Others - Trap Quest [R15 v3.1] [Aika]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    definitely a triple H, can't wait for the remastered/complete edition,
    it's a development team capable of creating gameplay that keeps you hooked.
    Some frustrating mechanics only increase the immersion by forcing you to fap again and again, I think I'll contact the developers with my idea.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Every couple years I come back to this. On paper it's the kind of game I love and want more of. Every time I soon realize that the game is just fundamentally unfun.
    The engine is slow and clunky, interacting with things is annoying, movement is annoying.
    Curses and traps are annoying. I come into these kinds of games with an expectation of arriving as some kind of build, instead I spend an hour collecting clothing (only for them to get replaced by RNG traps) and uncursing them.
    Doing pretty much anything is annoying.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You can't quantify madness.
    But you can try.
    TQ is an exceptionally rare example of a game, each component of which couldn't do any good on its own.
    But together it gives quite an impression. Impression you'll see nowhere else.

    Visuals look inconsistent and dated.
    Sound... exists?
    Gameplay is a powder keg branded "Born to Lose".
    Longevity looks questionable since the game outgrew its engine long ago, and whatever refactoring was made is not quite making things any better.
    And fun... While games like Dwarf Fortress do claim "losing is fun" statement as their game design cornerstone, Trap Quest slams the emphasis on it so hard so you can probably use it as hadron collider substitute. Be wary, however, that it'll produce Dr Coomer's bosoms instead of Dr Higgs's bosons.

    And I'm not exaggerating.
    Some games were meaned to be beaten (eventually).
    Some games were meaned to be experienced.
    This one is meaned to break you - and it does NOT hide this intent.
    From the very first main menu window, to prologue "cutscenes", to novice mode hints, to dialogue with the
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    - everything literally flails at you with handfuls of red flags.
    Red flags you'll be tempted to ignore.
    In a world of porn games which literally slam the player face first into EVERYTHING they can offer, regardless of if player likes some things or not, this explicit fairness which Trap Quest offers is... noble?

    Two things are certain about this game.
    1. If you don't like something present in this game - there will be either an option to disable it or a trick to skip.
    2. If you don't know if you like something present in this game - there will always be an option to pull out. Lore-justified. Which is a luxury by modern porn game standards...
    Overall, the game may and will try to mess with both your character's and your-as-player brain - with all the best intents possible.

    Don't be scared of weird UI or excessive (and mostly imaginary) focus on non-consensual stuff.
    Go on a journey of self-discovery and constant struggle.
    Even if you lose the game, you win some rare ideas which you won't get anywhere else. And I'm looking for ideas of this kind for twenty years, I know what I'm talking about.

    Just let the game do its thing for a hour, then let your mind process it (and let the dust settle).
    And it will not disappoint you, probably. The game do have something to offer for everyone...

    ...unless you're allergic to reading :)
    That's the only real problem with this game.
    Which is for good.
    Communication (including reading) is a very underestimated tool at proper sex adventurer's disposal.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been playing trap quest on and off for a good number of years. I have some gripes to vent but I also think it is an awesome game. I'm going to mention the negatives for me personally first, because I really want to see them fixed or changed. (This is a personal plea to the dev. I'm being wholly transparent with that.)

    1) I would like desperately for there to be an intersex/futanari transformation option. The game seems to put you on a set path to sluttify you, and if you do not follow that set path, or if the way you want to be sluttified defers, you're going to have to save scum A LOT to get what you want out of the experience and because of that it is very frustrating for me personally. I would like to be a slutty chick with massive breasts and a massive dick, let me be that kind of slut thanks.

    2) The classroom is a NIGHTMARE. It takes you out of the flow of the game by making you go back to the start of the levels until you beat it. (I think? I never really have gotten that far on any of my saves) This would be fine but the game gives you just enough time to get lost or be in the middle of something, and then your armband rings, and you need to drop what you are doing or face a punishment. Please extend the amount of time the game gives you in between classroom sessions.

    Here are the positives:
    The game is IMMENSELY creative. there's so many fetishes, Transformations, and things you can do.

    The sexy scenes are good I'd probably give them a 7/10 in terms of overall balanced enjoyment, there are some hits and some misses.

