Wolf RPG - Completed - Treasure Hunter Claire [v1.07] [Acerola]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good but grindy, because it mostly variants of the same basic quests of fetch, talk, fight and repeat. Execution is good, but the insulting part is to force players to play through twice at least to get true ending.

    Pro tip: speed run through the first round if you're going for true ending. I can't be bothered, so downloaded the full save instead.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing the heck out of this recently and love it. There's a good variation of outfits, which can be seen in scenes. Loads of cgs. Really nice art style. And a really cute and sexy cast of characters. If your looking for a fairly easy game that still involves some input to get to the sex somewhat, give this game a try n_n
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.07

    Overall a game that does not invent or innovate on anything, but it does take the basics and use the to craft something good. Compared to other similar Japanese games, this one is quite good. The only real thing that feels like like a big negative is the fact that this game feel like its short, like its still in beta, a game that has the basics made but needs time to add more.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is the strong point of this game. Although it's mostly walk up to npc talk get scene the pacing is fast enough and amount of scenes large enough it works. Art is clean and nice. Most scenes were pretty mid for me except for maybe 2 or 3 really hot ones but still it was a good game for a couple of hours. Plot is kind of generic but hey, atleast they tried to explain why MC fucks every stranger. Some games just say "that's what she does lol".

    Art 4/5
    Story - 3.5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 3.5/5
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna lie, this game was a let down. What started out as a promising adventure quickly devolved into a poorly-drawn fuck simulator with a cliche plot and awful mechanics.

    This is probably the biggest area of complaint for me. Most of the game is just completing repetitive quests that mostly fall into three categories: defeat x number of enemies, scavenge for items, and beat a boss. The quests tend to be incredibly arbitrarily specific in their rules too. Dozens of times I completed what would be the objective of a quest or searched an entire area, only to find out that I had to talk to the person who posted the quest first (even though all the details about the quest are from the initial posting) and that NONE of the things I did counted towards said quest. There are also other kinds of quests involving visiting various NPCs, but these are in the severe minority and usually are just an excuse to see the silhouette of a person sexually assault a female character.
    Combat in this game is extremely repetitive and completely unbalanced. Regular enemies are often more difficult to beat than bosses. This is in large part due to a mechanic which offers nothing but another poorly drawn porn image. Enemies can "restrain" characters, bending them over and having their way with them. During this time, the only thing that character can do is "struggle" which is just a regular attack. Your character also take extra sexual damage for every attack directed their way. So if you have a mage, that attack might only deplete a sixth of the enemy's health. If three turns go by with the enemy restraining a character, that character cums, stunning them for FIVE TURNS. The assailant is stunned for four, but none of the other enemies are affected. Combine this mechanic with the all too regular occurrence of encountering five enemies at a time, and you have a very frustrating encounter. I could go on about the gameplay flaws, but honestly I've written more than this game deserves already.

    The art in this game is very generic. All H-scenes are still images with text, with the still image usually being a few disembodied penises (sometimes even attached to a pelvis and legs!) filling a character's holes. They cum, the character resists but secretly likes it, rinse and repeat. Body proportions are massively unrealistic and physics seem to be a foreign concept, making the still images even duller.
    I also came across numerous visual glitches, most of which concerning tile layers. I would often find myself underneath something below me or on top of something above me. I even noticed a character's tongue clipped behind an article of clothing in a character portrait, cutting off the entire right half of the tongue. Every aspect of artistic design screams that it was hurriedly cobbled together for the sole purpose of making a quick buck.

    There's not much to say about the story line. You play a quirky girl who loves money, and finds out she's the hero. The driving force of the story is basically just ripped straight from
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    complete with the
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    Overall, the plot is incredibly generic, filled with cliches and stereotypes and does very little to actually get the player invested in any of it.

    As I see it, this game is nothing more than a porn slideshow. You can choose what slides you want to see next by beating some very generic gameplay, and get rewarded with rushed and amateurish art. If you want to get off to it, just look for a gallery of images from the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    art 5/5
    gameplay 5/5
    story 4/5

    This is one of the best wolf rpg game i've ever play.
    The art style are super nice and tight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    The freedom play style are super good and the grinding are simple and fun, plus you can actually play it with one hand (10/10 IGN)
    The story are... eh.. generic, good generic tho.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best I've played in this genre. Loved the customization of the different outfits you can put together. Lots of experimenting to do. The quests can be a little tedious but don't usually take too long.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have my complaints about the gameplay but the sheer variety and quality of CG more than makes up for any drawbacks the story/setting/gameplay may have. There did come a time about two hours in where I was done with the game because of one-shotting everything and there was no corruption or story angle to keep me going as the game had devolved into a scene collector. But again, the scenes more than make up for it.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1514239

    I really enjoyed this game . . . to the point where I don't have a lot of specific "good / bad" because the game flowed so smoothly. But I'll give the details a shot:

    - Attractive MC (you can choose big or small breasts at the beginning).
    - Lots of clothing choices.
    - Lots of NPC events.
    - Interesting ideas - one of my favorites . . . if the MC gets "sprayed" in battle, she then wears the jizz until you wash it off. So . . . . just never wash it off and you get a sexy MC covered in spluge. Awesome.
    - Get quests at "home" so you don't have to wander around.
    - H-scenes aren't animated, but there are a variety of pictures and most of the time the setting / scenario / text is sexy.
    - No bugs.
    - Also get to develop companions, which can fight with you. This adds complexity in addition to the top-tier combat system (fight, spells, H-power, items).
    - Vast amount of things to do. I recommend improving your relationship with your companions - makes them stronger and eventually they'll walk around naked with you.
    - Reasonable story without being too complex or require a photographic memory.

