Mod Ren'Py Town of Magic: More Celica, Less Grinding Mod [0.72.002][Deimus]


Nov 3, 2021
Highland_Hunter Huh, so underwear only is bugged now. It worked fine in the previous release and I don't see any obvious reason for it to be bugged now... but the game is already up to v0.65.011 so I'm not going to bother tinkering with it. Could be that whatever is breaking the clothes also broke something else and has already been fixed. Nude works differently so that's why it's unaffected. I'll add a note to the OP, but for now it will need to stay bugged.


New Member
Jun 7, 2023
Highland_Hunter Huh, so underwear only is bugged now. It worked fine in the previous release and I don't see any obvious reason for it to be bugged now... but the game is already up to v0.65.011 so I'm not going to bother tinkering with it. Could be that whatever is breaking the clothes also broke something else and has already been fixed. Nude works differently so that's why it's unaffected. I'll add a note to the OP, but for now it will need to stay bugged.
Can you give the v0.65.011 version


Nov 3, 2021
Can you give the v0.65.011 version
I just use whatever is posted in the main Town of Magic thread so if they don't have it then neither do I. So far no one has leaked 0.65.011.

Someone working on android version please?
Currently there is no work being done on an android version of this mod since it's more complicated thank just clicking on "export apk" even after I installed the extra things I need to make apks. It'd probably be doable for someone who has experience making Android ports of Ren'py games or knows Python, but that ain't me. The custom outfits are also bugged right now, so I won't be revisiting the idea of an android port until the next version of the game gets released since I'll just remove the outfits if the new version doesn't automatically fix them.
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Aug 26, 2019

Is it possible to make Violet . . . "see-through"/invisible . . . while the MC is 'wearing' her ??? :oops::unsure:

Maybe, some 'code-work', is needed, so that when Violet, adheres herself to MC's body, she becomes C-through/invisible . . . ?

One of the reasons, I dislike using 'that' character, (Violet), because she covers up the MC's body, especially when using your Mod ! . . . it sorta disables the Mods primary function ! :mad:

And since your MC has to 'build-up' her relationship with Violet, in order for her, to be able to be changed, to something, smaller/less covering . . . it-takes-TOO-bloody-long-to-build-that-UP:eek: . . . I avoid that content as much as possible, missing-out, on a lot of good content . :(:cautious::cry:


Nov 3, 2021
Highland_Hunter Violet gains a panty-form when your relationship is high enough, so I don't feel any need to mess around with code relating to her. You should be able to buy relationship points from the ruins' shop now, but I don't know how much they help or how often they restock. It's pretty easy to just wear Violet for a bit; way better than having to repeatedly click through a scene with Mistress.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

This is more of a heads-up . . .

I've noticed sometimes, when using this Mod, some monster-types, after you win, and are collecting the "rewards", the coinage given is 6900, instead of a more normal amount .
(of course, you receive only what the bag can hold, not the whole, $6900 :ROFLMAO: .)

Not sure what is causing it to do this, or, if anything can be done to fix it .

One of the, monster/creature type, is the Fire Ray . . .

Also, not using the "Lucky Cat" item at that time, so amount would/should, have been normal for that encounter .


Nov 3, 2021
Highland_Hunter Ah... you're right. I messed up when editing the enemy data so Fire Rays give 3450 gold for some reason :ROFLMAO: I probably never noticed since the mod means I always return from each expedition with max money anyway. The game should be getting updated soon, so it'll be fixed in the next mod update.

Thanks for the report!


Nov 3, 2021
A quick update: even though the game has been updated the mod won't be updated yet. For whatever reason, Renpy can't find a font it needs when I try to launch the modded game... even though I'm looking right at said font. Spreading the font around the dev kit. Spreading the font around the game's files. Spreading the font around my pc. Folks online usually have this problem when they have a typo, but I've ensured everything is spelled properly. Add to this my internet being even more unreliable than normal today (and all week)... and I will once again wait until the game gets its bugfixes to redo the mod. The error is probably somehow tied to the game (and by extension me) updating to a newer version of Renpy, so I might need to troubleshoot my install... which is of course not as smooth as I'd like when my internet goes "lol try dling this file or accessing this website again in 5 mins."

Feel free to @ me if it's been two weeks and I haven't reported back.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
A quick update: even though the game has been updated the mod won't be updated yet. For whatever reason, Renpy can't find a font it needs when I try to launch the modded game... even though I'm looking right at said font. Spreading the font around the dev kit. Spreading the font around the game's files. Spreading the font around my pc. Folks online usually have this problem when they have a typo, but I've ensured everything is spelled properly. Add to this my internet being even more unreliable than normal today (and all week)... and I will once again wait until the game gets its bugfixes to redo the mod. The error is probably somehow tied to the game (and by extension me) updating to a newer version of Renpy, so I might need to troubleshoot my install... which is of course not as smooth as I'd like when my internet goes "lol try dling this file or accessing this website again in 5 mins."