    The game lets you opt out of certain fetishes! This is an amazing feature!

    while I agree with certain others that the game engine isn't the best, I also think that the visual style of the clothing is very nice in item form!

    Amount of items and content: there's SO much in this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of kinky stuff that this game has to offer. Mind control, sissification, pregnancy, birth/egglaying, and that's just to name a few.

    The imagery that comes along with this game is especially a brilliant sight to behold, but there's just one slight problem. Patreon.
    There are different ways that the game handles showing your character, depending on which version of the game you downloaded, and I only ever played/liked the porn version, now discontinued due to Patreon shenanigans, so I stopped playing. If Patreon was ditched for SubscribeStar (which allows for certain things Patreon doesn't, like irl imagery and non consensual themes) and the Porn version was continued, it'd easily be a full 5 stars.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    4 Star because it has themes that get me personally off but that engines could be a lot better its not has bad as other reviews would make it out to be.

    I like the RNG aspect and how you get turned differently everytime. Its for a specific kind of person (me)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Corruption done right. You have to pay attention and respect the game in order to MINIMIZE corruption (some corruption is practically unavoidable). Much preferred to many games were you have to essentially walk right into loss scenarios on purpose in order to access the H content. Probably one of the best if not the best corruption game out there. Hope that the Strateg window can eventually get clothing support.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    What a unique concept with such an unmarketable packaging.

    But holy cow if this is a game for you... its a game for you! Everyone should try and it see if they like it. You don't have to in the end but if you do, you're in for a treat.

    Perfect for those that like Dom and Sub content, as well as stuff like inflation, changing bodies, corruption, and bimbofication. Also TG stuff too.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Boy where to start... This game made me discover fetishes I didn't knew I had.
    Definitely recommend to people wanting to explore their sub side. Yes you can play as a dom, but honestly this part is bit lacking: game is all about submissiveness and giving in.
    There's also a lot of piss and diaper content, but thanks God you can you disable it.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: R13 v7.0

    In all honesty this used to be a pretty good game, but then they started adding more content to an game engine that really cannot handle something complex, its slow loading, slow imput response, the engine is past its limit.
    But if you somehow manage to ignore the game ripping apart at its seams then this game is actually a pretty fun.
    The various transformations keep it fresh and allows you to try to do something more fun next time, the sexual scenes are also quite fun, even if the writing is sub-par. The quests are quite sad though, its just fetch quests with various degrees of complexity.

    This game could have been a 4/5 if not for the terrible performance and uninspired progression.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    As has been said in previous reviews, this is an RNG game about getting dominantly dicked set up in a command line format. The best way I can describe this game is the devs wanted it to be unique, then just half assed everything.

    There is zero justification for the engine they used and its limitations are painfully obvious after a few dozen turns in. Don't worry, it's not a memory leak, the game is just loading a new scene every time you push a button or input a command. Every. Single. Time.. I could go into the mechanical issues of how the game is structured, but they will become obvious the moment you try to do something like remove the item you just uncursed only to be met with "invalid input, please choose a response".

    The writing isn't buch better than the engine. Find wench, offend wench by wearing panties, offend wench even more by not wearing panties. Find big tiddie warrior, big tiddie warrior only likes other big tiddie people, get big tiddies, big tiddie warrior tries to cut off your dick. The rest of the characters are similarly inspired. The epilogues are worse. The epilogues will make you wonder why you kept playing until the end of the train wreak.

    Oh, and if you find a character that seems interesting or at least appealing, don't worry, there's no sexual interaction with them. In fact, there's probably almost no meaningful interaction with them.

    Don't be like me and try to find meaning in this game, it's a game that tried to do too much and so it did nothing. The princess' story effectively ends the moment the boss fight is over when rescuing her, trying to get the Aeromancer to spawn is a waste of time and RNG, attempting to dom the vampire(vampiress? seriously devs?) gives what amounts to a placeholder scene, turning the tables on the dominatrix ends with a cane pulling you off the stage. It just gets worse the longer you play, and getting to the end reveals how poorly formulated the game concept was with a main character that either got really into anal sex or doesn't really understand how money works or why Ninetendolls could literally change them back for free with the methods they used to change the main character in the first place. It's just one long hamfisted plot device with obnoxious game mechanics in an engine that should not have been used for this style of game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Ease of Play: 3/5
    Easier than reading MTL but sucks to setup and get it running properly.

