[Translation request][RPGM] Netorare Wife Mikiko-I'm Sorry, You. I was defeated. Because you leave it alone ... I was lonely. ~

just smile.

Feb 27, 2021
You find her license in the bed room. It's the birthday in the upper right corner, just the month and day. It says 62 4 18. My assumption is 62 was the year, so I went with April 18 and entered it as 0418, which worked for me.

In response to the walkthrough question - I don't have one, and I've no plans to make one as that kind of dedication to typing, isn't something that interests me. Mad respect for those that do put those things together. Heck, I lost interest while going through and editing the MTL to something that made a little more sense and didn't cut off in some places.

Here is the link to the translation I ended up doing. Once again - I did a MTL first, then I've been going through and editing things. It's not done yet, but I play tested it to ensure I didn't get any errors from breaking something in the translation. I don't plan on doing a 100% edit of it, however, I do plan on cleaning up a bit more before it's all done. What is below, should be viewed as a Work In Progress - at least in regards for my part of it. Inside the www folder - there is data - copy folder, which has the original, untranslated files.

As a reminder - this is the first time I'm sharing a translation effort. I don't speak Japanese, and my 'translation' is simply trying to make the MTL make more sense and fixing some sentences that were too long to display (I didn't get all, and maybe not even most of them).
there is a game update on dlsite which is on January 16, 2021, is the game you translated is included in the update?


New Member
Jun 13, 2021
Shower and rub boobs = 3 Horny
Variable 16 in RpgMakerSaveEdit
"good night" = 10 Husband Disatisfaction
Variable 11 in RpgMakerSaveEdit
Friday 08:00 Doctor visit $100,000

Skinny Man (couldn't finish Skinny Only Route)
1. Miss first saturday business meeting (might not be nessessary, just what happened to me)
2. Second Saturday business meeting: keep drinking
3. Thursday, come home after 17:00 but before 21:00. Sparkles on Bathroom drawers
4. Thursday 12:00-15:00, talk to dude in white suit out the front of the "Station" (building that leads to police/hospital). Sparkles at home, on chair.
5. Check Computer, watch wife, "it's a hit" (wouldn't trigger on my Skinnyman only playthrough)
6. Thursday, 12:30. Talk to white suit out front of YOUR work. 17:00 talk to Cashier in Mart, 2nd option.
8. Check Computer, watch 2nd video (SCAT WARNING)
9. Thursday, 11:00 at home. First chat option, twice. Follow wife to Hotel district. First chat option, "Watch over" (second leads to gameover)
10. Check Computer, watch 3rd video.
11. On NOT Thursday, go to sleep in your room, before Wife asks (mine triggered on Friday or Saturday night)
12. Thursday, 13:00 Park toilet, talk to kid. 21:00 Home, then go to Park. "Can not forgive" = Game Over.
Route Lock?
Big Man
1. Miss first Saturday business meeting (might not be necessary, just what happened to me)
2. Second Saturday business meeting: keep drinking
3. Go to Work, Monday morning, invite for more drinking. 23:00 sparkles in kitchen
4. Monday 9:00, speak at work. Sparkles at home, in Spare Room.
5. Thursday. Talk to wife in morning: "Lunch with Friends next Monday"
6. Monday. 8:00. Hotel District. Talk to receptionist in top left hotel.
7. Monday. 13:00. Walk home from Work. Call out to Wife on Balcony. "Looks strange"
8. Monday. Work 9:00. Talk to big guy, call home for dinner. 19:00 go home, let wife take bath. Talk to Big on balcony
9. Monday. Work 9:00. Talk to big guy, first chat options. Buy a Video Camera. Station 12:00.
Home, bed, click on sparkles. First option (2nd is Game Over). Talk to Wife. 2nd Option "Forgive"
10. Talk to big outside Station 13:00-19:00. Hotel area after 17:00
11. Home, bedroom, video camera scene (mine was the kid for some reason, hadn't started that route)
12. Next morning kitchen table, phone. Bedroom vanity/mirror. Phone password 0418. Read messages. Watch Videos.
13. Kill. Station 13:00-19:00, talk to Big, 3rd option "kill". Gather 5 allies located: Hotel, Casino, north area, carpark, park.
14. Big End: Go to Office after work hours, call Big
That's all his scenes
Game Over: Select "Kill" again.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid
1. Sunday, stay to watch kid play baseball
2. Weekdays, 15:00-19:00 Baseball Field. Option 4, "When are you coming over?"
3. Wednesday, be home between 15:00-19:00 talk to kid, after 19:00 click on sparkles on couch
4. Wednesday, be home between 15:00-19:00 talk to kid, after 19:00 click on sparkles on table
5. Wednesday, be home between 15:00-19:00 talk to kid, after 19:00 click on sparkles next to couch
6. Wednesday, be home between 15:00-19:00 talk to kid, after 19:00 click on sparkles near the couch
Game Over scene Wednesday, 17:00 walk FROM hospital side, towards Police station side.
7. Wednesday? Talk to Wife after kid has been. She will mention going to a "sports club match" on Saturday.
8. Saturday, go to baseball in the morning, cheerleader wife scene. Check male public bathroom door? Go home, talk to wife, 2nd then 1st chat.
Route Locked
9. Wednesday, 15:00, go to Hotel District. Top Right Hotel, pay 100,000.
10. Thursday? 21:00, bedroom, video camera
11. Go back to top right hotel, 3rd option, buy. Go to Work after hours to watch.
12. Sunday. 08:00 Go to Baseball game
13. Sunday. 08:00 Go to Baseball game (now commando)
14. Sunday. 08:00 Go to Baseball game
That's all the scenes.
Kill: Buy knife from shop. Go to Baseball field Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 15:00-19:00
Long hair guy: On Big Guy route, talk to him when you have your Wife following you, on a Friday.
Gal 1. Need Condom. Demon King Hotel, Saturday 22:00. Handjob
Gal 2. Demon King Hotel, Saturday 22:00 1-3-1. Panties
Gal 3. Demon King Hotel, Saturday 22:00 1-1-1. Handjob
Gal 4. Demon King Hotel, Saturday 22:00 1-1-2. See pussy (that's all. disappointing.)
Doctor 1. Friday, go to Hospital without Wife. Talk to Doctor. Show Panties
Doctor 2. Friday, talk to Doctor. Blowjob
Doctor 3. Friday, talk to Doctor. Top Right Hotel 22:00. Blowjob
Doctor 4. Friday, talk to Doctor. Top Right Hotel 22:00. See pussy (that's all. disappointing.)
Police 1.
Police 2.
Police 3.
Police 4.
Fortune 1. 2nd last option. Give 1,000,000. Thighfuck
Fortune 2. Give 1,000,000. Naked Thighfuck
Fortune 3. Give 1,000,000. Panties.
Fortune 4. Give 1,000,000. See pussy (that's all. disappointing.)

