Getting dicked meter management RNG grind Quest
As mentioned in descriptions, this is a sub game. Do not play this game if you don't want to be randomly dicked. Getting randomly dicked and becoming a dumb bimbo is the reward.
The game is pretty elaborate with lots of freedom,
which is great, but it's limited because the game's goal is mostly about the player getting dicked.
The reward is dickings. Game is about dickings, liking dickings, and being forced into dickings.
The game is not hard, loss of control is the entire point of the game. It's like FTL with an illusion of control, but more dickings. Most gameplay you're reloading from RNG or dickings.
If you want another experience, it's possible. Normal/chad (or as the game says, "dominant") content is there but very undeveloped compared to sissy/getting dicked content. If it's there, consider it an anomaly.
It's still an uphill battle even with debug. Cheating in debug mode is pretty limited and the inputs are nitpicky.
Candy, to fill the hunger meter, can be cursed to debuff you to be dicked easier by monsters. You "can" freely eat/drink which might heal you,
but not when you're low on health/energy or you'll faint from cursed food.
NPCs can follow you to supposedly "help" you in combat, but usually never do. If you change out cumsoaked clothes for decent ones, NPCs see your unholy nipples and get hostile.
Tell NPC to leave makes NPC unhappy/makes them follow you more.
Guard randomly cums inside wench NPC in front of you. Guard sees you attacking wench so you can cum in wench for sanity points, guard gets hostile.
Robochef keeps ignoring you, so you can't make him cook. Kick chef o get attention, offer jewellry, offer food, food is cooked, all is well. Mechanic NPC wanders in, sees kick, gets hostile.
Becoming slutty like the game wants (with bigger tits/hips), your appearance only makes NPCs hostile (X hates you, loses respect for you, etc) and NPCs want to attack/dick you all the time.
Gladiator indifferent to small tits player, player needs big tits to learn boobslap skill, player gets big tits, gladiator sees tits and becomes hostile. 10/10
Slut school forces you to get anal plug to advance. School NPCs see you expelling plug/cum, all lose respect for you. But why.
Too big tits/long hair makes player trip easier, kneeling player is autodicked by hostile monsters, which are also autohostile by larger player tits...
Becoming slutty like the game wants (sex/titfuck/creampie/anal
addiction) turns you closer to mindbreak where player always wants to be dicked/lose combat. It's "
addiction", not "
Getting max sex addiction debuffs your intelligence. Wonder how the villain twin nintendolls keep their 2slut attitudes while keeping their enhanced galaxy brains, really makes me think.
Game dungeon trap RNG turns your compulsory bag of holding sluttier, monsters demand you be less slutty, but you can't change the bag 10/10.
Managing meters (hunger/thirst/horny) on top of RNG spawned job hats for mandatory do-or-debuff quests, plus cursed item quests (to poke sleeping monster, good luck finding/creating a sleeping monsters), on top of RNG traps (hotel stuck in hole trap auto stucks you if you slip, if you don't already have a weight loss potion or have your ass/tits permanently embiggened, mandatory anal dickings and addiction), limited quantity RNG potions (containers hide potion colors past the 1st level, even more RNG), need to fuck NPCs for sanity + unfuckable NPCs (genie/robots they can fuck you but you can't fuck back/
every single NPC in the in the 20+ people all-female slut school/patreon NPCs), slow recharge craft stations (both Icarus and Aeromancer didn't appear ingame for whatever reason), RPG skill learning (ask 5 times no teach, NPC tells you to shut up), and annoying UI (why can't it autodisplace my clothes if I need to fap/collect cum for Doom quest which was forced by RNG teleporter failure?) makes this game more frustrating RNG grind than anything. Even when cheating with debug mode.
It's a sub game. If you like getting RNG dicks, mindbroken and meters ringing, then this game is for you. Otherwise, it's got potential, but doesn't live up to it.