Unity None Train Capacity 300% 3≒ / 満車率300% 3≒ [RJ01347095] [Beel ze bub]

2.00 star(s) 1 Vote
May 9, 2018
I noticed two difference. Instead of red dots, there's now an avatar of the girls on the mini map. Also, there's now some effect from what appear to be photos that your followers take when you molest a girl on the train. Other than that, there's probably a bunch of bug fixes.
Still no booty grab eh


Mar 15, 2019
At the current state the game is too buggy to complete fully. It's currently impossible to go beyond the first scene for each character, some animations don't play properly, ending scenes can't be replayed, just to name a few.

Very disappointing. Both Beelzebub and Pepperoncino have been releasing games with a plethora of bugs and some don't get fixed until after multiple dlc releases. I hope they fix their games soon. It looks like they peaked with their previous titles and their newer titles have been underwhelming at best with a higher price point. A real shame because I enjoy their games.


New Member
Sep 21, 2021
段階堕ちの件なのですが 段階堕ちというのは拒絶、自棄、淫乱のAパートのことでしょうか。 それぞれ6回以上見ることで次の段階のAパートが見られます。 また、ヒロイン0やヒロイン6以降のエンディングシナリオは淫乱Aパートを既読の状態で感度が70以上になれば見ることができます。 上記の条件を満たしてもシナリオが見られないのでしたらバグになりますお手数をおかけいたしますが サポートの方にご連絡いただけますでしょうか(確認のためsavedataをお願いする可能性がございます) また、音声については現在準備中とのことですお待たせしますが宜しくお願いします

What the author said regarding the H-scene bug.


Dec 10, 2017
At the current state the game is too buggy to complete fully. It's currently impossible to go beyond the first scene for each character, some animations don't play properly, ending scenes can't be replayed, just to name a few.

Very disappointing. Both Beelzebub and Pepperoncino have been releasing games with a plethora of bugs and some don't get fixed until after multiple dlc releases. I hope they fix their games soon. It looks like they peaked with their previous titles and their newer titles have been underwhelming at best with a higher price point. A real shame because I enjoy their games.

Seriously, I honestly can say that this game could've been one of the best in its genre, but it seems like they are just quickly reusing assets and dumping this slop for easy money.

Add different clothes instead of just clothed/nude, add more scenes, add more locations, add places like the toilets and markets in the subway where you can actually follow the girls and look for them inside and then have multiple options with what you can do with them and what positions etc.
Would make this game top 3 easy.
2.00 star(s) 1 Vote