RPGM - Completed - Treasure of Nadia [v1.0117] [NLT Media]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved Lust Epidemic and Treasure of Nadia is its sequel. A total of 12 waifus and around 135 sex scenes, the point and click part of the game is fun and the story is decent. The game overextends itself however and would've worked better with less characters.

    The models are where this game shines. The sex scenes look amazing and very degenerate, where all the love interests are basically turbo-sluts, but they have their own decent story arcs. However, the main character looks weird, he looks like a 30 year old 16 year old, for lack of a better term and he also has one of the most comically large cocks in porn games.

    Overall it's a great game, not the best story, but definitely some of the best porn scenes out there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game it's so amazing! The sex scenes are very hot with such very good animations. With very good puzzles.

    The story is very good, love that kind of "naive, ingenuity and innocent" personality of some characters. Also that type of personality of the doctor...so hot!

    What I would love to see in such very good porn game like this is some more type of kinks such urination and pregnancy.

    Recommend this game!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by how Treasure of Nadia manages to blend classic adventure gameplay with a mature twist. Roaming through Cape Vedra feels like diving into an old-school treasure hunt—every puzzle you solve and artifact you uncover feels genuinely earned. But what really elevates the game is its cast. The twelve female characters are crafted with such attention to detail—their fluid animations, distinct visual styles, and expressive gestures bring the narrative to life in a way that feels refreshingly human. Even if the menus can be a bit clunky at times, the overall charm of each interaction and the rich, cinematic erotic scenes make the experience hard to put down. Overall, it’s an adventure that balances intrigue, challenge, and mature storytelling without ever feeling forced.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    To be honest, I feel lazy rating both this part and the sequel since the pros and cons are very much the same. Still, I might address some changes within the review. I still recommend a playthrough for everyone, as the reasons for an average rating are mostly subjective and due to my protracted playthrough.

    First of all, I feel obligated to highlight the graphics. Not only are all the scenes animated, but even the non-H scenes feature great visuals. The only possible negativity could be the overly jiggly tits—which, frankly, no one on this forum could have an issue with. Even though the graphics of the map, where most of the game is spent, start to feel shabby, this is mostly due to my resolution settings and was not included in the rating.

    Gameplay-wise, we’re talking about an RPG Maker-like walking simulator. Although it isn’t usually something I hate—similar to RuneScape: Adorevia—the split between the jungle and park locations can make navigation tiring, leaving a bad taste after finishing it. Another issue is the weird grind concept that carried over into the sequel. Sure, you need money to keep the crafting (the change to crafting in the sequel was highly appreciated), yet, given the amount of content and the linearity, the idea of the additional scenes feels odd—especially when you have to upgrade your house with an unholy amount of money.

    The story in both games is great. Sadly, I never thought I’d say this about adult games, but the H-scenes are sometimes too invasive, causing me to skip through them. In the first 20 minutes of gameplay, when I was just starting the game to see more of the story, I encountered 3–5 sex scenes. This might not be an issue for most, but I still find some of these situations to be overforced or just out of place given what was happening in the story. The same goes for a large part of the conversations that expand on characters and relationships; since they often appear in place of story progression, they can feel overwhelming or misplaced. Still, it is worth noting that the characters and the solid parts of the interactions are well crafted, keeping the immersion intact.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent. Great models, a fun story and a good ending. I almost couldnt ask for more. Its one of the few games that I've felt are really satisfying and one of the even fewer games that I've come back for multiple play throughs. It even motivated me to buy the entire series on steam.

    They seriously did a good Job.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    by far the best games are created by NLT Media, huge fan. Started playing a few years back and i keep coming back for more. i'm not even a fan of these games where you have to walk around and do all this random shit (RPGM) but these are all worth it. I just have to wait for some updates to come out before i can play to enjoy the games. This one in particular is one of his best.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really well made, with top-notch art and animations and an interesting story. But the grind is brutal. It’s hard to progress without a walkthrough, and even with one, it can be confusing. I played until about 64% and just never went back. Too much work for too little fun.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations: 10/10 Top of the line
    Renders : 10/10 Top of the line
    Sex Scenes: 10/10 Great variety
    Story : 9/10 Intriguing and captivating
    Gameplay/Pace : 8/10 enjoyable for the most part. Some parts felt a little sloggish.
    Sound: 8/10 Good music and sound design.
    Characters(writing/design) : 9/10 Great variety of women with personalities and great design
    Mc(writing/design): 5/10 Worst part of the game is Mc, could've been better but not too terrible.

