Yes. Had to use the old save from the previous version: Untainted Girl_2024_1011 and paste in to the new version in the data folder: Untainted Girl_2025_0108. In the old version, I could obtain the "double jump" feature , with the new version, I could not obtain the "double jump" feature and there is a stage after the prison stage that requires the "double jump" feature to start. Don't really want to cheat but I had not choice. Attached are the save for both versions. I think it would still work on both versions. Just rename the file to "save" and place in data folder just in case. Cheers!
Same as ISamu previous game : Hostage Empreses H. Both games requires a lot of time and patience. Both games still have a few bugs in random areas that the character is stuck on a screen and you have to restart the game. The new updated version of Untainted Girl is a bit more challenging and kind of fixed some too easy areas of the final stage of the previous version, but the health feature on the new version is a bit messed up. You cannot fully heal after obtaining the crystals like the old version. In general the old version is easier and more pleasant. New version is a bit more challenging and can be quite frustrating. Still love both games though, Hostage Empress H is highly recommened. Hope ISamu will release a new demo of its new game soon. Cheers!