    Story/writing: 4.5/5
    There's not a lot of story but there are quests and progression. The writing is phenomenal, very engaging and easy to immerse into.

    Pictures/art: 4/5
    There's barely any animations but there's a whole variety of pictures/artwork. Honestly one of the best games when it comes to variety due to the fact there's different packs for the character's model.

    Fapability: 5/5
    In my opinion, this is one of the best porn games to fap to. There's different paths and kinks that you can explore in this game, there's about everything for everyone and enough content to satisfy those kinks too. Another expect of fapability would be how replayable it is, well I can straight up and say that it's incredibly replayable. I've been following this game for 5 years now and there's always content to explore, either from constant updates or the sheer amount of content there already is in this game.

    Overall: 4/5
    Even though this is one of my favorite games, there's still some faults to it but the great thing is that it's always improving. It might be 4/5 now but it could easily be 5/5.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Little your dream

    I used to start the game, but now it crashes and does not work, although I did everything according to the instructions.
    The game has a big plus - it's Graphics
    Further cons:
    Installing the game requires knowledge of partial programming
    a lot of unnecessary movements in the installation of the game
    the game engine needs to be improved
    Very boring game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, it's a very enjoyable game if you like sub content and can get accustomed to the somewhat obtuse UI. But you do not have to memorize commands unless you turn that off for some reason, and you can change the blindingly bright white background to something a little easier on the eyes.

    This game IS RNG heavy and WILL fuck you over in many senses of the word - but if you sit back and enjoy the journey more than the destination, it's actually quite fun. It's a roguelike, after all. Losing is going to happen, and you will be making the most of bad (but also sexy) situations.

    It's true this game has a LOT of fetishes that may not be to everyone's taste, but it should be stated: YOU CAN TURN A LOT OF THEM OFF. If you're a pure vanilla type then there won't be a lot of content left for you, yes, but there are so many fetishes to touch on that there's certainly something for just about anyone.

    There's a lot to take in when you first get started, but honestly? Just jump in. Maybe check the (woefully under-updated) wiki for some guidance, but for the most part, the fun happens when you just run around and experiment. There's no penalty for save-scumming either, make as many as you want and try out stuff you know is a bad idea game-wise just for the hell of it.

    Again, this game is very punishing, so do not feel bad for "losing". Cause you'll probably have still gotten your rocks off in the process and that's what counts. I suggest turning on mindbreak protection in the pre-game setup though, cause that's what'll really end your run.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - DNF; did get me off

    The game is a rougelike where your goal is to traverse the 5 dungeons without turning into a girl. But the problem is that the game has so many stats to manage that you'll have to spend at least an hour reading through walkthroughs and faqs to learn how to deal with everything.
    The porn is really short 5 sentences, and most of it is you being a sub. The developer says his focus is not on making good porn but on making a good game.
    Worst part is the engine. It's like Flexible Survival where you need to memorize the 20+ commands that aren't suggested to you. I gave up on my third playthrough when I couldn't figure out how to fuck the slut I defeated.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Yet another fetish-dump game, but at least this one has a central fetish (bimbofication/sissification/TG into a girl, etc.), and you can sorta-kinda control what kinks you'll encounter, so I'll forgive it a bit.