    Overall 9.5/10 Probably my fav adult game
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    What can I say. It's too good of a game for porn and too good of a porn for this kind of a game. RPG aspects, even though sometimes pretty grindy, can suck you into the story (which can be shabby at times but never becomes trivial filler that exists just to connect sex scenes), but once you're involved you would get interrupted by unexpected sex scenes when all you want is to reach that chest you saw somewhere. On the other hand as soon as things start heating up with the girl you really want to take to bed, suddenly you need to collect 100 of somethings which kills any momentum. For some reason, in some situations, game tends to force you to leave an area on autopilot, leaving it unexplored. Inventory management is tedious, but ingame help is perfect. Sex scenes are absolutely stellar, whoever did them deserves 10/10. I however think they would benefit immensely from a different game setting, constant mind switching between adventuring and sex doesn't bring pleasure in neither, at least to me. But nobody can deny obvious passion and hard work that went into this game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily on the short list of best porn games I have ever played. Very high quality, and the sex scenes are all very well animated with some lovely ladies and many hours worth of playtime and content. Love my harem of squirting beauties and enjoyed playing through the story
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is pretty basic, like RPG maker meets Sierra games of old, lots of backtracking and item collection.

    Where this one shines is the CG scenes. They're hot. Not just good but some legitimately sexy scenes with some originality.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play game, great models, great storyline and not to mention the feel of the game good balance of the story and open world and that you have to work for most things girls, improving your home, figuring out puzzles and if you need help the soul stone doesn't tell you word for word what to do but like a clue if you're in need. 10/10
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply one of the best sexy adult games on the market! Great story, great gameplay, great sexy scenes! It's the trifecta! Seriously, this guy needs more Patreon support! I hate that I have no money and have to get the game here!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good animations, excellent story, perfect womens and much collectibles and scenes, the game is one of most incredible i've seen on the plateform. We also have integration of a lore between games to add a nice point to the game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The videos are okay, but the gameplay is unintuitive and solving via the shard is just a bandaid.
    The gameplay grind is okay but not exactly fun and most importantly, the story and especially the dialogue writing is absolutely cringe.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I stopped playing this game some time ago, finally had the time to pick it up again and "finish it" and well, cant say it is that good. I couldn't manage to go past 40%, it is just that bad and the only reason I got that far was because I was kind of forcing myself to keep going because I had already wasted so much time

    I got to recognize this dev consistency and dedication,with so many lazy milkers scamming people with games, that has to be recognized. However, I find very few positive things about this game other than the renders and animations that are really, really good. Perhaps it has some moments where it is funny, but not that many.

    The gameplay is okish for a rpgm but sometimes feels like a hassle collecting stuff, checking how to craft others, depending on some rng for some items, etc. But the most important part of these games which are the characters, their personalities and relationships progress, etc. They are just not good or likeable in general, it is hard to make me dislike incest characters in a incest game but somehow this game managed to do just that, couple that with this devs obsession with lesbianism that sometimes gets to ridiculous levels and most characters having room temperature iq, it just made me not care and actually want to avoid half of the love interests in the game. And well, since you cant avoid them you are forced to waste hours playing the plot of characters you dont like. writing dialogs are pretty mediocre with some funny bits that are not that common, most times just feels very silly, stupid, and honestly, cringe.

