Unity - Completed - Travel through the adult game and build a harem [v1.0] [LemonTart]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    i don't care what people say
    having game over because you fucked too much in hentai game is idiotic

    Animated sex scenes
    Maid Costume
    Voiced sexual interactions
    nicely looking girls
    just to ruin it all with forced gameover on sex
    i also suspect use of AI in this, but can't tell for sure
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a truly amazing game, what a piece of art, I have not experienced such emotions is so long playing games, I would never think I could experience them in a porn game, the art was amazing, the story was was normal but still amazing I felt tension through 60% of the game, the dialouges, except for few, were amazing in the same dialogue I had a rollercoster of the emotions, dialogues could make me like: yees, then noo, then yes again, then fckk noo and yess AGAIN, I enjoyed getting all of the cg's thus all endings, I personally liked True End the most, I just can't explain in words how great this game was I will not delete it for now and I will just have it on my desktop so I can remember it, thanks for posting it and/or making it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    All 3 LIs are adorable and have a distinct personality, well done on making a short and sweet game, zero grind and very enjoyable.

    Highly recommended if you like the drawing style, although the harem ending seems a bit forced,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly fun game especially for people who have played a ton of other H games. Game has a pretty good story with a nice few emotional moments and makes a ton of meta jokes on people who play H games.