    Gotta give a big warning on this game; it's one of those games designed to toss just about every fetish there is at you and the only way to avoid encountering things you don't like is to be lucky, good at the game and/or cheat.
    Definitely an RNG-fest by design, though it gets to be irritating in that regard, like bending over in front of someone in the hopes they'll do one of their three potential actions to your bum, and savescumming when they don't do it again and again until they finally do the thing you want.
    ...again, I suppose that's probably part of the game, that both you the player and you the character don't have much control over what's going on, though it's a pain in the patootie when your high-stat character gets a bad roll and end up falling for a trap that ruins your underwear that you spent a bunch of time blessing.
    Also if you're trying to play this like any text RPG and trying to build "your" character a specific way, don't, unless you're cheating/savescumming. You will be TF'd in ways you don't like. You will be raped at least once. You will fall for a dumb trap that spawned randomly because you left the area for too long.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    In all honestly didn't play it for long. i got really bored and kind of confused. the main issue for me was the engine. there are far more better ones and why this one is being used i can't quite understand. i think the game is overwhelming and confusing.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Getting dicked meter management RNG grind Quest

    As mentioned in descriptions, this is a sub game. Do not play this game if you don't want to be randomly dicked. Getting randomly dicked and becoming a dumb bimbo is the reward.

    The game is pretty elaborate with lots of freedom, which is great, but it's limited because the game's goal is mostly about the player getting dicked.
    The reward is dickings. Game is about dickings, liking dickings, and being forced into dickings.
    The game is not hard, loss of control is the entire point of the game. It's like FTL with an illusion of control, but more dickings. Most gameplay you're reloading from RNG or dickings.

    If you want another experience, it's possible. Normal/chad (or as the game says, "dominant") content is there but very undeveloped compared to sissy/getting dicked content. If it's there, consider it an anomaly.
    It's still an uphill battle even with debug. Cheating in debug mode is pretty limited and the inputs are nitpicky.

    Candy, to fill the hunger meter, can be cursed to debuff you to be dicked easier by monsters. You "can" freely eat/drink which might heal you, but not when you're low on health/energy or you'll faint from cursed food.
    NPCs can follow you to supposedly "help" you in combat, but usually never do. If you change out cumsoaked clothes for decent ones, NPCs see your unholy nipples and get hostile.
    Tell NPC to leave makes NPC unhappy/makes them follow you more.​
    Guard randomly cums inside wench NPC in front of you. Guard sees you attacking wench so you can cum in wench for sanity points, guard gets hostile.​
    Robochef keeps ignoring you, so you can't make him cook. Kick chef o get attention, offer jewellry, offer food, food is cooked, all is well. Mechanic NPC wanders in, sees kick, gets hostile.​
    Becoming slutty like the game wants (with bigger tits/hips), your appearance only makes NPCs hostile (X hates you, loses respect for you, etc) and NPCs want to attack/dick you all the time.
    Gladiator indifferent to small tits player, player needs big tits to learn boobslap skill, player gets big tits, gladiator sees tits and becomes hostile. 10/10​
    Slut school forces you to get anal plug to advance. School NPCs see you expelling plug/cum, all lose respect for you. But why.​
    Too big tits/long hair makes player trip easier, kneeling player is autodicked by hostile monsters, which are also autohostile by larger player tits...
    Becoming slutty like the game wants (sex/titfuck/creampie/anal addiction) turns you closer to mindbreak where player always wants to be dicked/lose combat. It's "addiction", not "skill".
    Getting max sex addiction debuffs your intelligence. Wonder how the villain twin nintendolls keep their 2slut attitudes while keeping their enhanced galaxy brains, really makes me think.
    Game dungeon trap RNG turns your compulsory bag of holding sluttier, monsters demand you be less slutty, but you can't change the bag 10/10.
    Managing meters (hunger/thirst/horny) on top of RNG spawned job hats for mandatory do-or-debuff quests, plus cursed item quests (to poke sleeping monster, good luck finding/creating a sleeping monsters), on top of RNG traps (hotel stuck in hole trap auto stucks you if you slip, if you don't already have a weight loss potion or have your ass/tits permanently embiggened, mandatory anal dickings and addiction), limited quantity RNG potions (containers hide potion colors past the 1st level, even more RNG), need to fuck NPCs for sanity + unfuckable NPCs (genie/robots they can fuck you but you can't fuck back/every single NPC in the in the 20+ people all-female slut school/patreon NPCs), slow recharge craft stations (both Icarus and Aeromancer didn't appear ingame for whatever reason), RPG skill learning (ask 5 times no teach, NPC tells you to shut up), and annoying UI (why can't it autodisplace my clothes if I need to fap/collect cum for Doom quest which was forced by RNG teleporter failure?) makes this game more frustrating RNG grind than anything. Even when cheating with debug mode.