    Anyway, I wanted to give it a 3* just for the work in the visuals, but I just did not enjoy this game, it was definetly not worth the time I invested playing it, so cant give it more than a 2.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Really tried to understand what people see in this game that is so extraordinary, but after playing through over 40% of it, I couldn't. It's bad to average (at best)

    1. Scenes are well animated (and there are a lot of them)
    2. The game is actually finished (unlike most games on this site)

    1. The actual gameplay is pretty bad (the puzzles aren't fun at all, there's lots of mindless grinding, having to collect a bunch of pointless items just to progress in the story or to be able to grind more efficiently etc.).
    2. The writing is average at best, story isn't that engaging, dialogue often feels weird and unnatural.
    3. Relationships and scenes are very unrealistic. Now, considering this is obviously a game I didn't expect them to be realistic, but the way this game goes about it is often just ridiculous (e.g. one of the LIs doesn't even know how sex works, or what a dildo is, another LI (really just the MC's sister) is shy about relationships, so the town doctor recommends her to watch MC and his girlfriend having sex to overcome the shyness) And there are many more examples just like these (and don't even get me started about how even though the MC has the face of a 12 year old all the LIs seem to just be throwing themselves at him).
    4. This one is somewhat similar to the last one, but the use of lazy plot devices and tropes (mostly for sex scenes), e.g. if the doctor doesn't fuck the MC he's gonna die, the masseuse just so happens to give sexual massages, the MC discovers a working love potion and has to, of course, test it multiple times "for science" and ends up giving to multiple LIs etc.
    5. The voice acting. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying there's barely any of it to begin with. Watching the trailer you may be lead to believe that the whole game (or at least a significant chunk of it) is voice acted, but it's not. In reality, every character has a few generic lines that they will repeat whenever greeting each other, and, on occasion you will have a random line or two voice acted in the middle of a conversation (usually the more "tense" or "important" moments)

    Realistically, the only thing this game has going for it are the sex scenes themselves, as I mentioned there's a lot of them and they're animated pretty well. However if all you're looking for are animated sex scenes, there's plenty of animated porn that looks way better than this game.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Dropped after a few hours. From what I saw, there was a lot of content, but nothing engaging. Characters are shallow, juvenile implementations of stock fetish archetypes. There's the possibility of a plot somewhere in the future, but it certainly wasn't in a rush to go anywhere. Most of the game seems to consist of arbitrary fetch quests, in the pursuit of eventually unlocking a short sex scene. The animations and graphics are generally high quality in a technical sense. But it doesn't matter how technically impressive they are - without decent writing, pacing, build up, or direction, you might as well watch clips from unrelated pornos.

    Overall, I invested several hours into this one and didn't see anything nearly justifying its score. Pass.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is okay on a technical level but in practice it feels like an exercise in jebaited frustration more than anything. The entire game feels like it's always just building up and building up. So you grind and fetch, waiting for the payoff. But it never really comes. Instead, this game just kinda slaps you in the face with "to be continued" before any of the villains storylines are resolved. And worse, the sequel does not even continue the story with this guy as the MC. So outside of probable cameos, all the investment you put into his story will go into the toilet. Like playing abandonware.

    Moreover, a lot of the sex scenes are just kinda ruined as the game almost always forces the pull-out even towards the end. Truly a baffling decision. Again, it's like they were building up to the harem letting MC finish inside. But after a few token impulse creampies, they force MC back into the neverending cycle of pull-outs. This along with how the scenes actually play out with intoxicating "love potions" often just leaves an impression that the women view MC as more of a giant dildo than an actual romantic interest.

    The booty call and home building mechanics at the core of the game are super half-baked. All the scenes in there were not even given bare minimum dialogue. Just a huge grindy time sink for a glorified pull-out animation player. When you're done, you just leave your date sitting on your bed in your own house to end it because they didn't code a proper ending to the encounters.

    Lastly, as someone who's usually a big fan of the fetish, I have to say the way the pregnancy content was handled in this game was just weird. Without getting into too much spoilers, if you're playing this game for that reason you probably shouldn't bother. Most characters don't get pregnant and the few that do do it in a creepy ritualistic way which inexplicably goes nowhere story-wise.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders and terrible gameplay. It's better to download all the CGs/clips from the game than play it, it's just a waste of time. Dialogues are worse than bad, characters are retarded and the only reason I'm not giving it 1 star is because some of the puzzles are decent. The problem is they are in minority and most of them are tedious, boring or both just like the whole game.

    + Some puzzles

    Everything else.