Wednesday, 13:00 restaurant near hospital. Chef, buy food? (do not know what this is for)

Male Police Office 9 Good Deeds:
1. Guy outside apartment, find car key. Carpark south of him.
2. 17:00 Casino Toilet needs Toilet Paper from Store.
3. 14:00 Park toilet area. Find kids "tiger". 2 screens West of kid.
4. Monday, 15:00 Postbox near Shops. Talk to little girl, 1-2-1 chat. Talk to Police Woman
5. Saturday 22:00, Demon Hotel, Blonde Girl. Need Condom and money.
6. Saturday 22:00, Demon Hotel, Blonde Girl, chat 1-3-1-1-1
7. Thursday 15:00, Casino, Angry man on Slot Machine. ATM PIN 1974, Cash $50,000
8. Devil Hotel, "Devil at Reception seems to be in trouble" "Stop by any day! You need to complete 9 good deeds" (stuck here, won't trigger)
Skinny man
in the latest version if you can forgive in step 12.
13. Saturday at 20:00 in the parking lot
14. The next day to go to the hotel area, the scene will seuira alone is the end (before you can go for the rope to the casino but I did not know how to use it).


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
I made an experimental SugoiV3/Google MTL hybrid for v1.04.

This is not really meant as a serious translation attempt, I'm just looking for an alternative to Google-Translate for longer games when DeepL becomes unreasonably tedious to use. (This only took about 10% of the effort a DeepL based MTL would take.)

It would be great if I could get some feedback whether or not it's possible to follow the story to a reasonable degree, or if this is basically as bad as raw Google-Translate. :HideThePain:

Not in any way tested. The point of this test is to keep work time as low as possible.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.

1.0 Initial release.
1.1 Adjustments to fix word wrapping and getting rid of a few thousand "<b>"
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 28, 2019
I made an experimental SugoiV3/Google MTL hybrid for v1.04.

This is not really meant as a serious translation attempt, I'm just looking for an alternative to Google-Translate for longer games when DeepL becomes unreasonably tedious to use. (This only took about 10% of the effort a DeepL based MTL would take.)

It would be great if I could get some feedback whether or not it's possible to follow the story to a reasonable degree, or if this is basically as bad as raw Google-Translate. :HideThePain:

Not in any way tested. The point of this test is to keep work time as low as possible.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.
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Arima Bery

Dec 16, 2017
I made an experimental SugoiV3/Google MTL hybrid for v1.04.

This is not really meant as a serious translation attempt, I'm just looking for an alternative to Google-Translate for longer games when DeepL becomes unreasonably tedious to use. (This only took about 10% of the effort a DeepL based MTL would take.)

It would be great if I could get some feedback whether or not it's possible to follow the story to a reasonable degree, or if this is basically as bad as raw Google-Translate. :HideThePain:

Not in any way tested. The point of this test is to keep work time as low as possible.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.
nice sir omw to test it when i back home