HTML - Transylvania [v0.5.12] [XFiction]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, so I finally have the time and mind to write a review, cause since my bf recommended me this game a few days ago all I can do is play it, think about it and masturbate

    I just finished the last chapter and wow, it kinda feels like a corruption game where the player ends up more corrupted than the mc

    The only fetish from this game I knew I had beforehand was bestiality, I also only recently started making peace with it cause although I dont judge others for their fetish I did feel quite ashamed of mine; theres a scene on this game
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    that genuinaly healead me in a way I didnt know needed healing

    This game is so well written and creates such a beautifully sexy-scary-grostesque vibe that it made me understand better why I have this fetish and trully embrace it without shame (it also made me develop a fetish for
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    and I never expected this to happen lol)

    I suck at edging, but the "grinding" of this game (which in most games is just boring and breaks immersion) actually worked as edging to me, even when I fast foward scenes I already saw, just the few seconds I spent with the drawnings, the few words I reread and listening to the music* made me ridiculously horny

    *btw, wanna appreaciate the sounds that are being implemented cause oh boy do they work on me, at times just listening to it made me wet

    My only complaint is that I feel that after chapter 1 theres way less bestiality options, but that may be a skill issue on my part or cause chapter 1 is the most worked on so far, but it is still great exploring the new kinks this game made me develop

    10/10 would honestly recommend to anyone that has the stomach for it
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the more weirder games, definitely not for the faint of heart, and if you get past all of that you'll probably curse the dev because they give you some new fetishes( damn you Vincent (lol kidding)), but the quality is good, BUT without a proper guide this games is all over the place.

    Good narrative
    Nice story
    Very well made art

    Forcefully locked in some contents
    Without a guide you'll keep getting stuck, a LOT.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I initially thought the game looked visually impressive and genuinely tried to enjoy the experience. However, locking save slots behind a paywall is an incredibly frustrating decision that severely undermines any positive aspects I could mention
    Likes: wx448
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    wonderful game, by far the best writing among the other games. its like reading literature with stunning drawings. never would expect to have a horror\erotic experience but this game changed everything. when i have conditions i will gladly pay the patreon subscription so i can help to see this game completed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Lewd Lilith

    Incredibly good. A lot of people would argue that it doesn't allow the player much freedom story-wise, but I don't care. I enjoy the story it has to tell and how it has the balls to bring out grotesque stuff.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a phenomenal game. It really reaches a level of consistent quality that no other pornographic game has reached. The pacing, writing, and art are all very good. Highly recommend checking this out.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Lullz Me

    Excellent game, very well written.
    The story is exceptionnal, and there are so much things to discover...

    If you are not arachnophobe, then it is a game to test. For weird scenes, don't forget that it's only a game, no need translate this to reality.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Although this game is really unique and has good writing it fails as a porn game. Sex scenes are rare and compose of few images at best plus many are of bestiality variety which is not my kink.

    What's the worst though is that gameplay here sucks and there is too much grinding. To succeed we need to do the same thing over and over again (and often "die" in the process) which in the long run is tedious. We're also often left with some arbitrary fake choices, where no matter what we choose we will end up "dead" and will have to repeat the same things again.

    In general it's way too easy to "die" (monsters here prefer to kill instead of rape, which in a porn game is a fail in my book) and at the same time it's hard to truly die (and get game over screen and bad ending). It's just not fun in the long run and to be honest, if you will complete the game once I doubt you will have the will to restart just to see one or two slightly erotic images.

    + Unique game, something to go for if you're bored with the usual

    - Not much sexual content
    - Tedious gameplay

    4/10 game IMO.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    While the game itself is pretty good in terms of concept, story and writing (for the most part, but there are some weird typos and missing punctuation marks) it's unplayable if you don't plan on finishing the whole thing in one sitting. Saves just straight up stop working at some point (version 0.5.07 of the game), both quick and paywalled slots. And this issue existed in earlier versions of the game, as well, which led me to drop it back then and lose all my progress now.

    The disclaimer after the failed quick save says that this issue should be fixed in versions after 0.4.04 or something and that faulty saves only happen if you use older save files, but that's just bull since I've been playing a freshly downloaded version of the game with no prior save file and the saves broke on me anyway.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a great storyline.
    1. The story and dialogues are well written.
    2. A large number of plot development options. /
    3. Bold descriptions and graphic illustrations of various fetishes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily my favourite HTML game on the site, and probably in my top 5 in all criteria.

    The art's sparse, but excellent. The writing is phenomenal. It's genuinely extremely goth at a deeper level, more than just a coat of paint. Well worth your time for anyone who has a morbid fascination.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though some featured kinks in this game are not to my taste, the presentation, the setting, and the writing drew me in.

    The game has this charming 90's retro videogame horror esthetics and has all the themes you'd expect from vampires and werewolves to Lovecraftian cosmic horror mixed in with erotica. The initial gameplay of the game is basically to explore and interact with the world until you either die or come to one of the endings so you can start again while slowly transforming and advancing the story and chapter. The transformation and corruption of the main character and in-game choices on how to proceed are the main focus of the game.

