None [Translation Request] Explorer of The Golden Planet


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
A bit hard to give a guide simply....luckily I still have this document Blackcat on UMLF made on this post:
That said.....the guide was before the last content update so some things may have changed since though the rough route should still be the same....probably got another side area or some different equipment, it's been ages since I last played through but that's on the cards to do so as part of the translation to attempt to make sure nothing obvious has been missed.

Anyway attached the guide as a PDF
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Apr 26, 2022
A bit hard to give a guide simply....luckily I still have this document Blackcat on UMLF made on this post:
That said.....the guide was before the last content update so some things may have changed since though the rough route should still be the same....probably got another side area or some different equipment, it's been ages since I last played through but that's on the cards to do so as part of the translation to attempt to make sure nothing obvious has been missed.

Anyway attached the guide as a PDF
Thanks, but to be honest I still don't get how I upgrade the weapons or the girl to not receive that much damage.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
Lanzzer the start of the game I find to be the hardest since your starting stats are so low you need to spend a good 5-15 minutes just going into the right area a little bit and filling up on some materials to then head to a terminal/pod where you then use those materials to upgrade yourself. (as a result what you choose to be your starting kit/weapons matters little unless your going melee and don't get the handle on it)
When I last played I only grinded for materials twice, the start and right at the end (prior to the side content extra zones being added), luckily materials aren't on a timer to refresh and simply need you to switch screens instead which there's a few that are close to transitions with not many enemies so you can just sprint between them. (you will struggle to find rocks to mine that are worthwhile to refresh grind on for a while)


Apr 26, 2022
Lanzzer the start of the game I find to be the hardest since your starting stats are so low you need to spend a good 5-15 minutes just going into the right area a little bit and filling up on some materials to then head to a terminal/pod where you then use those materials to upgrade yourself. (as a result what you choose to be your starting kit/weapons matters little unless your going melee and don't get the handle on it)
When I last played I only grinded for materials twice, the start and right at the end (prior to the side content extra zones being added), luckily materials aren't on a timer to refresh and simply need you to switch screens instead which there's a few that are close to transitions with not many enemies so you can just sprint between them. (you will struggle to find rocks to mine that are worthwhile to refresh grind on for a while)
Well, thanks for your advice bro I appreciate.


Sep 26, 2020
I'm going to post another teaser, since I just figured out a fix to our long arch-enemy, the text overlap.
(For the shop areas, status management, archives, and equipment screens only. Basically, any area with this blue screen will more than likely not have any text overlap on release.)

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(Can you tell I'm a little too excited over this? Hahaha)

Obviously it still has a bit more tweaking to do to be super clean and

but hey, progress is progres!

(It also means I've given myself more work, and it'll delay the release even further, but I think we can agree it's at least for a worthwhile cause.)
(And also good lord it took me a few good hours of just slamming my head against this issue to solve it.)
YOOO!! Omg this is so cool!! Sorry I've been so absent as the creator of this thread!! But I'm so excited to see that you're undertaking an actual translation. I think I can speak for the whole community when I say that you are absolutely amazing!!

Keep up the good work, and I'll keep my eyes peeled for when you're finished so I can put the download link on this thread!!


Active Member
Jan 3, 2019
Why today is everyone coming out the woodwork lol.

Like I mentioned in #138 though, it's still going to be some time out.
I've been plugging away at the archives as of late, which is fucking huge. I got all the text into all its appropriate sections, so that's that at least.
Currently, I am working on formatting it so it can fit into its own areas, "as much as possible."
I believe that's the last section of "new" formatting I have to do though, so I can move onto more general MTL work afterwards.
The whole reformatting all the screens as such took a long time, and the archives will take just as long.
It's a very boring, tedious process. With very little to show lol.

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2020
It'll be done when it'll be done, I had fears that TragicSolitude was going so fast that I wasn't going to finish my bits before them (I still do), so not intended teasing going on but....nothing is being shown so why teasing yourselves? If you want a deadline estimate then you aren't having one till it's near certain about it due to how annoying the program is and the extra work that TragicSolitude is putting in since it is a pain to deal with it before doing reformatting of it all.

However if you must be given an estimate as to when to check back in here for when it's ready then..... give it a year or two ;P now sit on your hands and wait.
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Active Member
Jan 3, 2019
Archives are done being updated to fix text overlap!
(I still have to do some light image editing, and a final clean pass to be anal over a few last things, but it'll be faster than all of the archive work as a whole.)
I'll be moving on to the last two h scenes (which ain't my cup of tea content wise, but a man has to take some hits for his babies lel) and then coordinating with rat-attack about the common events.
Past that is a playtest to find any other issues. But the general timeline is still up in the air, so, keep that in mind!

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Sep 26, 2020
Archives are done being updated to fix text overlap!
(I still have to do some light image editing, and a final clean pass to be anal over a few last things, but it'll be faster than all of the archive work as a whole.)
I'll be moving on to the last two h scenes (which ain't my cup of tea content wise, but a man has to take some hits for his babies lel) and then coordinating with rat-attack about the common events.
Past that is a playtest to find any other issues. But the general timeline is still up in the air, so, keep that in mind!

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It's been said a MILLION times but seriously, thank you so much for doing this. If it wasn't already obvious the whole community is so hyped for this game and I am too. Your effort goes such a long way, and hopefully we can finally get an amazing English translation for this game that we can preserve!!


Active Member
Jan 3, 2019

It's been said a MILLION times but seriously, thank you so much for doing this. If it wasn't already obvious the whole community is so hyped for this game and I am too. Your effort goes such a long way, and hopefully we can finally get an amazing English translation for this game that we can preserve!!
Goat behavior?

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Not sure why you asked for that, but sure there you go.

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But thanks, a good portion of it was down to Rat-attack and Loneranger (I believe only frequents ULMF), which helped with their pre-existing work. I'm just happy to finally get Acid Style's stuff out there in ENG lol.


New Member
Apr 16, 2019
I managed to play through this game using a Discord bot that had image-to-text capabilities paired with another bot that would translate text, and read pretty much every scene that way. It was AWFUL but it was entertaining enough ahahah I'm so glad to hear you're working on translating this! I adored this game! I'll definitely be sticking around to see the progress on this, and thanks so much for your hard work guys!
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Feb 17, 2018
Tried this game twice a while ago.
First one was on jap(ain't understood shit).
Second one was been on some sort of a 0.69 version of the game or translation (It prob. was from ULMF forum).
I hope to actually play this with full trans. at some point and complete it for third time. Although the last part might be hard, my interests/fetishes are changing so fucking fast with each other.