    Tl:DR: Sexy MC. Good and plentiful H-scenes. Fun quests and character development. Entertaining combat.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Total Playtime ~8hrs (only SUPER-sloot run)

    That was honestly an amazing game!It has pretty much everything to have a good time.

    Story: As usual it follows the classic adventure genre story,Claire hears about a treasure then goes there to find it etc..But the way it unveils is well-thought out so it doesn't feel too stereotypical,also also it gives you hints every now and then about the true ending.

    Art: Maybe one of the best art I've seen so far tbh.If u like the THICC kinda of artstyle that has been around lately,this is right up your alley.

    Cgs: Tons of them,and think you can get all of them in a single playthrough (obviously with a super-sloot claire run).Most of them involve claire but the available content for the companions is also amazing and is equally distributed between companions meaning all of them get the same amount (give or take) of content

    Companions : (I had to make a separate paragraph for them) all companions incorporate in the story quite well and don't feel like they're there just to add a few more cgs (except yukino,yukino was added only for content,but i'll let that slip because it's nice to have crossovers)

    Gameplay: Pretty straigtforward nothing too difficult everything is linear.in every place you visit there are "gather" quests,"beat certain amount of monsters" quests,mini boss quest and special event quest.Tbh, there is no actual intense grinding in the game because her stats increase insanely when claire undress

    Clothing system:No spoils just go and find everything!!! some quest require special clothing

    Overall I think mostly everyone will enjoy this game.
    Worth playing ? Definetely!! But have some spare time because it's pretty long

    Also,a hint if anyone is going for the "good" ending : you need a certain title,and just don't skip everyting...

    Also also,don't forget to perversion coercion your companions,

    Also also also, Jessica BEST girl!,fight me.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great. The UI, character and map designs are wonderfully done and the gameplay is pretty entertaining. The idea of the proposition system is also quite interesting and I'd love to see something like it implemented in more games. The only reason I don't rate this 5 stars is because I feel there could be more diversity in the H scenes. Many of the scenes are done with only a silhouette of the creature or person to allow the pose or scene to be reused for different encounters. If enemies had their own unique sex scenes this game would be nearly perfect. The only other complaint I can think of is that you can't have sex with most of your companions, which was quite disappointing, but that's just my taste.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    1. MC was well done...cute, funny, and actually grew as a person throughout the story.
    2. Support characters had varied personalities.
    3. Artwork.
    4. At least some attempt at making an interesting story.
    5. Variety of outfits providing different skills/abilities.
    1. Battles were uninteresting, and repetitive.
    2. MC became overpowered 3/4 of the way through.
    3. Ridiculous cum sound effect.
    4. Outside of a few somewhat erotic scenes the sex is uninteresting.
    Overall, a good game that with a better fighting system and less repetition in the sex scenes had potential to be a classic.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't even completed 50% of the game and yet it already completely amazes me.

    Tons of scenes, actually so many scenes it makes me afraid that il miss some but it dosen't seem like you can miss anything permanently, which is a huge plus. Voice acting is superb. Art is okay, but a bit too "clean" for my taste, like everything is a bit too puffy and artificial. However, It is uncensored , which pretty much makes up for it, so art is great.

    Story is a bit shallow, nothing more than you'd expect from porn game. You pretty much jump straight into the porn stuff with almost no build up but its seems to be a long game so it dosen't matter. For the characters however, there is quite the variation and scenes they are in, so there is a kink for almost everyone. Talking about customization...

    That is what really takes the cake.
    The customization options is simply insane! Scenes literally change dependently on what clothes you choose to wear, which means there must be millions of variations! You can customize the wardrobe to your preference with almost every scenes, I have never seen anything like it.
    I saddens me though that with this advanced level of customization that they didn't add a simple pubic hair option, though....

    Overall, a large, awesome game, with some unique features. Its games like this that I might actually spend money on.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. The fights are good for this genre. Balance is very strange. There are too many quests, in the end I have not read. The story is banal. Especially amused the quests with traps. Not a bit sorry for the time spent.
    p.s. risque swimsuit you can buy in perverts village
    p.s.s translated by google
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    gameplay: really fun

    story: very good

    characters: very good

    draws (cg): really good

    scenes (eroticones):really hot

    conclussion: this game is really fun to play, watch and enjoy, the main character is really fun, and i have areally good time playing it.
    the strongest point (beside the amazing graffics) is the gameplay not just you can fight your way to victory, but you can also fuck it...SIGN ME IN!!

    this game TOTTALY deserve your time and money.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    the CG is as good as it gets.
    story is pretty good.
    plenty of little scenes to discover.
    translation is good.
    the in-game world models are crisp.
    lots of good wardrobe to choose from across all your characters.
    lots of quests.

    the only downside is the game balance. if you use experience which is very easy to get from killing mobs to level up your character even a few levels, you become overpowered being able to one shot everything. if you use collected semen to level up your clothes and remove them, you gain huge stat bonuses and also become overpowered.

    if you want any sense of challenge from the combat i recommend not leveling up your characters or stats (until you maybe encounter something that you can't beat otherwise), not leveling up your clothes, and not removing any clothing before entering combat.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game! Lots of content, and many supporting characters with different costumes and CG. The translation is great quality too, it is complete and better than most third-party translated games. It is awesome to play a high-quality, complete game.