    Overall I feel if you enjoy good writing and exploring well portrayed horror themes with lewd, erotic content and don't mind or are interested in darker and more unusual kinks you'll enjoy this game, it's very well crafted.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this certainly awakened some things I didn't expect...

    Excellent writing: great story and erotic moments both. I'm pleased this was able to deliver on both fronts (for me, at least).

    Minor spoilers: I didn't realize this was a gender swap but I adjusted pretty quickly, I think the setup works really well as the eventual "female protaganist succubus" approach.

    For the kinky/weird stuff, even for the scenes that weren't my thing, I was curious and often read through it anyway.
    It's remarkable how good writing/setup can elevate pretty gross encounters into a gratifying moment.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't usually leave reviews but this blew me out of the water. Everything's great, from the writing to the drawings to the themes and kinks. If you're on the fence because of the horror tag(like I was), read it as "atmospheric" instead:) there's some creepy/gross stuff but nothing too severe.

    (If you're the devs reading this; I NEEED more werewolf!!!!)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I have a problem with verbose, story heavy games advertised as female protagonist, but where you start as some dude. I want to skip and get to the part where I can play as myself, but if I do I'll miss out the whole start of the story.

    I'm so happy I gave Transylvania the few chances it took to finally get to that point. The writing, scenes, fetishes, even the art which at first seems odd, everything here is just absolutely fantastic once it gets started! And there's already so much content, yet it doesn't feel unnecessarily grindy like many games do. Please give it a chance!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A top 2 transformation game for me and a must-play for any transformation fan, or even fans of erotic world building

    The crux of a successful MtF transformation game is what to do after the transformation. The erotic nature of an MtF transformation is the unexpectedness, at first maybe the reluctance, horror or surprise of the MC, followed by gradual acceptance and erotic exploration. But WHAT AFTER? For the 'Patreon subscribe' format that we live in, maybe the 'Version 1' of the game has the transformation and then the subsequent versions explore it, but more often than not your MC is a whore by Version 3... then what? Often, it just turns into a female POV game at best, or a repetition or an extreme drawn out tease at worst.

    Transylvania's brilliance is its answer to this question in multiple ways, probably the smartest way I've seen. For one, your character is always on the brink of dying, and the only way to avoid it is by exploring the mystery, the world and MC and other people's powers. This is SMART. There is room for the MC to want to reject sex situations to try to find information. There is room for MC to want to accept sex situations if they think it will help them survive. There is a NECESESARY layer on top of the man -> woman -> slut dynamic that exists in every MtF game that can support many more interesting scenarios.

    Then there's the 'mind haze' dynamic. The game inhabits the world of 'the occult' with monster, magic, and mind control all on the table. The game has a 'sanity' dynamic which corresponds to that world: The human mind of our MC cannot process the 'world of the occult', so there is a constant battle between his sanity and the bizarreness and powers of the world and people around him. Again, a smart layer on top of the usual MtF dynamic: a common theme of MtF games is quickly becoming a slut, but by explaining this dynamic (partially) through the world building AND positioning it against the MC's need to preserve some sanity to save their own lives, it maintains a reason for the game to keep going and write new scenarios.

    Then there's just smart writing. With the aforementioned need to preserve your life and mind/identity constantly a theme, the game very gradually introduces plot elements and transformation elements enabled and established by the world building that challenge those two things in lewd ways. But the core themes are never forgotten.

    Other good things: a good stats/clothes/journal setup, a logical game progression with a clever loop mechanic that doesn't punish experimenting, a great base for a game that you could imagine quite a bit more plot and transformation in future releases
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best erotic games I've played. It has a lot of good drawn artwork and fits the Twine engine really well. The succubus "life" mechanic is unique, and it makes the gameplay/exploration feel much more comfortable. It makes save-scumming a lot less appealing by allowing you to experience the consequences of risky and sleazy situations without worrying too much about the opportunity cost. The fetish content is very fitting for the dark, gothic aesthetic, with lots of monsters and gross things like maggots. I also like that more details about the environment you're in reveal themselves the longer you play, despite little hints about the mysteries. Be wary if you're squeamish, but if you're a freak like me this should be a hit.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a very well made and written VN with horror elements. It's quite unique in the genre so it gets some extra credit from me.

    The big problem with this game is that it just didn't feel sexy to me. I'm not into beast / spider fetishes and the game just failed to intrigue me from the sexual side of things. Despite being very interesting otherwise.

    While this is a very unique game no doubt, I come here to fap above all else. And this VN failed to get me to want to fap basically at all throughout my hours of playing it.

    Not for me: 3/5.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the aesthetics and writing/worldbuilding of this game, it's probably the best erotic horror game out there. The corruption is hot and the game, whil grindy, is still less grindy than the average TF HTML game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, hot and well-written, with lot of kinks covered. Identity death was a bit quick for my taste, but it's not a big problem. Overall relationships progress nicely.
    -1 only for paywalling the save system, you will need to save-load a lot, especially if you want to see all content and without it game is hardly playable. Had to edit code to fix it.