Feel free to @ me if it's been two weeks and I haven't reported back.
Just curious ;

What version, were you trying to apply the Mod to ?
(that's giving you the problems)

1 - v.0.65.010 . . . free public version, on Dev's web page
2 - v.0.66.004 . . . offered here, on F95Zone site


Nov 3, 2021
Highland_Hunter I was working on v0.66.005, since I don't think anyone is actually interested in using the mod on the free version (I mean, this is a piracy site so the paid version is right there anyway).

And since I'm here and it's been 10 days: I was having serious trouble trying to get the game to even run after decompiling it, but I had a flash of inspiration while writing my "Sorry boys, ToM is off the menu" post and think I've found a solution. Patching will be a little more involved if it even works, but it's midnight now so I should be back tomorrow or Wednesday with some (hopefully good) news.
  • Yay, update!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Highland_Hunter I was working on v0.66.005, since I don't think anyone is actually interested in using the mod on the free version (I mean, this is a piracy site so the paid version is right there anyway). :sneaky:

And since I'm here and it's been 10 days: I was having serious trouble trying to get the game to even run after decompiling it, but I had a flash of inspiration while writing my "Sorry boys, ToM is off the menu" post and think I've found a solution. Patching will be a little more involved if it even works, but it's midnight now so I should be back tomorrow or Wednesday with some (hopefully good) news. ("praying hands" emoji not found) :cool:
Thanks for your "Reply Up-date" . . .

I have downloaded both versions I listed in my previous post .
Currently playing the [0.65.010], just to see what was added with that up-date, and to check out the new Art/outfits .

Then, eventually, will try out [0.66.005], (after a few/many, of the Bugs, get squashed), again, to see what was added .
And, IF, you are successful with up-dating your Mod, it will be applied !
I very much enjoy
, the "freedom", to dress the MC as I like/want, with the use of your Mod ! :love:)


Nov 3, 2021
Got a real update this time. Installing the mod is now a little more involved (you need to unren the game then delete the rpa files), but the patch itself is much smaller. I probably could've done that from the very beginning. Installation instructions have been updated.
I removed the underwear-only aspect since they're still bugged. Nudity seems to work fine, though I've only done preliminary testing to make sure it didn't crash immediately. It shouldn't crash later either, but ya never know.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

" you need to unren the game, then delete the rpa files) " <---- That's the same as "extract" . . . right ?

Well, I hope I did this right, as I've never done it before . :unsure:


Does one leave the "bat." in the game's folder ?


Do you remove it ?
(as-in delete it, as it's only a 'copy' ?)
PS- I deleted it . . . :unsure:, I mean, it did the 'job' already .

Next Step . . . Try to play the game, and see if everything works, as it's supposed to . . . :rolleyes:
(fingers-crossed . . . )


Nov 3, 2021
PussyOfDoom When reporting an error, it's always best to write out the error code/message you get (makes it easier for people who have the same problem to find it during a search) as well as including a screenshot (makes it easier for support to solve the issue). Since I don't know what exact problem you have, my best guess is that it's one of the ones I encountered. In this case: you probably used unren on the rpyc files. Don't. You only want to unren the rpa files. If you're using UnRen-forall then you want to use option 1 and only option 1. The other stuff may sound neat, but it'll make the game fail to launch.


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
Hello, just tryed out the mod with v 0.66
Extract game.
Put unren-forall into main folder.
Started / chooses function 1. After finish closed the cmd.
Unfold the mod in the game folder.
Start new game.
After skiping the intro and go to the plaza, if i go out(use leave) i get direct error and cant process. Leaveing house was no problem. (Was a few houres agoi tryed) idk exacly what trigger...

Loading a save file im not able to use the "talk" funktion.

Did i do something wrong?

I just readed use unren -->1 -->manuel delete the rpa files. (The 3 in the game folder ? Or what file excly?)

Im new to this kind of modding sorry for that.

Thanks in advance


Nov 3, 2021
Hisu I see that version 0.66.011 just got uploaded to the game's main thread. Are you using that? This mod is for v0.66.006 (or .005) and I haven't been able to reproduce the errors you got. I should be able to get an updated version of the mod out later today. I don't anticipate a bugfix version producing new errors when I go to mod it, but considering how often I run into unexpected bugs...
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New Member
Dec 28, 2017
yes im useing Town_of_Magic_v0.66.011_win so i need an "older" version u saying thats the issue ? did not think that .011 and .006 makes such a differenz...
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