    It's a sub game. If you like getting RNG dicks, mindbroken and meters ringing, then this game is for you. Otherwise, it's got potential, but doesn't live up to it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    One of my, if not my favorite game on this site.

    Its a transformation based game with a lot of transformations mostly caused by cursed items that spawn based on your actions. Ie crawl around licking up semen and you get cat ears which are cursed. The curse is lifted if you crawl around and lick up enough semen. Continuing to do so without removing it will reward you with gems or maybe something else.

    What seperates this from other similar 'sub' games is the feeling of control. You can just to offer a specific hole to enemies. Maybe they listen, maybe they don't.
    You can just kick or punch them out. And rape them yourself if you are horny enough and the enemy allows it. Ironcially, you don't get to choose hole you rape.
    Recently it added a 'seduce' minigame which gives you a lot of control over what you do but you can't do as often as you'd like to.

    This feeling of control which can be broken very easily; the drop from a confident 7 inch dicked man to dickless bimbo, while still being able to go back, is to me, much more enjoyable than simply being dumped in situations you have 0 ability to even attempt to resist. And no other game does it as well.

    Combat is very basic. You can slap, knee or kick. Kicking scales with heel length. Using heels makes you easier to trip; negated over time by walking in them. Just not using more than 3 inch or so heels early makes them a strong reliable option.
    You can get melee weps (club, sword, gun, etc) for hand but they have weird rules determening their damage the game doesn't bother to explain. The club does more damage if you are horny, but not too horny, for exmaple.
    You can also knee and apparently this scales to gear too, although I've never seen anything hinting at this myself, anywhere.

    The game only gets 4/5 because it does have some issues.

    Something which really bugs me and makes the game a lot less 'comfy' than it could be is that it will occasionally have messages which say 'MORE' in red. You need to press a key on the keyboard to move these. Everything else is mouse only. Should be able to move these via click.

    Performance wise, I find the game to be slow and unresponsive a lot of the time. It will eat inputs or seem like it is then accept a dozen in a row because it lagged so hard.

    The game has a lot of customization options; trophies which add passive, potentially game wide effects, tattoos which add passives to you, clothing, accessories, your bag, skills. Tattoos, clothes and accessories should logically be visible. But they're not. Only wonderfuller attempts to make them visible, but it only covers like 1 pair of sock type wear and 3 panties. The body just has too much variance to make this realistic, really.

    The gameplay is mostly fine, but there are three aspects off the top of my head I dislike

    One: Being unable to suck dick when too horny. I want to suck all the dick, all the time. You can fix this via fapping but the game punishes that via summoning chastitiy belt.

    Two: While their are costumes (or at least one) and scenes to help domination as a playstle, the scenes aren't very good and picking the scene you want doesn't have a proper UI. You just keep saying no until it stops offering. Your dick also often 'won't wake up'. There's, far as I can tell, 0 indication anywhere on the UI on how long it takes it to wake up. Or if its ready. So you end up awkwardly running away from an enemy you beat to 1/10th hp waiting for your dick to go off cooldown to try for a scene that's going to suck anyways . There is a piece of gear to negate this, which gives you a 20 inch dick, but that has its own extremely punishing unwritten rules you have to obey if you use it. And you may never find the recipe for it. Or realize it offers this ability.

    There's an optional questline where you attend a slut school. The option to do this is 5 seconds into the game and one time per game. Having to never do this or immediately do it is annoyingly limiting.
    If you do join it, you get infinite free semen to drink, access to trophies and some other nice things, but you also get constantly hounded to visit it every X turns. And every few times you visit it the teleporter bugs out, forcing you to go to much further areas in the game, then find the way back to where you want to be. Its just kind of annoying.
  20. P
    5.00 star(s)


    Highly replayable, with gameplay decisions that influence h-scenes and vice-versa.
    Both the gameplay and engine have a slight learning curve, but it's totally manageable. In return, you get lots of customization and detail about the world, the development of your character as well as its appearance.
    Probably one of the most well-realized and polished dungeon-crawler type game.