari as are many other characters. If you are cool with futa on female action and since you prefer no incest, I would recommend just running the game without the incest patch. The MC's goal is to impregnate all of the females in the tower, one level at a time. So far, we have seen and successfully bred the first two in the current version of the game.
Hope that helps you, friend. Adventure ever on, Phat