Unity [Translation Request] NTR House (kegani laboratory)


Jul 4, 2019
This section has already posted a translation of the game (partial). Please design and create a distribution so others can play


Nov 5, 2019
try out last evil guys. great game if you like this play style. hoping this one gets a translate +69 smolpp enlarged


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2017
1.51 64Bit Version (should be the last one)with BepInEx XUnity MTL. other than the main menu, the game get translated pretty well


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Oct 19, 2017
in the MTL translations I personaly don't know what to do, there is a deadline, but for what? When it arrives - deadline fail - girls get NTRd but no idea what to do for it not to happen.


New Member
Sep 16, 2018
Druid Gold Trophy Difficulty Guide

Choose Druid
Choose the Green Gem
Go through the Tutorial [Gives you time to get extra items]
Fix your Deck after the tutorial before heading through the first dungeon

Deck 1: Basic Poison [Damage Per Turn with Poison and Bleed, Defense with Decoy and Guard, Use stun wisely and heal whenever able]

Poison x 3
Bleed x
Heal x 3
Stan [Stun] x 3
Decoy x 3
Melt x 3
Guard x 2

Keep this deck until you get Cursed Arrow [Bleed] and replace Bleed with Cursed Arrow.
Make sure you buy Spider Venom and Infection when you see them in Ghost Shop
You also want to look out for Summon Wolf and Bonds with the Wild [Replaces Decoy and Guard].
Lastly the Key Card you want is Ancient Wisdom.

When you get equipment you should prioritize poison attributes and when recycling equipment you should aim for
Shaman Set, never replace Wand and Book combo with Bow.

Deck 2: Intermediate Poison [DPT with Infection and Cursed Arrow and Summon Wolf, Defense with Stun, Bonds with the Wild]
Infection x 3
Cursed Arrow x 2
Spider Venom x 3
Poison x 2
Heal x 3
Stun x 3
Bonds with the Wild x 3
Summon Wolf x 1

Once you get Ancient Wisdom your deck is almost complete.

Ancient Wisdom is a powerful card that always appears on your opening hand just like Summon Wolf. It is a combo.
Ancient Wisdom will deal more damage the more an enemy is poisoned but that is not what we are aiming for usually.
We only want the second and third effect. The second effect is that upon using AW your Summon Wolf will cost 0 action points. A free wolf will give you more Damage Per turn via dmg and bleed. The third effect is the most important one. After using Ancient Wisdom all the Poison and Bleed cards that you use will have a shield bonus.

Sample Action:

Defensive [This is what you will use most of the time] Use whatever pops up your first hand because it all be used up.
Ancient Wisdom > Summon Wolf > Poison [Any kind like Spider Venom or Infection or Cursed Arrow] > Poison > Poison
Ancient Wisdom > Summon Wolf > Bonds with the Wild > Poison > Poison

Offensive [You use this if you have only have 1 opponent and is not a boss]
[Poison > Poison > Poison > AW]

Deck 3: Advanced Poison

Ancient Wisdom x 1
Summon Wolf x 1
Bonds with the Wild x 3
Infection x 3
Spider Venom x 3
Cursed Arrow x 3
Heal x 3
Stun x 3

After progressing the dungeon quests for a bit. You will have access to Poison Fog. I'm not sure if this is a bug but in the early stages Poison Fog along with Summon Skeleton is not included in your class cards. So putting them in your deck would be useless. However, during the later stages Poison Fog will be available for your class so make sure you also buy them in ghost shop should be cheapo at this point.

Poison fog will replace either Stun or Cursed Arrow it depends on your preference.. never make it 2 x 2 x 2 you need 3 Poison Fog late game. It's an AOE poison that gives stacks of poison to all enemies and heals you and with Ancient wisdom also gives shield. Ancient Wisdom and Poison Fog will definitely keep you alive.

Final Deck:
Ancient Wisdom x 1
Summon Wolf x 1
Bonds with the Wild x 3
Poison Fog x 3
Infection x 3
Spider Venom x 3
Heal x 3
Stun or Cursed Arrow x 3 [Pick your poison, no pun intended]

Once you build this deck it only matters if you completed the Shaman Set or not. Then you can basically own the game. Well do whatever you want with the H Scenes and stuff. This guide is for the combat only.
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